
Xia Xia didn't dare to look at his cousin with X-ray eyes, but he would never let other women go, especially the peerless beauty in front of him, who not only has a good figure, but also looks so beautiful. This Tang Yan is definitely a mixed race.

She has the beauty of China and all the deep pupils of foreign women, which add up to perfection.

At this time, Tang Yan and Ye Qingxue were tit-for-tat, neither would let anyone else, the two women had to fight to the death.

Bing Xin is not optimistic about today's game. She feels powerless just by looking at the size of the opponent. Although they have borrowed two people from other clubs, they can't compare with the people from the basketball club. The points seem to be a lot, but the competition time is so long, and the opponent's height is the person who completely abused them.

"Beautiful lady, how about we also make a bet?" Xia Xia suddenly said.

The two women who were still facing each other turned their attention to Xia Xia, not knowing what tricks he was going to do.

"Bet? I don't like to bet with hooligans." Tang Yan still remembered the teasing words she made when she first entered the door.

"Oh, forget it, you will lose anyway." Xia Xia looked indifferent, but what he said was unintentional, and the listeners had intentions. As the coach of the basketball team and the head of the basketball department, how could Tang Yan tolerate someone Say your team will lose.

"What are you talking about, we will never lose." Tang Yan looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"How about we make a bet?" Xia Tian asked again.

"Betting, betting, whoever is afraid." Tang Yan was angry, she had already taken Xia Xia's hook.

"Okay, if you lose, then you will be my little wife in the future. When you see me, you will call me to kiss my eldest husband." Xia Xia looked at Tang Yan with a smile.

"You're shameless." Tang Yan was almost mad at Xia Xia.

"I have. Look at how white my teeth are." Xia Tian showed his teeth.

"Coach, he's teasing you, let's teach him a lesson." The three basketball team members were about to step forward after they finished speaking.

"Come back to me." Tang Yan shouted, "Well, I'll bet, I can't lose anyway, so what if you lose?"

"I can't lose." Xia Xia said confidently.

"No, you have to say what to do if you lose!" Tang Yan has seen shameless people, but Xia Xia has never been so shameless.

"Then if I lose, I will suffer a little. When I see you in the future, I will ask you to kiss the cute little wife." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"You're shameless." Tang Yan kicked Xia Tian with a quick kick.

Seeing Tang Yan's anger, the three basketball team members behind her began to sympathize with Xia Xia. They all knew how terrifying Tang Yan's anger was. Tang Yan had practiced taekwondo.

Just as everyone was waiting to see Xia Xia being kicked to the ground, they found that Tang Yan's leg had already been caught by Xia Xia, and Xia Xia shamelessly used the other hand to keep grabbing on Tang Yan's beautiful leg.

"Ah!!!" A super-decibel voice resounded throughout the hotel, and the waiters were stunned.

"Stinky boy, you dare to insult our coach." The three tall boys rushed directly to Xia Xia, and it has to be said that their height and movement were like a hill, but Xia Xia didn't panic, and turned to avoid it. One of the punches, when he dodged, punched Tang Yan directly.

The tall man didn't rush to withdraw his hand at all. At this moment, Xia Xia placed his right hand directly on Tang Yan's back, and took Tang Yan in his arms and turned around in a circle, dodging the man's punch.

However, Tang Yan was completely lying in Xia Xia's arms at this time, and Xia Xia's hand squeezed Tang Yan's body on purpose.

All this happened so fast, even Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin were stunned, not knowing what to say, but Ye Qingxue reacted immediately.

"Stop, what are you doing, summer, you still haven't let her go."

Hearing Ye Qingxue's words, Xia Xia could only let go of Tang Yan. Although she didn't hug her enough, her cousin had already spoken, so he could only let go of Tang Yan.

Standing up, Tang Yan slapped Xia Xia directly, but Xia Xia grabbed her: "You want to murder your husband."

"You're **** me off. Well, I'll take the bet. If you lose, you'll run naked on the court." Tang Yan said angrily, with her hands on her hips. .

"OK." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Let's go, we'll change houses for dinner." Tang Yan left the hotel with the three basketball team members behind her.

"Good summer, I asked you to help me just now, so you said as much as possible. Now that you have a beautiful woman as your wife, you will definitely win. You are a guy who sees the color forgetting sister." Ye Qingxue looked at Xia Tian eagerly, just now she Let Xia Xia definitely win, Xia Xia will perfunctory her and say try her best, but now it's better, Xia Xia actually made a bet with that Tang Yan.

