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Huo Chili's left foot stepped on Xia Xia's right foot, and when Xia Xia said this, she reacted and moved her foot away in a hurry, but she immediately realized a problem. He didn't appreciate it, and said he stepped on his foot.

"Xia Tian, ​​the old lady is standing up for you, how dare you talk to the old lady like that." Huo Chili's temper is notoriously hot.

"You misunderstood." Xia Xia wanted to explain, and it would save trouble.

"Huo Chili, this is your territory. I didn't expect that the eldest sister of Tangtang Jianghai High School, Huo Chili, can't even solve the younger brother of her class." Xu Shaocong stood up: "Xiaoya, I'll go first, so as not to delay the fire. Sister handles the housework."

"Xu Shaocong, I will take care of your affairs later." Hot Pepper glared at Xu Shaocong and then turned to look at Xia Xia: "It is said that Bai Wuyi is a scholar, and you are right, what's the use of studying well? You don't even dare to say a word when you are so bullied, you still talk to me like this when I stand up for you."

"You have bad breath." Xia Xian frowned and didn't look at the hot peppers. He knew that the hot peppers must have been stinky tofu when he smelled them.

"You... mad at me, don't you think I dare not beat you?" Huo Chili gritted her teeth angrily. Although she had been in the same grade as Xia Xia for three years, she had never spoken to Xia Xia.

Today, she came out for Xia Xia. She didn't expect Xia Xia to talk to her like this, and she also said that she had bad breath.

"Sister Huo, I'll take care of this guy for you." The hot girl behind Huo Chili rolled up her sleeves, and was about to fight the summer.

Although the two followers of Huo Chili are dressed very non-mainstream, they are not characters to be messed with. They are the second to last in the class and the third in the class, but they are not the two of them when they fight together. opponent.

"Wait." Hot Pepper glanced at Xia Xia: "Let's go, someone will clean him up."

Xia Xia shook his head, he understood what Huo Chili meant, that Xu Shaocong just now was obviously trying to trouble him on purpose, Huo Chili would have some scruples when he shot Xu Shaocong, but now that Huo Chili doesn't care, then Xu Shaocong will naturally not let him go.

"Okay, class is over. Today's mock test." The head teacher walked into the class, and the three of them happened to be walking outside, but the head teacher didn't say anything, obviously they were used to it.

"You two, go back to the exam for me, or else I will lose my first place." Hot Chili said proudly. Her first place was the last one, and every time she took the exam, she had to take the last place in the class. One, her two subordinates are the second to last and the third to last.

"Yes, Sister Huo." The two young ladies returned to the class, but they both left the class after answering two questions at random.

Xia Tian looked at the exam papers, and suddenly countless trajectories appeared in his mind, and then the solutions of these questions appeared in his mind. He knew that these questions were all he knew, but he solved them too fast. There is no need to calculate at all, and it will be reflected in the mind.

Thirty minutes later, the questionnaire was finished, and after checking it twice, the paper was handed in.

"Xia Tian, ​​have you checked, why did you hand in so fast?" The head teacher frowned, Xia Xian answered so fast, he must not have answered well: "Did you not have a good rest recently, but don't forget to review, the college entrance examination will be soon , the teachers have high expectations of you."

"Teacher, I have finished all the answers, can I continue to take the other subjects?" Xia Tian wanted to try the other subjects to see if he still felt this way.

"After the test? Wait, I'll take a look." The head teacher picked up Xia's paper and glanced at it quickly, and found that there was no space and the paper was clean, so he handed the next subject's paper to Xia Xia. .

Just like what Xia Xia thought, these things in his mind appeared in an instant, and he didn't need to think at all, he just picked up a pen, and the papers for the other subjects were completed quickly.

After answering the paper, Xia Xia went straight to school, because the head teacher gave the paper to the teacher and found that Xia Xian answered all the questions correctly. He was able to answer all the questions in such a short period of time. It was definitely not cheating.

As soon as he walked out of the teaching building, he saw a familiar person in the summer. It was Xu Shaocong. There were four people behind him, all with big arms and round waists.

"Sister Huo, can't we help?" The three of Huo Chili watched the situation here from a distance.

