First Champion's game

Alex was zooming through a field of ashy ground with no vegetation in sight, while the sky above him was covered in dark and grey clouds, casting an ominous gloom over the landscape. 

The smell of scorched earth and heavy air filled the air, making this biome anything but pleasant. But suddenly, Alex stopped running as a ringing echoed in his mind, followed by a transparent system window appearing before him.


Name: Tomb of the Unknown Emperor

Objective: Last man standing

Participants: 120/300

Reward: 10 law tokens and one golden grade wish from the Realm Ruler or a single weapon from the Realm Treasury's lowest section

Info: The Conquest will take place inside the tomb, a labyrinth with multiple layers, each filled with treasures and traps.

•- The game will progress with the elimination of participants, as each time a third of the participants fall, new guards will spawn, and the previous ones will despawn.