

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone present was stunned. Who is the Huo-kiss girl? There is no one of the most famous characters in Jianghai University, but Xia Xia actually said that she was young in front of so many people. Did he see it?

Even the fire kiss girl was stunned, her face instantly turned red, she had never been so embarrassed before.

She admits that her X is not big, but it can't be said to be small. Xia Tian actually said in front of so many people, 'You are small, don't talk to me. ' Is there no human rights/rights when the upper body is small?

She is a fire-kissed girl, the president of Jianghai University's student/student union, and the eldest/sister of Huoyun company/company.

It was actually said that by Summer today.

"Sister Kiss, I'm sorry, he didn't mean it." Ye Qingxue hurriedly stepped forward and explained.

"For the sake of Qingxue's face, I don't care about you." Huo-kissed girl's complexion recovered, and I have to say that she is someone who has seen the world. In the eyes of others, Xia Xia must suffer, but Xia Xia is actually fine.

Tang Yan also came over with the basketball team. Since the fire kiss girl has come, they can't escape even if they hide. If the game is lost, Xue Chuan must fulfill the bet.

Kneel down and apologize.

"We lost." Tang Yan's face was very ugly.

When Xia Xia saw Tang Yan coming, she hurriedly turned her head to look at Tang Yan expectantly: "Call."

"What's it called?" Tang Yan glared at Xia Xia.

"You forgot, we agreed last time, you have to call me when you see me." Xia Xia reminded.

Tang Yan's forehead was full of black lines/lines: "Kiss/kin/eldest/husband/male."

"That's right." Xia Xia nodded with satisfaction.

"Xue Chuan, you lost." The Huo-kissed woman said in a cold tone.

Seeing Huo kissing the girl, Tang Yan's heart froze: "Kiss sister."

"Don't talk, Xue Chuan, I'm talking to you, stand up like a man." The fire kiss girl stared at Xue Chuan.

"That's right, I lost." Xue Chuan raised his head and bet that he had agreed, so he had to stand up like a man instead of hiding behind Tang Yan.

"Sister Kiss, forget about this matter." Ye Qingxue also pleaded.

"No." The fire kiss girl was firm.

"Okay, I admit that I, Xue Chuan, are not the kind of person who can't afford to lose. Since I agreed to kneel down and admit my mistake, I will never deny it." Xue Chuan said.

"That's not what I'm talking about. I remember our bet was that if you lose, we'll set up a banquet to apologize to Qingxue." The fire kiss girl shook her head and said.

"A banquet?" Everyone in the basketball team was stunned.

"Okay, Sister Kiss, what time do you want?" Tang Yan smiled, she knew that this was the fire kiss girl who wanted to let them go. This might have something to do with Ye Qingxue's plea, so she threw it at Ye Qingxue. Grateful look.

Ye Qingxue also nodded slightly in response.

"That's right, the students in the student/student union should belong to the same family, and they should help each other, not a civil war. The basketball team will apologize for this incident. Qingxue, are you still satisfied?" Look at Ye Qingxue.

"Satisfied, how can I be dissatisfied with the decision to kiss sister." Ye Qingxue smiled slightly.

"As for Team Leader Li, he is no longer a member of the student/student union, and the sports department is temporarily disbanded. All those involved in the art department will have two credits deducted, and they will not be allowed to enroll in the student/student union for life." She works resolutely, and she also has a ruler of balance in her heart. She also heard about the last time at KTV, and the actions of Team Leader Li and others made her very shameless.

However, she didn't deal with the sports department at that time, but this time the sports department went to make trouble, she couldn't ignore it, and directly dismissed the sports department.

"As for the banquet, it's set for tomorrow night." The fire kiss girl said lightly, "I'll go in summer too."

Speaking of Xia, everyone looked at him, but Xia was looking at the stands. There was only one person sitting in the stands at this time. Hat, I can't see it clearly.

"Sister Rou, you stay with them first, don't walk around." Xia Xia rushed directly to the stand. There were railings on the stand and below, and it was more than three meters away, but Xia Xia jumped and grabbed/hold it with both hands. railing.

Only then did Xue Chuan and others know how strong his jumping ability was.

Xia Tian jumped directly into the stand with both hands, while the man turned around and ran outside, Xia Xia followed directly.

Everyone looked at Xia Xia suspiciously, but Xia Xia quickly disappeared in the basketball hall.

"What happened?" Yang asked with no regrets.

"It's nothing, it's just that an old friend is here, and he's going to catch up in the summer." Zeng Rou explained, she naturally knew what she was doing in the summer, and that person must be someone from quicksand.

Ye Qingxue didn't believe Zeng Rou's words, but she knew she wouldn't say anything if she asked Zeng Rou.

"You are all tired too. Go down and pack up and go back to rest early." The fire kiss girl looked at everyone and said.

After Xia Xia chased the person out of quicksand, he kept following behind him. The second-level killer didn't know what shoes he was wearing. He was faster than a motorcycle on flat ground, but Xia Xian's speed was the same Not too slow, the two of them chased each other like this.

A person in quicksand is also reluctant to meet others, so the paths he walks are almost always paths that no one walks.

"What the **** is he doing? Didn't he assassinate Zeng Rou? Why did he keep running away." Xia Xia secretly thought to himself, if it was to tune the tiger away from the mountain, it would be impossible. If there is no further capital injection, then Quicksand will not continue to send people, and how can it be possible to buy and sell Quicksand without cost.

The second-level killer in front of him is the last one sent by Quicksand. As long as he solves this person, Zeng Rou will not encounter any assassination/killing from now on.

The two chased and fled like this, and finally stopped in an uninhabited place.

"You really dare to follow, aren't you afraid of an ambush?" The man in gray said lightly.

"As long as you kill you, Sister Rou will be safe." Xia Xia's philosophy is very simple, as long as the person in front of him is killed, then Zeng Rou will not be in danger, so he will never let this second-level killer go.

"You think too much, although the funds of the five elders of the Zeng family can indeed support a second-level killer, but the moment they get on the police car, it also means that they are down. Quicksand is not a charity machine. /Gou, it is impossible to continue shooting for a group of worthless people." The man in gray looked at Xia Xia coldly and continued: "My target is you."

"Me?" Xia Xia looked at the man suspiciously.

"That's right, you are that person's son, and you sabotaged/destroyed our operations. You must die for whatever reason." As soon as the man in gray finished speaking, a cyan dagger appeared in his right hand. /head.

It was the Qingyun dagger/sword, and an identical dagger/dagger appeared in Xia Xia's right hand.