Never letting go

'Swoosh' the sound of water was heard, it moves unceasing on the hard sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks. An immense pain quiver all over causing A blonde haired man to regain consciousness. He quickly grasp the whole situation, he had fallen down from a cliff, down to a flowing stream and has smashed his head again on a rock.

Impulsively, Smith lifted his hand to trace the source of pain. His hand landed on his head, touching it, he hissed in pain. His head spins and drummed hard that he thought his brain will burst out. Aside from his drumming head he could fell pain all over his body and he had sustain severe injuries.

Still pondering on What to do, an unpleasant smell slammed his senses making him lost concentration for a while, a metallic smell. He slowly move his gaze to see himself in the pool of his own blood flowing freely in the water.

The young blonde haired man might have regain his consciousness but not his senses and his vision is blurry. He move steadily toil his way into land.

He lay flat gasping for air for a well done job, he might have miraculously regain consciousness but he didn't escape the pain in him. Bush Rustling, footstep approaching, Smith could hear the sounds and can clearly tell someone is coming..

Raising his head up peeking towards that direction, he saw a familiar figure in front of him, the people behind the deaths of his colleagues, The once he consider to play important roles in his Life.

Instinctively, He raise his hand up only to slammed it against the ground as he had completely lost in.

"Smith, Smith" He could hear Abby voice calling him, the voice was so melodious and pleasing to the Ear especially how she stress the 'S' words, a frown suddenly settle on his face. 'How come he could hear her voice when they were no where to be found?'

Smith felt pressure on the chest, he could feel a soft hand on his chest, pressing hard like reviving someone.. 'Wait a sec am i dead? someone is applying Chest compressions on me..'

instantaneously, He shut his eyes open to confirm, he coughed out water gasping for Air, he was stunned to see the rest of his Team. He drool in Disbelieve, he rised up Zestfully Rummaging through the Vicinity.

"Hey what are you looking for?" Chris involuntarily shrugged.

Smith Halt then turn back to look at his team who had quizzical expressions plastered across their faces.

"Are you guys real?" He cliched worriedly.

"We should be asking you that?"

"Where is he?" Smith coughed.

"Where is who?" Henry responded questioning.

"Those weirdos, i saw one of them.. he was right in front of me when I fell from the cliff.." He paused before continuing "What are you guys doing here?, No.. I can't believe this i thought i lost you...."

"You fell from a cliff????" Puzzled, Adam turned to the rest before staring back at Smith, he raised a brow up intending for an explanation.

"I fell from a cliff, from up there .."He raised his hands up as they stare up into the clouds.

"You survived???"

"What a bitch, you should die for stealing the treasure" Emilia ranted with disgust all over her face.

"..." He was taken-Aback. 'They all knows, they know'

"You Moron, you're worst than those bitches. how could you do this to us. you're a murderer" The voices all rants insults on him.

"I didn't do it.." He cried out, holding his head, he wince in pain. the voice were too loud that it could damage all arteries in the brain. He knelt down with his hand on each side of his ears, "I.. I.. am sorry"

Voices screeching loud...

"Please...." He begged.



Smith woke up gasping, he jerked up scanning his environment. The last thing he remember was Blacking-out at the bed of the landscape. Right now, he's still in that spot.

'Where the hell is that guy? i saw him, i know what i saw'

"So you're finally awake?" A voice break through his thoughts, he looked up only to meet gaze with an old man, Felix. sitting on the floor, while leaning his back against a tree.

"What are you doing here?" Smith furrows his brow.

"Am i disturbing?" His lips twitched and his eyelids fluttered.

"Where is he? Those disgusting creatures you told me they will come?"

"Is that your problem?" Felix asked.

"Yes, cause i don't think i will be at peace, if I don't repay them with the same pain they afflicted on me" Smith spat in disgust.

"It won't change anything, don't go around blood thirsty like this" Felix sighed.

"And what makes you think it won't?" Smith questioned.

"Cause you will not just feel guilty but live with it for the rest of your life, or are you planning to kill yourself as well" Getting no answer from the Man, Felix let out a loud laugh before he carry on with his words "You can't die until you have a replacement. just like 'YOU' and 'ME' i didn't die until it chose you.."

"Is this some sort of punishment...." His eyes fluttered realizing something, he gaped, the Man understanding his sudden reaction nodded to confirm the doubt roaming in the young Man's thought.

Smith Huffed "No wonder you speak so positively, the last time i remember you just speak so inwardly"

"But my words were true.. weren't they?"

"Not all" Smith briskly answered. "No human can Negotiate with flesh thirsty animals"

"Who killed you?"

"Hanhi, the leader" Felix responded.

"How come you're here? aren't you suppose to be in heaven by now, or you didn't make it?" Smith scoffed.

"I am here to see you through the process" Felix huffed.


"You're in the half and half land, you are not dead, neither awake. You're being tested now by the key, if you do not let go of some grief then i can't guarantee you're going back to lives" The old man speak.

"Letting go of grief, technically means letting go of the people. i care about. What's the point of living when you're already dead inside?" Felix gave him a quizzical look, "Me.... not you" Smith rolled his eyes.

"I thought so too, I mean letting go of the people you care about, but it's up to you to decide" The old man sighed.

"WOW, everything has really changed, Even the dead now think too" He chuckle in a cheeky manner." What happens next after i decide?"

"You'll return back to life, and meet with your Team members"

"I have no one waiting for me, they are all dead, My only will is fulfilling my promise of killing all those bastard" He said with gritted teeth, his hand clench in Anger.

"I think you should let go off Hatred instead of Grief, it would be best for you and easy for me" Felix voiced out irritated at the man's adamant behaviour.

"AHH, unfortunately it won't be easy for you cause am not planning on letting go, Never" Smith hissed.