Final Upgrades

'All the available skills are bangers, but this skill alone is worth more than any other, and I dare say even the time skills,' Alex thought, looking at the single skill that made all other skills look lackluster.


Name: Concept Erasure

Grade: Sixth Rank

Cost: 63000 Skill points.

Effect: Allows the user to erase selected elemental concepts of reality.

Description: The user chooses which elemental concept of reality to erase before manifesting abyssal darkness, which can be molded to take any form, and once the manifested darkness touches the target, it dissolves and integrates with the chosen phenomenon, erasing the selected concept in mere moments.

(Mana Required: ???)(Cooldown: None)


The skill was outright broken, as it could literally erase elemental concepts, meaning it could erase the freezing of ice, remove its chilly nature, dull the wind, or outright make the fire lose its ability to burn.