1 gang of strong women

Zeng Rou smiled at the executives in the WeChat group. They never dreamed that the top student in the college entrance examination would be by her side, but she knew that Xia Xia likes to keep a low profile, so she would not let Xia Xia come out as an endorser.

She will not bother the summer with sponsoring tuition fees and living expenses.

Usually, the top student in each session of the college entrance examination will be funded by businesses in various places, so that the student must come to work in this business after graduation.

Xia Xia is now the general manager of the Zeng Group, and doing those things is completely useless.

"Okay, it's time for you to meet the strong women in our company. They usually travel all over the country, except for the annual meeting today, which is the most complete." Zeng Rou is trying to take this opportunity to make more people in the company. Meet summer.

"Okay." Summer nodded.

Xia Xia didn't know, because he said he wanted to apply for Jianghai University, and now the whole of Jianghai University is in chaos.

The dean, the vice dean, and the major shareholders are all here.

The top student in the college entrance examination gave up the free special admissions offered by well-known universities and wanted to apply for Jianghai University.

This is a great honor for Jianghai University. They believe that this news will soon spread throughout China, and more students will apply for Jianghai University this year.

You are me, my big apple.

"Summer, do you want to apply for Jianghai University?"

"Of course, you are in Jianghai University, of course I am going to Jianghai University too."

"I knew that you are the best for your cousin. I will help you apply for a major in school. Do you have any requirements?"

"No, you can figure it out."

Summer hung up the phone.

"It looks like you've become a very busy person today." Zeng Rou looked at Xia Xia and smiled.

After Ye Qingxue hung up the phone, she directly dialed her tutor's number and briefly told her tutor about the matter. Her tutor almost fainted out of happiness. After hanging up, she ran to the dean's office.

At this time, summer is already sitting in the conference room. There are more than 30 people in the conference room, all of them are women, all in formal attire.

Looking at this group of beauties in uniform, Xia Xia didn't have the slightest feeling of appreciation, because the eyes of these people were not friendly, and there was only one man Xia Xia in this conference room.

Those women's eyes all turned to Xia Tian.

This is a bunch of strong women.

According to scientific statistics, the common feature of strong women is that their marriages are unhappy, and they are very wary of men.

"Cough, let me introduce to you, the new general manager of these companies. He can manage everything in the company. This is a decision jointly discussed by all the shareholders of the company." Zeng Rou coughed softly to attract everyone's attention.

"Mr. Zeng, why is our general manager a man? We want to know what is the voting ratio of shareholders, or simply your one-vote right?" Someone immediately raised an opinion.

Although these people have no shares in the company, they are the real backbone of the company.

"It was unanimously approved." Zeng Rou had to be careful when facing these strong women.

"Unanimously approved!!" When they heard Zeng Rou's words, the people present were slightly taken aback. They knew very well that Zeng Rou would not lie to them, so why did the man in front of him let all the shareholders pass?

After hearing the unanimous vote, no one continued to ask questions.

"Then I will continue to say, his name is Xia, you can just call him President Xia, after the board of directors has discussed, he can do anything in the company, he can do everything I do, and he can also do things I can't do. It can be done." As soon as Zeng Rou said these words, the strong women were completely stunned.

They all understood what Zeng Rou meant, that is, Xia Xia's rights were greater than her CEO's rights.

This had to make them re-examine this man, the only man in the conference room.

"Well, since Mr. Zeng has already said so, then I want to ask Mr. Xia, what do you think of today's biggest news, the college entrance examination champion in Jianghai City?" one of them asked.

"What do you think? You've been watching it all the time." Xia Tian said lightly.

"Mr. Xia, what are you talking about, today's headline is the top student in the college entrance examination in Jianghai City. His test scores have broken the record since the founding of the People's Republic of China. If we let him endorse our products, or we will now subsidize his future tuition and living expenses. , it should be a good choice for our company, right."

"He doesn't want to do endorsements, and he won't ask for your money." Xia Xia said calmly.

"How do you know that he doesn't want to be our endorsement?"

"Because you'll find out later, do you have any other questions?" Xia Xia asked the crowd.

"Mr. Xia, we have now released a new lotion, which is produced based on the efficacy of snow lotus. How do you think we should promote this product?" These strong women seem to be trying to give Xia a smash.

"Okay, people from the Propaganda Department will take care of these issues, don't ask your President Xia about such trivial matters in the future~www.mtlnovel.com~ Zeng Rou opened her mouth to ease the crisis in Xia.

Hearing Zeng Rou say this, they had no choice but to give up. That's true. The Propaganda Department has to figure out how to solve these problems, and the boss usually just makes a decision.

Xia Xia had to admit that this group of strong women was really hard to handle. They all had very bright heads, and they all had an unwillingness to admit defeat. Xia Xia finally understood why the statistical results of those experts were that.

Because these strong women are men themselves, they will not take into account the feelings of their men at all.

Therefore, their marriages are generally unhappy.

After returning to Zeng Rou's office, Xia Xia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"How do you feel?" Zeng Rou asked Xia Xia.

"It's so tiring, all these women are so difficult to deal with." Xia Tian let out a long sigh of relief.

Ding Ding!

"Sister Rou, that Wen Zhaohua is here again. He is downstairs in the company now." The voice of the girl at the front desk came from the other end of the phone.

"I see." Zeng Rou frowned.

"Let him come up, I'll meet him." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Our company cooperates with Wen's Group, try not to conflict with him." Zeng Rou reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm measured." Xia Tian nodded.

You are me, my big apple.

"Cousin, what's the matter?"

"What is it? Are you impatient?"

"Of course not anymore. My cousin called me. It's too late for me to be happy."

"I'm calling to tell you that I've signed you up for a major."

"Oh, what major is it?"

"Senior Nursing."

"What? Nursing?"