Chapter -7

After our emotional reconciliation my son was not leaving me at all. He had to get all the work done by me now. I fed him with my own hands and he was so attached to me in such a short time . I didn't feel like leaving him either. I wanted to be with him too...

After a while it was night, so aston asked me if I would like to stay there but I had no clothes so I said no, I want to go.

of course I can't stay here... I am still making my mind stedy with these things... I have never in my life thought that I ran from a marriage and then again stuck in another marriage.

there is a phrase in India " Aasmaan se gire khazoor me latke " that means landing on another problem while having a problem in hand. . .... this is the same thing happening in my life....

I really like Aaron very much I want to love him like a mother... but did I want to be a wife?i am again thinking nonsense which I don't have any solution...

after some time I try to leave for my home . but aaron start giving tantrums I know he was feeling that maybe I don't came back to him... he is very insecure kid. I try my best to make him understand but after my all try he didn't want me to leave... so for him I decided to stay for a night.

Aaron went to his room and slept. His room was huge but there was a small bed in one corner. I couldn't sleep with him on such a small bed. That's why I told him that only you sleep I will stay in the next room.

After putting the room to sleep, I went to Aston' s room. I want some clothes for changing my this uncomfortable dress of course I can't sleep in this dress I had decided to sleep in guest room. His room was very big and was painted with grey color.and it give his arrogant aura....

He was lying on his bed and his eyes were closed. not to notice he look devilishly handsome in this pose.I knocked on the door. feeling guilty to make him waking. he look tired. He opened his eyes and saw me. I looked at him and we both kept looking at each other. I asked him if I would get some clothes to wear as I don't brought any clothes with me.

he has been staring me... like he was analysing something... then after some minutes he replied...

"Yes, there is closet area on that side. You can take whatever you want from there and you have to stay here in this room. you know don't you?"

didn't he have sone secrets in his closet that he want to keep.... how can he say some stranger to open his closet .... never mind. 🙄

"when it was decided ??? I am going to stay in the guest room."

I said in shocked tone like seriously when the hell I agree for sharing a room with this to be husband of mine?

"you will stay with me in this room because you are my fiance and it will not be a problem for both of us to stay together because we are getting married any way. You should make a habit of staying in this room. Go. Go and change it. I'll order dinner, you haven't eaten anything." he said no no no he ordered me... like he own me.

"You are too stubborn, I will not stay in this room. I am Indian and Indian girls don't stay with an unknown guy." I stated the worst thing like seriously can't I think something else. he will never buy this lie 🤥.

" I will not be in a good mood for fighting right now, so don't spoil my mood. Anyway, I want to tell you something special. now go and change." he said in his rude tone.... this man can never be humble in his life and that for sure.... always bossy.

I didn't want to talk to this stubborn person anymore , so I went to freshen up and then came back to the bedroom after some time I saw that our dinner was kept on the table there.

I wore a white Aston's shirt that came down to my knee and I didn't wear anything else inside coz I had nothing to wear.Aston was sitting on the bed and doing something on his phone. He had not seen me yet. After a while his eyes were fall on me and he stared me with..... lust??????. ohh shittttttt...

now it's uncomfortable....

his eyes gives me goosebumps... this is really tempting.... ugghhh I suddenly start feeling hot 🥵 ...

He got up from the bed and started coming towards me. My steps started to go back.

why the hell he is coming near me... I have never in my life feels this kind of thing these all are not my thing....

" W ...w...hat are you doing? D....d....don't come near me , stay away from me please...don't come near me."

I asked him in my shaky voice.... I can't really form the words when he was looking this hot and handsome with his messy look ....

aston held me and put his hand on my waist he pull me close ...

"you look so hot in my shirt I can feel your whole body like this..... didn't you wear inners 😏😏😏.. "

I could see him smirking 😏 on my this state... ooh God why he is this handsome.. I just can't form a word like this.

how the hell he knows it? it's not like he can see under my clothes? or he can???? 😳

he came close to my face I close my eyes tightly but I can't feel anything.. so I open my eyes..... he was staring me then come close to my ears and said in his husky voice...

aston - let's eat babes...

then he leaves me there all hot and bothered.