father's work

When the game was over, everyone in the basketball team was downcast, and even the basketball babies were all listless. Although the spectators in the stands came to support the basketball team, they were very excited.

Because they watched a wonderful game today.

"This kid, it's very interesting, you guys can help me check him." The female headhunter smiled and turned to leave the stand.

Huo-kissed girl frowned and looked at the man below. This man always gave her a very mysterious feeling. When Ye Qingxue was celebrating her birthday, he made a big splash at the birthday party, and now he has defeated the basketball team by himself.

She was curious about who the man below was and why she had never heard of this character before.

She planned to ask Ye Qingxue carefully after she went back.

The literature and art department was cheering continuously at this time. Today they won, and it was a big victory. All four boys from the literature and art department played. The literature and art department played basketball with the basketball department, and the literature and art department won.

This is a great blessing to their faces.

"Yan Xu, I remember you said just now that if we can win, you will crawl around the court and learn to bark, right?" The boy in the literature and art department who was mocked by Yan Xu just now looked at Yan Xu and said.

"Hmph, it's just luck." Yan Xu snorted in dissatisfaction. In his opinion, this is nothing short of a miracle.

"Why, dare you say you dare not do it?"

"Who knows what tricks you played to win, maybe you colluded with the basketball team." Yan Xu gave everyone a disdainful look.

"Hey, now the people in the sports department are not as good as each other."

"What's so great about your literature and art department? If you encounter something, you should come to our sports department for help. It's good for a bunch of pen and ink scholars to do their own literature and art. Otherwise, you can compare our training with our sports department. ?" Yan Xu pushed aside the crowd and walked outside.

"If we win, won't you learn how to bark and crawl around the training ground?" Xia Xia smiled slightly. He hated people like Yan Xu the most. He had no ability to belittle others.

"Okay, we have a set of physical fitness training there. If you can beat our people, then I will learn how to bark." After Yan Xu finished speaking, he walked into the depths of the passage.

"Then it will be tomorrow afternoon." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Xia Xia, don't know him in the same way. I don't know this person, but he heard that we were going to play against the basketball team, so he took the initiative to come here as our foreign aid." Ye Qingxue persuaded.

Today is a big day for the Department of Literature and Art. Ye Qingxue planned to hold a show and a gala, but Xia Xia said that she had something to do and left.

Tang Yan was in a very bad mood at this time, but she was also shocked, because she lost the game, because she found a super player, as long as she cultivated well, she would definitely become a superstar in the future.

But she has to face one more thing, that is, if she loses the bet, then she will call Ye Qingxue 'Sister Xue' when she sees Ye Qingxue, and she will call him 'Kinqin' when she sees that hateful guy husband'.

This made her call her exit.

But if she didn't scream, she would become a villain and dare not act, which made her even more depressed.

"Xiamen, what are you doing?" Ye Qingxue asked in confusion when she saw Xia Xia walking towards the other party's rest area.

"I'm going to see my little wife." Xia Xia said without looking back.

"You're serious, it's fine if you win. If you really go, people won't get off the stage." Ye Qingxue didn't care about the bet at the time, and she didn't really plan to let Tang Yan call her Xue when she saw her in the future. sister.

That would be a bit of a bully, she was just fighting with Tang Yan.

"Good wife, I'm here to see you." Xia Xia came to Tang Yan with a grin. Seeing the arrival of Xia Xia, Tang Yan didn't know what to say. She had never seen such a shameless person. It was right that she lost. , but you don't have to deliberately come to the door to let yourself call it, the big deal is to avoid him in the future.

But Xia Tian actually ran up to her and asked her to call her the name of the bet.

"Stinky boy, how dare you talk to the eldest sister like that." Fang Li was very upset when he lost just now. He knew that he really lost, but if the opponent won, he won, and he actually came to find fault with him.

"For the sake of my little wife, I don't have the same knowledge as you." Xia Tian said lightly without looking at Fang Li.

"Stop making trouble, Xia Xia, let's go." Ye Qingxue didn't want anything to happen to Xia Xia: "Tang Yan, the holiday between you and me will be cancelled from now on, as for the bet, forget it."

"Ye Qingxue, what do you mean by that? Am I, Tang Yan, someone who can't afford to lose?" Tang Yan is the kind of person who refuses to admit defeat: "Sister Xue, kiss your eldest husband."

