
"My clan members, listen to me and listen well,"

"We did not kill Lahokse, and what you saw was just a lie fabricated by this woman, whom we once saw as our clan's beloved daughter,"

"It was she who killed her father, all for the family heirloom so she could use it to return to her origin realm, never to return, and as every father, Lahokse did not want to be separated from his only daughter,"

"But she refused to respect his demands, and when he did not agree, she killed him in cold blood and ran away with the family heirloom, only to discover the artifact she held was not complete, so she returned with outsider help to complete her desire,"

"We started a power struggle for the clan patriarch position, only to gain the support from the clans of the surrounding islands because we did not know what sort of strength the unknown individual and the power backing him wielded,"