Tang Yan's surprise

Just in the moment when I was stunned in the summer just now, the basketball team had already scored four points, and the four girls in the literature and art department did not dare to disturb the summer. Seeing that the summer had recovered, the four of them were all happy, and there was no summer. If so, the four of them can't even stop one of them.

"Hey, what the **** is going on here? Why haven't they been photographed yet." One person in the stand said puzzledly, looking at his SLR camera.

"It's already 4:0. Those people from the Literature and Art Department don't know how to play at all." Yun Miao said lightly.

"Sister Miao, don't worry, the basketball **** just now was completely attracted by your beauty. If he didn't play, he should explode soon." Ling'er looked at Xia Xia expectantly.

"You don't seem to be interested in this match." The Huo-kissed girl who was sitting beside Yun Miao looked at Yun Miao and said.

"I came here with Ling'er." Yun Miao said.

"I really don't know what you're interested in." Huo-kissed girl turned her head. At Jianghai University, she thought the strangest thing was Yun Miao. Yun Miao was a woman she couldn't see through. She didn't seem to be interested in anything. In the same way, never participate in any activities, never go out to eat with others, and even the pursuit of those rich people always pretend to ignore it.

"Sister Regret, what are we going to do later?" Another place on the stand.

"This time, he must not be allowed to run away. I must dig him out." Yang Bugui seriously looked at Xia Xia in the audience.

The literature and art department served the ball directly to Xia Xia.

The basketball team returned to the defense collectively, but Xia Xia actually took off in place, and took off under his own basket. If it had been a few days ago, others would have thought that he was a lunatic and shot under his own basket. This is the brain. It's in the water.

But now the atmosphere has condensed, and they are waiting for the appearance of the ball of the gods.


Hollow into the network.


The ball was scored, and there was no accident. The ball was indeed scored, and there were cheers from the stands. This ball was simply divine.

"It's this kind of ball." Yang Bugui said excitedly.

"Sister Miao, look, how is it? It's amazing." Ling'er shouted excitedly.

There was no expression on Yun Miao's face, she just nodded slightly, almost invisible, but Linger saw it. Although her movements were very light, it also showed that Yun Miao agreed with her words.

"It's so powerful." Zeng Rou, who was sitting in the infield, also had an incredible expression on her face. Although she didn't like basketball very much, she still knew how to play basketball. She had never seen a way of pitching like Xia Xia's.

"Of course, don't look at who it belongs to." Ye Qingxue still has a lot of hostility towards Zeng Rou. She feels that there must be some relationship between Zeng Rou and Summer. Although there is no evidence, this is intuition. A woman's sixth sense.

"Qingxue, you say that as if the summer is yours." Bing Xin, who was beside Ye Qingxue, smiled slightly.

"Okay, you dare to make fun of me, do you want me to tell him about your secret painting of summer?" Ye Qingxue smiled mysteriously.

"No." Bingxin said hurriedly.

"Well, you must be on a united front with me." Ye Qingxue was referring to confronting Zeng Rou.

Seeing Xia Xia's goal, Tang Yan's heart can be said to be turned upside down. She came back from abroad. She has seen the abilities of the superstars in the NBA with her own eyes, but she is sure that no one has the same ability as Xia Xia. 's ability.

This kind of pitching method, this kind of accuracy, can be called the future superstar of basketball.

The well-deserved **** of basketball, even Xue Chuan, who was playing, was stunned. Although he was fully prepared, he was still a little shocked to see such a scene with his own eyes.

"Don't be fooled by him, everyone, cheer me up, we can't lose." Xue Chuan shouted loudly, pulling everyone's morale back.

"I was just fascinated by my handsomeness just now." Fang Li put on a very handsome pose again.

"Let's go." Xue Chuan dribbled the ball in person, and the five of them wanted to kill the opposing position together.


The ball was broken, he saw Xia Xia, but instead of passing the ball, he wanted to avoid Xia Xia by shaking, but the ball was broken by Xia Xia the moment he turned around.


The goal was scored, 6:4.

"I was careless just now. I underestimated his strength. In this attack, as long as I see him, pass the ball. Let's play a beautiful fast pass." Xue Chuan gathered together and began to study tactics.

The five attacked again. It was still Xue Chuan who dribbled the ball, and Xia Xia ran towards Xue Chuan, but Xue Chuan did not continue to dribble the ball this time, but quickly passed the ball to someone else, who took off quickly.





The ball went in again. Although the pass could prevent the ball from being cut off by Xia, the jump in their pitch gave Xia enough time to directly turn their heads to block the ball.

"What a fast speed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Yun Miao finally took the initiative to speak.

"How about it, Sister Miao, it's not for nothing." Ling'er said.

"The speed and trajectory of the pass cannot be detected, but the jump shot revealed his intentions. It's amazing to be able to seize this opportunity to quickly return to defense." Yang Bugui praised, she felt that Xia Xia's Completely impeccable in every way.

It's simply too strong.

"It's amazing." Although Zeng Rou didn't understand basketball, she was completely fascinated by Xia Xia's toughness.

"We've all seen it, you don't need to explain." Seeing Zeng Rou's expression, Ye Qingxue confirmed her guess even more, and looked at Zeng Rou dissatisfied.

Tang Yan was completely in shock at this time. In her opinion, Xia Xia's quality in all aspects is completely impeccable. She is a coach, and part of her responsibility is to enhance the physical fitness of the players and improve all aspects.

But she can't see any weakness in Xia Xia at all. Xia Xia is a person who does not need to continue to improve at all. His strength is simply to an incredible level.

She believes that even if she enters the NBA in the summer, she will quickly become a superstar.

If she were asked to comment on what kind of person Xia Xia was, she could only say that she was someone she hated very much. She hated Xia Xia's lustful feeling of looking at people, and also hated Xia Xia for forcing her to call Xia Xia 'kiss' Big husband'.

But in terms of basketball, she really admires Xia Xia. Xia Xia is the strongest person in the basketball industry she has ever met, not a genius. A genius means that he may become the strongest in the future, but Xia Xia is already the strongest person in the future. strong.

If you step into the basketball industry in the summer, then other basketball players can really be laid off, because they have no need to play anymore.