"Don't worry about him, the guy with his nose upturned, it's time for him to suffer, we will go out after he suffers a little." Hot Chili said in a cold tone.

"Xia Tian, ​​it's a pity to hear that you haven't even touched Wen Ya, that tastes really good." Xu Shaocong looked at Xia Xia and said.

"She has nothing to do with me anymore. You can do whatever you want. There's no need to tell me." Xia Xia smiled, and he had already thought about it. The previous Xia Xia, who was trapped in love, died in that car accident. Xia Tian will not do anything else for that elegant woman.

"Although you don't deserve to compete with me for women at all, and you've already lost, but what I hate the most is someone thinking about my plaything." The corner of Xu Shaocong's mouth slanted slightly, and the four behind him were already rushing towards Xia Tian.

Although it is now the school's simulation class time, there are still many people watching the fun.

Those people are hiding far away. There are naturally many people who know Xu Shaocong. Xu Shaocong is a famous person in Jianghai High School, and no one dares to provoke him.

These four people are usually the overlords in each class, and there are not a few younger brothers, but they are all obedient in front of Xu Shaocong. Xu Shaocong's family has a lot of background.

Although Xia Xia didn't want to cause trouble, he was not afraid of trouble. Although his physique was not good in the past, he never flinched. Those people bullied him. Although he couldn't beat him, he resisted every time.

Now that his physique has changed a lot, coupled with the ability of his eyes, he is even less afraid of these guys.

The fat man in front of him punched Xia Xia. At this moment, Xia Xia remembered the trick Fan Lao used to him in the park in the morning. He pulled his right hand and kicked his left foot on the opponent's leg, and the fat man's body flew directly. go out.

He flew five meters away before he stopped, and slammed into the ground. His gravity was already greater than that of others. In addition, it was a concrete floor, so the fall was not light.

"Heizi, grandma, you dare to hit our brother." The other three were all ruthless characters and were not restrained by Xia Xia, but kicked Xia Xia together.

Seeing that the three of them stepped out at the same time, Xia Xian did not retreat, but swept his right leg directly to the lower plate of the three of them, and his fist slammed on the chest of the three of them. No response.

Even the three of Huo Chili, who were watching the excitement, were stunned.

"Sister Huo, I read that right, that good student fights so hard."

"The four of them are notoriously ruthless, but they were solved by him so quickly."

"He won't be a legendary master, right? My dream has always been to be a heroine. If I learn his kung fu, then my dream will come true." Hot Pepper imagined that his martial arts era was about to come true. Came: "You guys come with me."

"He's so handsome, even Xu Shaocong's people dare to fight. Who the **** is he?"

"I seem to have seen him. He is a well-known good student in the school."

"How is it possible that the good students of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com actually came out to fight, and the fight was so fierce."

The people watching the lively around were talking a lot. Xu Shaocong was a man of power in Jianghai High School, and his four subordinates were called the Four Great Kings, and they were also the bosses in his own class.

Today, the four of them were actually beaten by one person.

"You. What are you going to do?" Xu Shaocong was a little panicked. He had never encountered such a situation before. The Four Great Kings were all very ruthless, but they were all solved in a few seconds by Xia Xia.

He had already inquired about Xia's situation, but he was just an ordinary poor student without any background, but why was such a poor student so good at fighting?

"What are you doing?" Xia Xia smiled and walked past Xu Shaocong: "Be careful with diarrhea when you go back."

"Diarrhoea? In summer, what tricks are you trying to play? I warn you, I'm someone you can't afford to offend. Don't let me see you again in the future, or I won't let you go." Xu Shaocong suddenly thought of himself Regarding the family affairs behind him, the panic just now was only suppressed by Xia Xia's means. Now he is no longer afraid of Xia Xia. In Jianghai High School, no one dared to touch him except Huo Chili.

"SB!" Xia Xia walked forward without looking back.

"Xiamen, wait for me." Hot Chili hurried up, but Xia Xia didn't stop.

"Do you hear me? Stop for me." Hot Chili hugged Xia Xia directly.

"I don't even wear inner clothes." Xia Xia's clairvoyant passed through Hot Chili's clothes, and found that there was actually a small suspender inside the hot Chili's top.

"Ah. Rogue!" Hot Pepper yelled.