Old Buddha Toshiko

Antique Street is located on the edge of Jianghai City, which is a long way from the city center, but the traffic here is not much less than the city center. The shops on this street are all large-scale antique and rare items specialty stores, while There are countless small stalls outside the shop.

These small stalls are what everyone likes the most. As for those shops, those who do not open for a year and open for a year will also set up their own small stalls at the door.

This kind of small stall is the most attractive, selling everything, but most of them are deceitful, and many are fake, and the real good things are very few.

There are all kinds of people who sell things here. It is said that this is a place that the government does not care about, but no one dares to make trouble here, because there is a boss here. Everyone calls him Lao Xue. People dare to make trouble here.

There were people who used the special conditions here to smuggle and sell **** here, but these people disappeared out of thin air in the end.

Xue Lao once said, 'This is a clean place. '

It is normal for Taobao to buy fake goods, but once someone wants to use this place to do something illegal, Xue Lao will never tolerate it. It is precisely because Xue Lao is in charge that the government does not interfere here at all. .

There is no tax on transactions here.

Of course, there is no need to worry about the existence of thieves on this street. The thieves don't have the courage to make trouble on Old Xue's territory.

The taxi driver sent Xia Xia to this street and left after sighing. In his opinion, Xia Xia is also the kind of person who dreams of making a fortune. He is just a pity for a young child to come here. He knows that There are countless people who are here to go bankrupt.

There are many people who hold the idea of ​​Taobao here, but in the end they all go bankrupt.

It's like a huge casino here, but unlike a casino, anyone with some discernment won't be deceived.

When I stepped into the Antique Street in summer, I saw an endless sea of ​​people and countless small stalls on both sides of the road. Although these stalls are small, each has its own specifications, and each stall has different Items, and many shops are still shouting.

Qing Dynasty porcelain, Bodhi seeds, Ming Dynasty vases, Qin Dynasty ancient swords and so on.

The shouts came one after another, and Xia Tian smiled a little when he heard these shouts. If these things were real, then there was no need to put them on the stalls outside and sell them directly to the shops behind, and the price would definitely not be lower.

Even high-quality fakes are definitely not cheap.

"This is really a good place." When Xia Xia entered the antique street, she opened her perspective and looked forward.

Stripes of cyan light emerged from the crowd. Just like Xia Tian guessed, the real good things will emit this cyan light because of the accumulated spiritual energy that exists in the heaven and the earth.

"Look, it's Master Xu Dechuan, the treasure appraiser." Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and then everyone turned their attention to Xia Xia, which made Xia Xia be at a loss for a while, but he immediately realized that those eyes were looking at Xia Xia. It wasn't him, but the person behind him, an old man.

The old man was dressed in a Tang suit and looked like a master in the 1960s and 1970s. The most distinctive feature was that he had a goatee on his chin. Behind him were four bodyguards, each of whom looked very strong and strong.

The old man's pace was steady, the people beside him all looked at the old man with envy, and the others split into two to move out of the way, only Xia Xia was still standing there.

"Boy, quickly make way for Mr. Xu." Someone next to him shouted.

Xia Xian ignored the man, but walked straight forward. He didn't care what kind of old man the other party was and had nothing to do with him. He came to buy things, which made him stand out from the crowd.

The wide road is full of people standing on both sides, as long as no one walks in the middle, because this is the road made way for Mr. Xu, but Xia Tian actually walks on it. The scene at this time is as if Mr. Xu is Xia's sidekick.

Old Master Xu, who was following Xia Xia, was also stunned for a moment and stopped. It was the first time he encountered such a situation, and someone actually walked in front of him.

"Hey, boy, didn't you see that this is the way of Mr. Xu?" A bodyguard behind Mr. Xu couldn't bear it anymore, and stepped forward to stop Xia Xia.

"It's a brat who doesn't know how high the sky is, how dare he walk in front of Mr. Xu."

"I don't know the guy who respects the elders, but Mr. Xu brought us to make a fortune."

"It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. When a man with a high moral character like Mr. Xu walks here, everyone is willing to make a way. He actually dares to pick up ready-made ones."

Everyone around looked at Xia Xia dissatisfiedly. The treasure appraiser Xu Dechuan is definitely a famous person in Antique Street. He knows antiques from various dynasties, and he also knows all kinds of different treasures. And every time Mr. Xu came over, he would pick three people for free to find three treasures for them.

