The Dreadful Day

"Five Months Ago: The Dreadful Day"

Alex sat in the corner of a bustling pub, a plate of steaming food placed in front of him, and as he enjoyed his food, his eyes drifted over the room as he listened to the various ongoing conversations. 

The atmosphere was thick with the scent of roasted meat and various beverages, mixing with the murmurs and laughter of consumers. 

A group of men at a nearby table spoke in hushed tones about the recent mysterious death of Lady Thalia, a nobleman's wife whose sudden demise had sent ripples through Astraea. 

Whispers of suspicion and intrigue wove through their conversation, each man speculating on the possible causes and culprits.

Another table discussed mundane matters, from the latest market prices to the repair of the city's outer wall, but Alex's attention was drawn to a heated conversation happening a few tables away.