The sound of the quill scratching against the parchment of the scroll was music to his ears. A nostalgic melody that soothed the depth of his being.
The sound of the door to his cabin slamming open was decisively less so. He knew merely from the overly forceful entrance who it was. His senior brother took excessive force and elevated it from an idea to a personal philosophy.
"Junior brother San Chanji, there you are. Come, you have roosted here long enough. Even cultivators need fresh air let alone whatever you are supposed to be.""
San Chanji pinched the bridge of his nose and pointed at the open window with one hand.
"Senior brother, any more fresh air in here and this would become a literal cloud ship."
Feng Chao laughed as he waltzed over to the window. Past the open window of his cabin - an endless blanket of billowing pearly white clouds stretched from horizon to horizon like the luxurious blanket of an immortal. The vista interrupted only by the myriad heaven defying mountaintops that pierced through, lone islands amidst a sea of white.
He whistled at the sight and then promptly slammed the window shut.
Gasping as if in fright, he continued, "Junior brother, there has been a unfortunate development in the feng shui in here. Come, let us swiftly retreat to the upper deck lest we develop heart demons from this auspicious turn of events."
San Chanji threw his quill into the quill holder with a defeated sigh. Arguing with Feng Chao, he knew, was like yelling at a brick wall.
Feigning a shudder, Sān Chājǐ exhaled and extinguished a nearby candle ,"Senior brother! Protect me, an evil spirit is nearby." He stood up quickly visibly scared sending his wooden chair skittering backwards with a sound that made his skin crawl.
"The best defense is a hasty retreat! Quickly, San Chanji!" Feng Chu roared as he executed his movement technique and leapt towards the door.
"I will notify the Sect of your valiant sacrifice in dying to buy me more time, junior brother. You will stand as a titan in the heart of the inner sect. I will make sure of it." He paused tilting his head, "Especially in the hearts of our sisters."
Despite his earlier mood, San Chanji laughed at the antics. His senior brother always managed to cheer him up. "Let me just open the window before we leave. Now that you have visited, I wouldn't want my room to smell when I come back."
Smoothly San Chanji latched the window's shutters on the metal fastenings, inhaling and enjoying the refreshing breeze. He turned the face his senior brother, a quip on his lips.
His senior brother's face was pale as snow. His whimsical face filled with uncharacteristic solemnity. "Get down!", he roared blasting forward towards him, sword half unsheathed.
San Chanji was no stranger to danger. The same instant, he saw Feng Chao's expression change. He had already begun rousing his qi.
A split second later, he threw himself downwards with all his qi enhanced strength. He slammed into the deck of the cloudship with a force that slid him forward, gliding towards Feng Chao.
Feng Chao grabbed his hand firmly as if a mountain itself clasped him before swinging him around. In a jerking motion, Feng Chao arrested his momentum mid swing.
San Chanji found himself standing behind his senior brother and hurriedly unsheathed his sword and lowered himself into a combat stance.
The window was gone. Three long jagged gashes tearing it and the wood around it apart.
In the distance - beyond the tattered remains of the window, he saw countless shadows flying above the endless expanse of clouds.
Another second passed and San Chanji felt a surge of qi thrum into existence around them. The cloudship's defensive formations activating at the Elders' command.
A simmering barely perceptible barrier appeared beyond the ship. San Chanji saw one of the shadows and his heart trembled as he recognised it.
A cloud mountain banshee.
They never went beyond the clouds, he thought in confusion.
Feng Chao exchanged a pointed look with him. They both nodded and together left the ruined cabin behind.
The defensive formations protected them now but that did nothing to the banshees already inside. He could hear the screams and splintering of wood above him.
The mortal crew dying in droves to threats they were never supposed to be exposed to.
Anger and qi boiled furiously in his veins. Each anguished cry a dagger to his heart. A reminder of their failure to protect the crew.
Reaching the central hallway of the cloudship, they raced down its length towards the nearest staircase. Doors around them either opening or locking shut.
The disciples too weak to help - hiding inside and those strong enough streaming out to join them as they flooded upwards in a torrential surge. The staircase was filled with disciples, a raging river of blue cloth.
Pride surged in his heart at the sight of his brothers and sisters valiantly racing forth towards danger. This was his sect. This was the Sapphire Lake Sect.
Feng Chao surged up, flowing smoothly between the throng of people like water. San Chanji followed tightly behind.
His heart tore at the sight of bloodied crew and disciples, sitting against the wall in the staircase being tended to.
They were in the way, yet San Chanji knew that now the staircases would be one of the most secure locations aboard. At least until everyone had reached their designated positions.
The cloudship buckled underneath his feet. The sense of vertigo enveloped him as gravity reasserted its hold on the cloudship. Screams filled the air as they fell downwards. Sān Chājǐ activated his movement technique, the air around his feet rippling like water as he continued running. Seconds later, the cloudship recovered escaping the tyrannical hold of gravity once more.
Disciples slammed into the stairs as the cloudship stopped falling. Feng Chao had sped up and San Chanji pushed his movement skill harder catching up to his senior brother as they tore out onto the deck.
Two large banshees were raging across the deck fighting the many arrayed cultivators. Their wings slashing about like scythes as they lunged.
San Chanji stared at the sight, where were the Elders? Then he saw them floating in the air, robes fluttering in the wind. Swathes of qi and sword intent flew down the sides of the cloudship. Each attack met with the skin crawling screech of a banshee crying out in anguish.
_They were focusing on the ones burrowing into the hull of the ship.
"Junior brother - attack the violet coloured banshee, I will take the black one." Feng Chao exploded into motion. The deck underneath him splintering as he leapt into the air.
San Chanji watched his senior brother fly, sword bared to meet the most dangerous opponent of the two.
The violet one was still a violent one, San Chanji thought observing the banshee for a moment before engaging.