After Tang Yan finished speaking, she ran out of the arena. She was already embarrassed.

"Let's go anyway." Xia Xia walked out of the arena depressed. After leaving the arena, Xia Xia took a taxi back to the old house.

Yan Xu was extremely depressed at this time. He originally came to help the Literature and Art Department in order to win Ye Qingxue's favor, but he didn't expect the favor and he lost face.

He couldn't bear this tone, especially when those people seized on his words and asked him to walk around the basketball court to learn how to bark. Although he didn't do that, he felt that his face was lost.

He couldn't bear to lose face in front of Ye Qingxue.

"Minister Li, those guys in the literature and art department are too bullying. I was here to help, but they didn't know how to blame. Not only did they humiliate me severely, but they also said that the people in our sports department were trash. Today, their literary and art department won the basketball department, and tomorrow they can also win our sports department in sports." Yan Xu kept adding fuel to things and exaggerating things.

"There are only four men in their literature and art department, and they dare to be so arrogant. I'm really impatient." Minister Li is a hot-tempered person.

"Minister, you didn't see their faces, especially the foreign aid they hired. It's even worse. He also said that you, Minister Li, are nothing, and you don't deserve to carry his shoes." Yan Xu hated the most. It was that summer when he was in the limelight, when he scored a goal, Ye Qingxue kissed him when he was excited, which made Yan Xu jealous.

"He really said that?" Minister Li asked angrily.

"That's right, he also said that he would choose our sports department. He said that the physical training of our sports department is not difficult at all. He can choose all the masters in our whole set of physical training by himself." Yan Xu's words made Minister Li thoroughly angry.

"Yan Xu, go and give me a challenge letter, and I will teach that stinky boy a lesson."

After taking a taxi back to the old house in the summer, he waited for about an hour before the man in white appeared. The man in white was still dressed in the same clothes and sword. He never seemed to change his clothes, but his clothes were extremely clean.

"Master, you are here." Xia Xia said respectfully, the man in white was his father's friend and saved his life, so he naturally respected this master.

"Your father never mentioned his martial arts because he didn't want you to follow in his footsteps, but you have already stepped into this circle, so I will fulfill my promise to your father." The man in white looked at Xia Xia and continued He said, "From today onwards, I will teach you the Immortal Steps of the Clouds and the Lingxi Finger."

"Lingxiyiyi?" Xia Xia only saw this kung fu on TV, it was Lu Xiaofeng, but I didn't expect that the man in white wanted to teach him this kung fu.

"That's right, these are your father's famous skills back then." The man in white looked at Xia Xia and said lightly.

"My father's, then my father must have been a master before?" Xia Xia hoped to learn something about his father from the man in white.

"I haven't practiced these two kung fu~www.mtlnovel.com~, so I will only teach you the method of cultivation and the method of inner strength." The man in white was not fooled by the summer, and he didn't mention anything about his father. .

"Master, don't tell me my father's kung fu is not as high as yours, so you disdain to learn?" Xia Xia asked.

"I don't learn it because of one point. You must also remember this point. You can't chew more than you can chew. It is much more powerful to cultivate a single kung fu well than to master several advanced martial arts at the same time." The man in white explained.

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching." Xia Xia said.

"Many Cloud Immortal Steps are learned from the Book of Changes and gossip. Lingxi Yizhi focuses on the acupuncture points on the human body and the accuracy of attacks." The man in white explained the Yunyun Immortal Steps and Lingxi Yizhi for Xia Xia. The origin and cultivation method.

When Xia Xia first started with these two things, he finally understood why his father had taught him to learn a hundred schools since he was a child.

At that time, he still didn't understand why his father asked him to learn these things, but now he finally understands that people who don't understand the Book of Changes and gossip at all would not be able to practice the Immortal Walk over the Clouds. Only need to understand the acupuncture points of the human body, but also have amazing eyesight and understand the structure of human muscles.

This kind of thing is impossible for ordinary people, but for the summer who has learned these things since childhood, it is simply within their grasp.

All of this seems to be arranged by his father. The knowledge he has learned since childhood is to pave the way for such a day, and everything seems to come naturally.

"Your talent is the best I've ever seen. You will definitely be able to carry forward your father's kung fu." The man in white taught Xia Xia an hour of kung fu before leaving, leaving Xia to practice on his own.