Ancestral Realm Opening

It was finally the day of the realm opening, and now Alex stood in the main city of the Morvoren clan, disguised as one of the dark elves, standing among them in the city center before a giant projector mirror that displayed the area of the Stormborn Peaks.

A mountain cleanly split from the center, two towering stone sentinels standing like two fingers piercing the sky, surrounded by dense, ancient jungle.

The city center was alive with the murmur of anticipation and anxiety as the gathered elves, with bright and curious expressions, spoke in hushed tones of what was coming.

"I can't wait to witness the legendary colossal storm," A young elven boy standing near Alex exclaimed excitedly.

"Vecroc, do you know the mythic origin of the century storm?" The boy asked, and the first boy nodded, indicating he knew the tale well.