
A fairly large arena buzzed with chatter, as close to two hundred individuals sat in the stands, some focused on one of the two entrances while others chattered in fervor about the incoming battle.

At the forefront of the stands, a duo could be seen standing. A tall female adorned in silky white robes with a veil covering her face only revealing her icy blue eyes, which were fixated on the entrance on the right side.

By her side stood a younger girl with a petite physique yet a face with alluring beauty.

"Senior Sister, I know that Master Aeon is admirable with his sword skills, but why would he accept a battle of pure strength to the death with the Ogryn brothers, where he can't use any of his gifts besides physical strength."

"I understand that he is very strong, but surely he cannot be stronger than those two ugly brutes," The younger girl said, her voice filled with worry.