This made Mr. Xu so highly respected.

Xia Xia's eyes were locked on a booth, and he turned around directly. Seeing Xia Xia leaving the middle road, the bodyguard didn't say anything. Everyone also thought that this newcomer must have realized that he shouldn't be walking here before getting out of the way. of.

That bodyguard didn't embarrass Summer and was appreciated by everyone.

"As expected of Mr. Xu's bodyguard, his quality is still very high, and he didn't embarrass that boy."

"Yes, Mr. Xu's bodyguard must have been carefully selected, not only with good skills, but also with good manners."

"That kid was really disrespectful just now. If Mr. Xu was angry and left because of this, those people present would have to strip him alive."

Mr. Xu seemed to enjoy hearing the praise from the people around him. He strode on the street. The shopkeepers around him also stood up to greet Mr. Xu. Mr. Xu nodded slightly in response to everyone.

"How do you sell this thing?" Xia Xia saw a fish-shaped jade pendant. This jade pendant was very simple and looked like a child's toy. When he saw a customer, the stall owner suddenly had a smile on his face.

"You have a good eye, this is the most valuable thing in my booth. It is carved from Tiantan jade in the Western Regions. The role of fitness." The stall owner finally saw a liar, and naturally began to talk about it. From his experience, this kid in front of him is definitely the first time here, and he is a man of everything. The immobile little guy.

This kind of person has the best money.

"How much is this piece of jade?" Xia Tian asked.

"I see your sincerity. Eight thousand, eight thousand sold you. If it were someone else, I would never sell it for less than ten thousand." The stall owner said eight thousand as soon as he opened his mouth. He didn't think the kid in front of him was really If you can come up with 8,000 yuan, the reason for asking for 8,000 yuan is to negotiate a better price in the future.

"Eight thousand is too expensive. I'm still a high school student, so I don't have that much money at all." Xia Xia cooperated very well with the stall owner.

At this moment, Mr. Xu stopped, looked at the jade in Xia Xia's hands, and then smiled disdainfully. He could see at a glance that the jade was an ornament sold on the street for twenty dollars a piece. Here, I can only fool a fool like Xia Xia.

Although he saw through it, he didn't explain it, but stood there waiting to watch the excitement. Walking in front of him in the summer just now made him very unhappy. If it wasn't for him to maintain his demeanor, he would have ordered someone to take care of himself. Teach this kid a lesson.

Now that this kid was fooled, he naturally wouldn't go up to dissuade him.

The stall owner saw Mr. Xu's smile and cold sweat suddenly flowed down. He knew that this thing of his own could not escape Mr. Xu's eyes, and now he just hoped that Mr. Xu would not expose him.

"Boss, how about two hundred yuan? I already know that this piece of jade is fake. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Xia Xia smiled and said in a low voice.

The stall owner naturally knew that his expression just now had betrayed him, but he still opened his mouth to raise the price: "Little brother is really eye-catching, but this jade pendant is definitely not enough, otherwise you can go to a few other shops to see."

"Okay, five hundred is five hundred, but these small stones are very beautiful, so they should be given to me as gifts." Xia Tian pointed to the few stones at hand. These stones are very ordinary, they are not at all. It doesn't have any value, and the stall owner put it here just because it looks good.

"Little brother is really happy, the deal has been made." After Xia Xia handed over five hundred yuan in cash to the stall owner, he put the stones in his pocket.

Mr. Xu smiled slightly and came to Xia Xia's side and said, "Young man, your age and experience are a little too young here, and you can sell 500 yuan for 20 yuan of accessories, so I'm afraid you are the only one with a yellow mouth. Only those who haven't returned will buy it."

"Oh? Really." The corner of Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly, his right hand loosened, and the jade pendant fell directly to the ground, shattering instantly. Even Old Master Xu was stunned for a moment.

"Why, do you already know it's fake?" Old Master Xu looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"To have money is to be self-willed." Xia Xia smiled slightly, the treasure was already in hand, so this jade pendant would be useless. One of those small stones just now had a strong golden light inside. This light is different from the others. The other treasures are all cyan light, which means that these items contain spiritual energy accumulated over the years.

And there is only one possibility for this yellow light, which is the relic that his father once told him, and having such a strong light proves that this relic is very likely to be the relic of the ancient Buddha.