Mysterious Marco

Zhu Liang brought more than a dozen people this time. These people were all people Zhu Liang called from his hometown. He was originally from a rural area, but he didn't have a proper job at home, so he came out and mixed up. When he first started mixing, he did nothing. No. Later, by chance, he became a developer, Brother Wang.

He helped the developer deal with several people who resisted the demolition. Since then, he has been appreciated by the developer, so he called Li San and others from his hometown to help him. These people have always been very ruthless. , helped the developer solve a lot of things.

Now there are more than a dozen people in their group. Although there are not many people, they are not bad.

Zhu Liang has been paying attention to two points: being ruthless and being loyal, so he immediately rushed over when he heard that Li San was beaten.

A dozen people took out various weapons from their arms and rushed directly to Xia Tian.

"Stop!" At this moment, a person appeared at the door. This person appeared to be in his twenties, less than thirty.

"Who are you?" Zhu Liang looked at the man and said.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you disturbed my meal." The man looked at Zhu Liang blankly.

"I tell you, don't meddle in your own business. My name is Zhu Liang, and there are people from both underworld and white circles." Zhu Liang reported to his family.

"I don't care what kind of light you are." The man said rudely.

"Who are you with?" Zhu Liang took a step towards the man, and the younger brothers behind him all looked at the man viciously, as if they were ready to take action.

"Hey hey hey!" Xia Xia said lazily in the box: "I said you guys have a sick head, are you avenging your people?"

Xia Tian's words immediately attracted everyone's attention, including the man at the door.

"Xia Xia, is your head sick? Do you have to let these people chop you alive? You are happy." The fire kiss girl glared at Xia Xia, seeing that Zhu Liang and those people were going to deal with the person at the door, At that time, she will be able to find opportunities to call people, but Xia Xia actually attracted the attention of those people at this time.

"Xiamen?" The man at the door was slightly taken aback when he heard the name, and then looked at Xia Tian carefully, with a smile on his face.

"Stinky boy, I originally planned to let you live a little longer. Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you." Zhu Liang looked at Xia Xia viciously.

"I remember that I seemed to have told you to stop." The man walked towards Zhu Liang step by step.

"Damn, why are so many people eager to die today?" Zhu Liang looked at the man and cursed.

"You said just now that the underworld and the white are all yours, right!" The man said with a blank expression.

"That's right." Zhu Liang gave the man a disdainful look.

"Haha." The man smiled slightly.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhu Liang asked in confusion.

At this moment, the door of the box next door opened, and four or five people walked out of the box, all of them in suits and leather shoes.

"Zhu Liang, your ability is really getting bigger and bigger, you dare to offend even my distinguished guest." One of them looked at Zhu Liang and said lightly.

"Brother Wang, why are you here?" Zhu Liang was slightly taken aback when he saw this person. This person is none other than his boss, and it is through this developer that he is what he is today.

"We came to invite Brother Ma to dinner today, but I didn't expect to be disturbed by you," said the developer.

"I didn't know Brother Wang, you were here too." Zhu Liang knew the three people behind Brother Wang. Like Brother Wang, they were all famous developers. Only then did he realize that he really offended the wrong person. Those who can be invited to dinner by the four of them are definitely honored guests.

He never dreamed that such a big man like Brother Wang would come to eat in such a small place.

"Brother Ma, I apologize to you on his behalf. How about you see that this has just passed?" Brother Wang pleaded for Zhu Liang. In any case, Zhu Liang was his person. Zhu Liang's ability has always been his. Still very satisfied.

"I'll give you a face today, let them get out of here." Brother Ma nodded.

"Hurry up." Brother Wang gave Zhu Liang and the others a look, Zhu Liang and the others hurriedly left, Zhu Liang gave Xia Xia a vicious look before leaving.

Brother Ma and the others also went back to their box, and nodded to Xia Xia before leaving.

Calm returned to the box, but all of them, except for summer, had no appetite.

"Kiss, let's just do it today, I'll invite you someday." Tang Yan suggested that everyone felt uncomfortable.

"Okay." The Huo-kissed girl was extremely depressed today. She was also the eldest lady of the Huo family, but she couldn't even handle these little gangsters. In the end, she reported that the other party didn't know her at all.

This face was thrown at my grandma's house.

When Xue Chuan went to pay the bill, he found that the money had already been paid. He asked who paid it, but the waiter didn't know, but the other party said it was Xia Xia's friend.

"Why are you looking at me like this, I don't know who it is." Xia Xia explained seeing everyone's eyes.

Saying goodbye to everyone, Yun Miao and Linger left alone, Xue Chuan drove over, he was in charge of sending Tang Yan back, Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue lived together, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Xia also planned to go back to live there today, so the fire kiss girl drove the three of them back directly.

Hot Chili can be said to be extremely depressed today.

She had a big quarrel with her grandfather at home about learning kung fu, and was reprimanded by her father. In a fit of rage, she ran away from home. It didn't matter. She didn't have any money on her at all.

She originally planned to ask Xia Xia for help, but Xia Xia directly hung up her phone.

"Dead master, stinky master."

"I curse you to die from eating, choking on drinking, choking on speaking, and hitting on your way."

"I'm starving to death, I have to find a way to get some money."

Huo Chili was very helpless sitting on the edge of the road. She had already turned off the phone, so she didn't want to go home unless her grandfather promised her to let her learn kung fu.

"How can I get some money to spend? How about robbery?"

"No, no, I'm going to rob me with my bare hands, who would be afraid of me."

"Or go begging."

"Neither can, let's not say how much I can come, I don't look like my clothes."

"What should I do?"

"Yes." Hot pepper deliberately messed up his hair and stood on the side of the road with a few openings in his clothes.

"This car is not good. It's too broken. It doesn't look like a rich man."

"This doesn't work either."

After waiting for about ten minutes, her eyes finally lit up.

"Red sports car, this car will cost one or two million at least, this time it's rich." Hot pepper was waiting not far before the red light intersection. When the red sports car saw the red light, it gradually slowed down. Seeing the opportunity, when the car was about to stop, he rushed out and pretended to be hit by a car.

"The money is here." Huo Chili was overjoyed.