Chapter -11

when we reached ... Aaron was doing something in notebook. He had a very serious expression on his face. It seemed like he was doing something very serious.I thought go and see what he is doing. he was drawing something.... there was a man and woman and with a child in the middle.

Being away from his mother has had a profound effect on a child's mind. This can be seen very easily. How much does he need to be a perfect family.... and I will try my best to give it to him .

I looked at Aston , he had a very sad look on his face.. of course now I want to know what the hell is happened with his ex wife....

" Aaron what are you doing wow this is such a beautiful painting. have you made?" I asked with admiration. I wanted to give this child all the happiness in the world. It seemed like there was a lot of sadness in him . So I wanted to give him all the happiness.

Aaron became very shocked after seeing me. he thought I would come after a while. But I came so early. He was overjoyed to see me. He immediately hugged me and asked mom, you came so soon.....????

"Yes and I have come so early so now we are all going to have fun. Tell me what will you eat, I will make it for you." I asked him as I want to give the feeling of family to him. I love of a mother.

" Really okay, I want to eat. I know you are Indian. I want to have some Indian food which is very tasty. can you make it for me?" he asked with little hesitation.

awwwww how cute...

I noticed how brightly his eyes are looking when I mention about food. of course he was hungry it's snacks time.

"Why not I will definitely make it for you. I know what I will make and it is going to be very tasty and very sweet and I know you will love it." I said .

He became very happy and in happiness he hugged his father and said, that " papa mummy is very nice she is going to make something delicious for me 😁..... "

" Yes, I have seen and heard that too well. Now go to the room and study for a while till your mother makes something to eat . " Aston told him that he did immediately.

he ran towards his room to finish the order his father have gave, but I want to spend thime with him.... aston really need some training hiw to behave with children he always giving him oders like he is also his employee. I shakes my head and went to kitchen.

When I was cooking something in the kitchen, someone gave me a hug from behind and I knew who he was.

today he was really in touchy mood.... I was thinking that he was the same aston I know from 2 days... the same guy who is the CEO of one of the biggest company.

He kissed my neck first and placed his hands on my stomach. It was such a beautiful feeling. I feel the sensation in my whole body....To tell the truth, I had never felt this filling in my entire life. It was all very new to me. I thought I would fall because my legs are became like jelly his breath are doing something strange in my heart. i want to feel him....his touch are so soft....But he hold me tightly and Don't let me fall.... This kiss was very sensual and I was feeling butterflies in my stomach. I felt like I had gone to a new world.... world of intimacy...

I didn't want to ignore this feeling anymore. I also wanted to kiss him and I looked directly at him....Without delay he understood what I wanted to say, but then he stopped and looked me in my eyes. Probably wanted to ask me if I wanted to kiss and I absolutely wanted to. That's why I didn't wait and kissed him. His lips are very much rough and as soon as it falls on my soft lips, both of us feel a wave of current in our body.....

I never really kissed anyone so it's my first time... I don't know how I got so courageous that I tried to kiss him.

I didn't know how to do it, but I didn't want to break it so start copying him and do what he was doing. He smiled in between. Maybe he understood me.

ok so this is embarrassing 🙈😳

Then he gently picked me up and placed me on the kitchen counter. Both my legs were tied in his waist and I held him tightly by his neck . He had both his hands on my waist then he grabbed me very hard and pulled me towards him the lower parts of both of us were touching each other. I can't tell how intimate this feeling was. Thank god I just switch off the stove ...

Both of us did not want to break this movement. We wished that the longer we could be with each other, the better. But 🙄As soon as we both started getting more and more deep. In the same time someone scream loudly, MOMMY.....

Aaron voice interrupted our kiss..

and damm it breaks

ooh shit.... did we really kissed? it was amazing I can't believe this I had my first kiss and too with my future husband. did we really pass that stage are this is legal? hahah shut up Sam you are panicking...

We were both taking big breaths and we had a very beautiful smile on our lips. He put his forehead in my forehead and looked me in the eye and said " it was the best kiss I ever had "

I don't know about him but I have got the beautiful and bestest experience of my life.As for the first time it was the best which I never expected.....