"Wrong, although she is very beautiful, she can only be a concubine." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"You. Good summer, now that your wings are hard, you are still looking for a concubine. Don't you know that she is your old sister's opponent?" Ye Qingxue's show punch directly hit Xia Xia, Xia didn't dare to hide, If he can hide the first day of the first year, he can't hide the fifteenth.

"There are people in the world who slander me, insult me, despise me, laugh at me, bully me, and despise me, how should I deal with it?" Xia Xia said very seriously: "Just beat him, beat him, beat him, beat him, beat him, Hit him, hit him, and when you're done, look at him.

"Cousin, don't you still believe me?" Xia Xia showed a mysterious smile, Bing Xin looked at Xia curiously, she had heard Ye Qingxue mention Xia Xian, but since she saw Xia Xia, she found that what she saw X X X X X over It is completely two different people from what Ye Qingxue described.

Tang Yan was about to explode when she left the hotel.

She swears that she will win today's game, and the dignified Jianghai University basketball team can still lose to a skirmish team. At that time, she will not only lose 20 points to Ye Qingxue's team, but if everyone has good physical strength, she will let this The score becomes one hundred and twenty.

Not only did she want Ye Qingxue to lose face, but she also wanted that hateful guy to run naked.

"Coach, don't worry, we will definitely greet the guys from the literary and art club well and make sure that their scores stay in the single digits." One of the team members said confidently.

There are many people who can play basketball, but the talent who can enter the basketball team is the real powerhouse. Even if he is just a substitute, for those who have not entered the basketball team, he is still aloof.

"Well, when the time comes, you guys can give me some strength. You can only win without losing. I will let Fang Li compete with you. You give me hard points. I see how that little girl Ye Qingxue will follow suit in the future. I'm crazy." Tang Yan said angrily.

Jianghai University is very lively right now. Ye Qingxue, who is fourth in the school beauty list, and Tang Yan, who is sixth in the school beauty list, are actually on the line.

Fans of both sides have even started a scolding battle in the air, and more and more people support Ye Qingxue. After all, Tang Yan turned around later, and many people heard about the basketball game, which made Ye Qingxue's fans even more angry, saying that Tang Yan Why don't you let those big and rough people under him compare literature and art with Ye Qingxue's people.

Some people also say that the boys in the basketball club are the real men. They are all handsome guys. Those **** girls like the handsome guys in the basketball club very much, so their voices are not small.

Everyone is waiting for the basketball game in the afternoon, the art department VS the basketball department.

"Sister Huo, don't take care of them. If the two of them continue to make trouble like this, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact." Daotian, the vice president of the student union, asked anxiously. In Jianghai University, he knew Huo-kissed girl. Men call her Sister Women call her Sister Kiss, and she is also the president of the student council.

"What? You know the tempers of the two of them. They have always been dissatisfied with each other. This time, that silly girl Qingxue has also accepted the basketball challenge from others. How could she possibly win? Those sissies, even if she finds foreign aid from other departments, she can't compare with professional basketball players." The fire kiss girl complained angrily.

Ye Qingxue has a good relationship with her, but Tang Yan also has some relationship with her. She can't help the literature and art department to deal with the basketball department. Not to mention that she is the president of the student union, even if she goes to find someone, it is impossible to find someone who can help her. The person who plays against the basketball club, unless she goes outside the school or hires a professional, but then she will definitely be looked down upon.

Doing that would only make Ye Qingxue even more embarrassed.

Tang Yan did a good job on the surface this time. She only allowed one first-tier player to play, and the others were second-tier players, but even the second-tier players were carefully selected, and the so-called 20 points were nothing but second-tier players. It just sounds good, the difference in strength is so huge, not to mention 20 points, even 200% is possible.

Many people protested against this unfair competition, but as the protagonist of the incident, Ye Qingxue agreed to the challenge.

The game in the afternoon attracted a lot of people to watch, especially those who supported the basketball club and Tang Yan. Although there were some who supported Ye Qingxue, too few people went because those people didn't believe that the art department could win, so I didn't go there to watch it, so I didn't bother to watch it.

"Xiamen, are you confident?" Ye Qingxue asked Xia Xia seriously.

"For my little wife, I fought hard, and the victory belongs to me." Xia Xia shouted with high morale.
