The Fifth Test (3) HISSSS!

"Whatever, just know that you'll fight them alone. I'm exhausted" Steve said as he lazily chewed on his own meat. He was so exhausted since he had been the one that set up the whole camp with the makeshift tents and all and also carried his unconscious teammates to the camp site.

"Fungi Fiend"

"What's that?" Steve asked Trygve who just said that

"Did you see it's real form?" Trygve asked back

"You mean the liquid like black creature?"

"Yes… That is the real form of the fungi Fiend. They are usually small in size but for that one to be able to take over a human body, it must've lived for more than a thousand years." Trygve said

"A thousand years?" Susan retorted

"No wonder it was so strong and fast" Anna said while rubbing her arm as if it hurt her to remember the fungi Fiend.