Strong Zeng Rou

With such a superb beauty in her arms, how could Xia Xia not feel it? Zeng Rou's **** body swayed in Xia Xia's arms, which was even worse. Xia Xia only felt that there was a fire burning in her body.

"Don't move, be careful I eat you."

"You dare?"

Hearing Zeng Rou's provocation, the fire in Xia Xia's body broke out completely.

This night, Xia Xia took out all his savings of eighteen years. He had never felt such a wonderful feeling. Every pore on his body was opened, and the ancient Buddha relic in his dantian began to emit light. Unlimited heat.

This heat filled his body.

The next morning, Zeng Rou woke up early to make a loving breakfast for Summer.

After getting up in the summer, he practiced in the yard for a while: "I didn't expect that I would actually break through, and Tianxing Jue entered the second stage."

He knew that this was absolutely inseparable from what happened last night. It was only three days since he started cultivating the Heavenly Awakening Art, but his Heavenly Awakening Art actually broke through to the second level. This kind of cultivation speed is really terrifying.

It is impossible for ordinary people to break through the first level after cultivating for ten years, but in the summer, it took only three days to cultivate to the second level.

His physique originally belonged to the most masculine and strong, plus the ancient Buddha relic, it is absolutely unparalleled masculinity, this masculine energy has always remained in the body, and Zeng Rou's passion has neutralized the yang energy in his body. .

That's why his strength increased so quickly.

The breakthrough in strength has doubled Xia's speed and strength.

"Damn, that little widow Zeng Rou didn't die."

"How do the people of Quicksand do things? Didn't they say that if they received the money, they would definitely kill her? Why is Zengrou still fine?"

"You guys, go and ask what's going on."

"Zeng Rou must die. After she dies, we will share the equity equally."

The five elders of the Zeng family are members of the Zeng family with the highest status. They represent the status of the entire Zeng family. Although the Zeng family has no one in the political world, their status in the business world and the entire Jianghai City is still very high.

Among them, Zeng Rou's position in the business world is indispensable, and the prestige of the five elders of the Zeng family in Jianghai City over the years is also indispensable.

Although their status is no longer low, in recent years they have clearly felt that people outside are not really respecting them, but are giving Zeng Rou face, and Zeng Rou's status in Zeng's family has surpassed them.

Even those people in the Zeng family are like this. Although the shares held by those people are low, those shares can bring them the most stable income.

So they were more willing to listen to Zeng Rou than to the five elders of the Zeng family.

"I have already contacted the agency just now. The killer will come over in a while. When someone knocks on the door of the conference room, we can open it."

"It's a good way, so that we can also get rid of the relationship."

Xiao Tiantian is taken care of by Wang Ma, and in the summer, she accompanies Zeng Rou to the Zeng Group. Zeng Group is a large cosmetics company. Their cosmetics are supplied to the world, and advertisements of Zeng Group can be seen everywhere.

Zeng Rou was wearing a noble business suit and Xia's body was wearing cheap casual clothes. The two looked very different from each other.

As soon as he entered the company, all the employees in the company were attracted by the summer.

"Why is there such a leopard behind Mr. Zeng?"

"Did he sneak in behind President Zeng?"

"Hurry up and call the security to drive him away."

The people around were talking a lot.

"Have you all got nothing to do? This month's fakes are all cancelled." Zeng Rou said with a cold face. She was cold when she was in the company.

Seeing such a strong Zeng Rou, Xia Xia shook his head. He naturally heard those people talking about him. He also knew that Zeng Rou was angry and canceled their vacation this month because of those people talking about him.

Zeng Rou's strength is just to protect herself and the people she loves.

Xia Xia followed Zeng Rou into the conference room. Everyone else had already arrived. The five elders were sitting on both sides of the conference table, and the other shareholders were in order. The atmosphere in the room was very tense.

"Who are you? Who let you in?"

"I let it." Zeng Rou looked at the man coldly.

"Mr. Zeng, I'm afraid this is against the rules."

"I'm the CEO, if I say it fits, it fits." Zeng Rou said domineeringly.

"What we are talking about here is the company's secrets. If the secrets are revealed, who will be responsible for this?"

"He's my man, who do you think is responsible." Zeng Rou actually said that Xia Xia was her man on this occasion.

"I heard that right, our widow president actually started to like Xiaobailian." One of the five elders in the Zeng family sneered.

"If he is a little white face, are you still a man?" Zeng Rou looked at the five elders of the Zeng family with disdain.

"Zeng Rou, don't be ashamed of your face, the Zeng family is the final decision for the five old guys of us, as long as we are alive, it's not your turn to go People who have half their feet in the coffin are also I'm embarrassed to mention the Zeng family to me." Zeng Rou glanced at all the people in the Zeng family present: "I have already returned the love of the Zeng family to you all these years, and I don't owe the Zeng family anything."

"You mean you want to leave the Zeng family?"

"No, my surname is Zeng. I just want the rest of the Zeng family to stand in line."

"Zeng Rou, are you sure you're going to fight against the five of us old guys?"

"Don't think that I don't know what you all did. Car accidents, kidnappings, assassinations, these are all done by a few of you. Since you have already done this, you should accept my ambitions for you."

"What are you talking about, we don't know at all."

"You are really not men. You dare to do it, but you don't dare to be."

"Mr. Zeng, I hope you can clarify what happened just now. We directors have the right to know about the interests of the company." A director with a foreign surname asked. They usually rarely intervene in the company's affairs, but once the crisis hits their Interests, they have to ask, if Zeng Rou dies, then Zeng Group's stock will definitely plummet.

"It's very simple, some people want me to die, and some people want to damage your interests."

"Five old men, I hope you can give us an explanation." The shares in the hands of these foreigners add up to 15%, which should not be underestimated.

"Hmph, don't listen to her nonsense. Some people believe the widow's words. Look at him and bring Xiaobailian to the conference room. What is this?" , is a poor boy, the clothes he wears are not even worth a hundred yuan, what qualifications does he have to stay in the same room with at least millions of people present."