Tina sat down for some time trying to digest everything she just witnessed. If there was anything she knew, it was that a demon possessing someone was never good. This had caused her to worry about her friend. Mom had told her various stories of how people behaved when they were possessed. None of it was good; even one story she read about in "the good book". It also almost didn't end well until the "son of God" came along and expelled it. That was one story she dreaded. But looking at Alex, she could see a difference that made her worry. It was the fact that instead of him acting like a demon possessed, he was actually acting in sync with the Demon. It was almost as if they were the same, he had even adopted most of the demon's feature. One that was distinctive, was the change in voice. Alex had always been a person who could talk with all his emotions on the go. If he was hurt his voice was one thing that betrayed it and if he was happy, just listening to him speak would make you smile. But here he was talking like calm waves of the sea. His voice sounded very much like the guy in the mirror. His looks had changed drastically as well. The Alex she knew, was a red haired and dark eyed boy. But looking at him now, she couldn't help but notice the sparkling gold hair and the charming golden eyes that complemented his hair. In short words, he was unbelievably handsome. And this fact had worried her the most. "Alex. I wonder why you had to go and agree to the contract set up by that demon. Now how do you cope?" "Wait.... What do you mean by that? I'm sure that if you were in my shoes, having this same opportunity you would definitely go for it." " But I'm not you Alex. When you get into school how do you plan to cope because if I remember correctly, the Alex Taylor that's in the school register, is a red haired boy who doesn't speak like he owns the world. Did you ever think of it? Huh did you?" " That's true I never thought of that and now that I do, I think it's gonna be awesome." When she said her words she sounded really angry and worried but she couldn't believe that he was being so calm about this. " I wonder how you're being so calm about this. You know with everything that had happened today, I had thought that maybe you would be better. Thinking wise. But I see I'm wrong." She sighed and continued; frustration clearly felt from her voice " Good bye Alex, and also, good luck with the change I'll be leaving now." She opened the door and walked out. Alex was going after her. "Look you can't just go bailing on me. Tina.... Tina..... Tina! " She just ignored him and kept walking towards the door. " Yeah, yeah go back to your lonely life and your stupid family." When she heard those words she stopped by the door and sighed, a painful sigh. Then she spoke "I don't know what happened today, but one thing I know is that my Alex, would never want to hurt me let alone say those words. Whatever you are now, I want you to know..." She stopped to control her tears "... I want you to know Alex, if you're still in there, I want you to know that this might possibly be the last time you see me here." A tear drop fell from her eyes. Then, she walked out. Alex sat on his chair listening to everything that happened. With his enhancements, he could hear everything that took place within her. He heard as her heart beat changed drastically as she said those words. He heard it when her tear dropped and he heard her shaky breaths as she desperately tried to keep her emotions in check but her tears had betrayed them. He felt... Guilty to say the least. The first time he had met her he could see the loneliness in eyes, and he had wanted so desperately to change that. That was one major thing that endeared him to her -- his willingness to change her emotional state. Never did he think he would be able to see her in pain but here he was the main source of the pain. Just when he was killing himself with guilt, he heard a familiar voice, probably one that caused this whole drama. *You shouldn't stay here and watch her leave. She was and will be the only true friend you could have ever had and I don't think you should be losing her in a time like this. She was making a good point. This change should be hidden from the public. If not, you'd attract some unwanted attention.* "What have I done? You should have warned me at least. " *I wanted to respect your privacy. Besides, it's your life not mine. I'm just a part of you nothing more. What's more, I've never been human I don't understand how you guys think, feel and act, I didn't even know that this little conversation would turn out to be like this. Imagine how it would be if I made decisions for you. I can assure you that it wouldn't be nice. Right now, she's angry probably won't listen to you. Wait till tomorrow.* " but I'll have to go to School." *yes but you won't.* "and why is that?" * because we want her worried....* he cut him short. "I see why you don't want to make decisions for me. She's already angry and you want her worried?" *Shut up and listen. As humans, you can feel different emotions but one of them must be dominating. Her worry will dominate her anger so much so, that she will come to see you.* "and if she doesn't come to see me tomorrow?" *You won't still go to School. And if after that she doesn't come, you will still stay. If she still doesn't come you just wait longer. She will definitely come back* " How do you know that?" *I just know*.