
"Not to worry. I only came here to congratulate you on your showing. Your AI calculator won't show you my power level, because I'm too strong for it, clearly. Most of the other contestants didn't use their brains properly, and chose weapons and abilities that aren't suited for combat. Which will not harm you because your aura is too powerful for them to penetrate." Stonk Durak smiles, a chill running down my spine.

"But I digress, the Studio Head will contact you after the preliminaries. If he doesn't contact you, then you're probably making him mad with your choices and you'll be eliminated by an automatic death match with a drone that seems like a contestant. We Can't interfere with the first few matches, though. it's in the rule book which we didn't even provide you." He laughs and then leaves.

"I don't want to kill people and I don't want to Die!" I scream to no one in particular.

I listen to the commentator showing the match between my probable next opponents.

"We have Kuroha Susa. She's here to fight and win! But will she?"

Her smile is Menacing and it looks like she wants to tear the face off of the enemy in front of her. The stage raises by a few feet and the outside of it fills with water, large seaborne creatures that look like they can tear me apart despite my new immense strength are let inside the water from slits in the walls. Luckily, This is a fight that I'm not in. The other contestant looks rather weak and is carrying another rifle.

The announcer tries to continue to speak but Kuroha Susa moves quickly and in a flurry of blows which each take a chunk out of her opponent in a small explosion.

"This match is already over! Our winner is Kuroha Susa! It took her almost 4 seconds to smash the other contestant into a puddle of blood and gore! And now, give it up for Moke Rurukunu who is now dead and no longer in the competition!" The announcer shouts.

The silence of the contestants in the space folded viewing area is deafening.

"She's so fast..." I think to myself.

"I must say I never expected to see such an amazing display of speed from Susa. Did anyone else?"

I look around, trying to find the source of the voice. Noticing a small speaker in the corner of the room. I wonder what kind of technology lets it fill the room so well, only for my name to be called, "will William Fieldstone please exit to the Teleport pad on his left? It's time for your next fight!"

"Okay... Time to go." I say nervously and make my way to the teleport pad.


"Welcome to the next round! In the Blue corner we have William Fieldstone, and in the Red Corner we have... Kuroha Susa!"

I look down and see my new opponent.

She appears to be Asian But that doesn't really mean much when she's from a different universe and planet all together. She has long black hair that's tied back and wears a Red, tight fitting uniform. standing across from my and looks ready to tear my throat out. Her eyes seem to flash as if she knows exactly how powerful she is and she's confident enough to prove herself against me.

Kuroha Susa smirks and charges at me with incredible speed, with fists moving in waves. I block most of the punches, but some manage to hit me hard. My arms begin to shake with pain, but I ignore it. I need to focus on stopping this girl. I step backward and dodge the incoming attack, putting more distance between us.

I bring my hands up and send a wave psychic of energy towards her. She dodges it easily, and begins punching me again, knocking me down onto my butt. I quickly kip up, using a method in my downloaded martial arts.

"You can't beat me! You know nothing about combat!" She screams angrily and swings wildly. I grab hold of her wrist and throw her on her head, causing her neck to break savagely, She slowly dies.

Her power level goes from [Power differential [1.1+] to [0.00 ] and is just labeled corpse.

As soon as her corpse hits the ground, there's a bright light surrounding it. Then, everything fades away until I appear before a studio audience. or that's what it seems like. [Studio jester-Bot power differential 0.1]

I kill the entire fake audience, making them explode violently with my fists.

[William Fieldstone wins! He gets 100 Points to spend on enhancements!]

An applause starts building in the arena, but I pay no attention. Instead, I walk toward the teleporter pad. As I get close, the AI activates and tells me where I'm supposed to go.

It takes me far away from the battle scene and into an office. There are two men sitting behind desks, talking. One man is tall and thin, while the other is short and stocky. They both turn around when I enter. The skinny one stands up and walks over to me. His hand reaches out and grabs mine.

"Congratulations, Mr. Fieldstone. You've made it past the prelims." He says in a deep tone. laughter in his eyes. like I'm some kind of joke. which to him I clearly am.

[Studio Jester-bot Power Differential 20.1+]

He leads me to a door marked 'Studio Head'. Inside, I see a chair facing a desk with a monitor. On the screen is a message telling me that I have a meeting with the Studio head in 30 seconds.

"Now that you have defeated your second opponent, you may purchase any items you'd like. Anything you would like?"

"No thank you," I reply calmly to ALICE the AI.

The AI nods and then turns off. The Studio Head appears in the Viewing screen. Of course I wouldn't meet him in person. I'm sure he'd crush me with his presence alone. I can't quite make out his features. But he's a towering giant of muscle and malice rolls off him in waves.

"So, William Fieldstone. What do you plan on doing next?" He chuckles. "Not that you have a choice. At least you won me a bit of money." He grins, revealing sharp teeth, and then pulls a lever.

I am Immediately back in the enhancement room, which has transformed into an apartment-like structure. with a king-size bed, an empty fridge and other amenities.

The monitor shows 12:00:00.

I have 12 hours to train and enhance myself.