I Couldn't watch you die!

The team was locked in a Place the Kariba thought to be a dungeon, the surrounding was suffocating due to the smell as it was located in a deep rock far away, They were taken in blindfolded.

The Dungeon was dark and sounded empty, the walls were but even the slightest sound could be heard.

As of now, the sound heard was that of the sobbing Chris, he winced in pain.

"Am sorry" Abigail sobbed, She felt guilty for what had happened. She finally realized that the situation is getting worst and each time it gets worst a life is threatened.

"You never told us, Why did you keep it a secret? From us *Chuckles sadly* Thought we were a team" Emilia completed.

"Never thought it was necessary to tell, you guys hardly believe me when I told you, guys about my grandma and her diary. You would have probably thought I was one of them" Abby Calmly let out frustrated.

"And you think keeping it was the best option? Well, am out of words to say" Doc. Frank expresses his dismay.

"I couldn't watch Chris being pounced on repeatedly, I feared he might die," Abby said painfully, her dry lips starting to shed off some skin.

"We are all dying Abby, that's the truth and the fact. Your story, the world's story, your grandma's, and that of the Kariba's Screw it all. All these are going to be history one day... This is reality and we're dying in it." Adam Said.

"You're so familiar with the woods but you don't know how to exit it, so much for a story"

"There must be a way to get out of here," Abby tried to Encourage.

"Until when will you wake up from that fantasy, There's no way out of this" Adam stuttered.

A long silence swept the whole place after That, Henry just kept his words to himself, he didn't feel like saying anything cause like Adam said, this is reality.

Abby lies on the bare floor, thinking about her life and the whole scenario she was heartbroken.

'How special am I grandma? You said knowing might help me survive, how helpful is it now' Tears rolled down her eyes.