I am waiting

Summer's voice was thick, and all of a sudden these noises were overwhelmed.

"What the **** is going on here?" These police officers were brought by Brother Xiao Ma. He had already greeted Brother Xiao Ma before he came. Brother Xiao Ma believed that Xia Xia must have full confidence, so he called him. My friend at the police station.

When Xiao Ma's friend heard that it was a fraud case, he naturally led the team out in person.

"Comrade police, you can first check whether the reporters in the back are real or fake. If I guessed correctly, they should not have any documents." Xia Xia said lightly, he had already seen it with perspective. These people have no credentials related to journalists at all.

"You go to me to check, if not, take them away." The police chief shouted loudly.

"You can't do that. We are citizens and we have the right to freedom."

"We didn't break the law, so why check us?"

"Don't check."

When those reporters heard Xia Xia's words, they shouted loudly, "Of course they are no longer reporters. Where could they find so many reporters at one time, so Wen Zhaohua's men found a bunch of tricks."

"It is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police in handling cases. If anyone does not cooperate, write down their ID cards for me. If they find out that they are not journalists after returning home, they will be arrested on the crime of fraud."

Hearing his words, the voices of those reporters disappeared.

five minutes later.

"Head, I found out that one is a trainee reporter, and the others are fake."

"Okay, bring them all back to record the confession."

After these reporters were arrested, there were many fewer people at the entrance of the mall.

Those who have just been lively and shouting are hiding far away one by one, afraid that they will also be involved. It is only a few hundred dollars. They don't want to be involved. The big deal is that they don't want the money.

For a while, there were only four people left at the scene, the three parties and Wen Zhaohua.

Wen Zhaohua didn't expect things to develop like this, and what A Biao found for him were all extras, just a reporter, or a trainee reporter.

Fortunately, these three parties are all invited at a high price, and the three of them can only bite the bullet and continue to pretend. If they don't pretend, it means that the three of them are here to defraud, which is a big sin.

"I remember the three of you saying that you don't know each other at all, right." Xia Xia looked at the three disfigured women.

"Yes, we don't know each other."

"I can understand that you both came to buy cosmetics on the same day, but why did you even come out with the appraisal in one day, and it was also from a hospital at one time." Xia Xia asked the three girls.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, they took another look at their appraisals, but they didn't find out that their appraisals were indeed made together, because it was a fake appraisal made by one person.

"What's the matter, maybe it's just a coincidence." Wen Zhaohua explained.

"Okay, I think it's a coincidence for now." Xia Xia walked directly to the three girls, and when he came to the first obese girl: "You said that the acne on your face is caused by the use of our company's products, right?"

"Yes, it became like this after using that lotus lotion and water."

"But I just found a few old photos of you. I found that your face has been like this for seven years. Can you explain it?" Xia Tian held up the photo and everyone could see it clearly. This woman, and there are not many pimples on her face at all.

"Take her to me, and take those photos with you."

"I was wrong. It was him. He asked someone to give me money to do this." The fat woman pointed at Wen Zhaohua and said.

"Arrest her. I didn't expect her to be a liar. She spit out blood." Wen Zhaohua hurriedly shouted.

"Mr. Wen, should you give us an explanation?" The policeman asked Wen Zhaohua with his head turned.

"You can believe such unfounded and unfounded words. I am a public figure. If you want to explain, you can go to my lawyer." Wen Zhaohua defended himself.

Xia Xia came to the second disfigured woman again: "Beauty, your red face has faded."

"Uh!" The woman was stunned for a moment. She touched her face with her hand, and her color really faded. It turned out that she was too anxious just now. She was a little scared when she saw the woman being taken away, so she sweated.

"That's okay, arrest me."

"I was forced. They said that I would not let my brother go to school if I didn't agree." The woman shouted loudly.

"Go to the police station and talk." Xia Xia smiled slightly and walked towards the third woman. This woman was the one who was disfigured and had scars all over her face. When she saw Xia Xia walking towards the third woman, Wen Zhaohua's heart was already raised. to the throat.

The face of the disfigured woman was covered in sweat.

"I was wrong, I was forced, the scars on my face were fake, I confessed to be lenient." The third woman couldn't bear it anymore and tore off all the scars on her face. It turned out that the scars on her face were made on purpose.

"Scar can also cheat. It seems that your case and test report are also fake. I will arrest them all."

"Congratulations, brother, for having another political achievement." Brother Xiao Ma smiled slightly.

"Thank you, brother, I will treat you when I have time." The policeman said with a smile on his face.

"Hey~www.mtlnovel.com~ I'm really embarrassed for you. You can still come here to go shopping if you are injured so badly. It's such a coincidence that such a thing happened to happen." Xia Tian looked at Wen Zhaohua with a slight smile. Those people also kept rolling their eyes at Wen Zhaohua.

"Okay, you wait for me." Wen Zhaohua looked at Xia Xia viciously.

"I'll wait." Xia Tian said lightly.

Wen Zhaohua's face turned purple, he turned around and left.

As soon as he left the mall, Wen Zhaohua dialed a number.

"A Biao, you're just a piece of trash, a complete trash. Go as far as you can in the future." Wen Zhaohua hung up the phone after he finished cursing.

"I will never let you go."

Zeng Rou followed Xia Xia all the time, but she didn't say a word from the beginning to the last.

Xia Xia said to let him solve it, Zeng Rou was still thinking about how Xia Xia would solve it, but she didn't expect Xia Xia to solve it so well, even if she came forward, she would not be able to do it like Xia Xia.

"Brother Xiaoma, Brother Xu, thank you both." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You're welcome, I'll go first, call me if you have anything." Brother Xiao Ma patted Xia Xia's shoulder.

"You don't have to be polite with me, you saved my life." Mr. Xu smiled slightly.

After the two left, Xia Xia looked at Zeng Rou: "What are you going to do about the shopping mall?"

"You are so capable, of course you have to listen to you." Zeng Rou smiled slightly.

"Then hold a large-scale event, which can also play a role in publicity. The venue of the event is all the shopping malls owned by the owner of the mall three days later. The content is that anyone who buys those two products will have the opportunity to draw fifty 10,000 grand prizes, the grand prizes are made public, and the winners are made public." Xia Tian suggested.