The highest state of loading B

The woman's attitude is very clear. She is here to pretend to be a B. She and Li Ying are high school classmates, but she is different from Li Ying. Li Ying was very popular in high school, because Li Ying is beautiful, but she is the one who is nobody. An accommodating woman.

She was jealous of Li Ying. After she went to college, she started to dress up coquettishly. Later, she really caught the golden turtle son-in-law Dajun.

When she first entered the restaurant, she saw Li Ying. She just spoke in that tone to exaggerate.

Seeing Li Ying still wearing that kind of street stall, she felt infinite pleasure in her heart.

"That's right, I believe your boyfriend must be very kind to you, but unfortunately he has no money, so he can only let you suffer with him." The woman said contemptuously.

Xia Tian sat there without saying a word, just watching the woman amuse herself there.

"How old is your brother?" Dajun looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"It's freshman year when school starts," Xia Xia replied.

"Oh, very young, maybe there will be a good development in the future." Dajun said to Xia Xia in a condescending manner.

"Li Ying, your boyfriend has good taste in clothes. Although it's not a brand, it looks good when matched." The woman glanced at Xia Xia's clothes.

"It's not bad, it's really good that the stalls can make such an effect now." Dajun nodded in the same way.

"Why hasn't Brother Lin come yet?" The woman asked while looking at the door.

"Come on, Brother Lin is so busy every day, how could he be here?" Dajun explained.

"Li Ying, I'll introduce you to a big man in a while. We all call him Brother Lin. Brother Lin's family owns a company. After graduation, if there is no place to work, he can go to Brother Lin. Brother Lin sees our face. I will definitely take care of you." The woman looked at Li Ying proudly, as if she was really taking care of Li Ying.

The reason why she said this is to show how well-connected she is now.

Li Ying didn't say a word, she just listened to the woman and the army sing along.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." A tall man appeared at the door. The man was about 1.8 meters tall and was white.

"It's not too late, we just arrived." The army said hurriedly.

"Are these two your friends?" Brother Lin saw Li Ying and Xia Xia after sitting down.

"Brother Lin, her name is Li Ying, she's my high school classmate, that's his boyfriend," the woman explained.

"Oh, since we are friends, let's eat together." Brother Lin was also very generous.

"Brother Lin, you wear different clothes every time you come here. The clothes on your body are definitely not cheap." Although the woman didn't know the brand that Brother Lin was wearing, she knew that it was impossible for Brother Lin to wear cheap clothes. goods out.

"Oh, the price is okay, one thousand eighteen." Brother Lin nodded.

"Brother Lin is Brother Lin, every piece of clothing is so expensive." The woman praised.

Brother Lin smiled and didn't say anything. He glanced at Li Ying and nodded silently. When he saw Li Ying for the first time, he could see that the other party was a beautiful woman. When he sat down and took a closer look, it was definitely a big girl. Beauty, although she doesn't use any makeup, her skin is very good.

Then he turned to look at Xia Xia. He wanted to see what such a beautiful girl's boyfriend looked like. When he saw Xia Xia, he could only sigh that this is a handsome guy with a beautiful girl, but he didn't think much about it. After all, this Society depends on strength, not on face.

Looking at Xia Xia's clothes, his brows slightly wrinkled. He felt that the clothes were very familiar, as if he had seen them before.

He took out his mobile phone, flipped through the photo album, and finally found this dress. After a careful comparison, he was completely stunned.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin? What's wrong with you?" The woman hurriedly shouted when she saw Brother Lin in a daze.

"Uh." Brother Lin recovered from the woman's call. He pointed to Xia's clothes and asked, "Is your clothes the limited edition of the XXX brand, the whole Jianghai City is only one?"

"I don't know, it was given by someone else." Xia Xia shook his head, it was just one of those clothes Zeng Rou bought for him, and he didn't know the origin at all.

Brother Lin looked at his mobile phone again, and then compared them one by one. This was the last time he went to the store to take pictures secretly. He hoped that he could buy it one day. It must be it."

"Brother Lin, what are you talking about?" The army looked at Brother Lin suspiciously.

"I'm talking about this dress he wears. I've always wanted to buy it, but it's too expensive. It costs 18888, so I'm going to save some money to buy it again." Brother Lin explained.

"18888." The other three were stunned when they heard the number.

The woman's face was full of incredulity. Just now, she was still laughing at the fact that she was wearing street goods in summer, UU reading www. uukanshu. com said that his clothes were hundreds of dollars, how expensive, but the other party's clothes were actually 18888.

This is not a grade at all. She finally understood why she didn't feel like a street vendor when she looked at the man's clothes just now.

Da Jun was even more surprised. He had never seen Xia Xia in the eye, and just now taught Xia Xia with a condescending attitude, but he never expected Xia Xia to wear such an expensive dress.

"Brother Lin, did you read it wrong?" the woman asked with her last hope.

"That's right, it's definitely not wrong. I've seen this dress many times, and I can draw it with my eyes closed." Brother Lin said with great confirmation.

Hearing Brother Lin's affirmative response, the woman couldn't wait to find a hole in the ground to crawl in. This is really embarrassing.

This is like a pancake seller bragging to Li Ka-shing about how much money he can make a day.

Banmen got an axe, and the woman finally understood what this sentence meant.

Li Ying also looked at Xia Xia with a look of surprise. She didn't expect Xia Xia to be so rich.

"A product, could it be a product A?" Dajun looked at Brother Lin and asked.

"No, I've already gone to see the A product. It's very different from the real one. Although it looks very similar on the outside, it's not at the same level as the real one." Brother Lin shook his head and looked enviously. summer.

Hearing Brother Lin's confirmation again, Da Jun's heart sank to the bottom of the lake. He could not wait to find a wall to hit him to death.

I really pretend to be a big B.

When he turned to look at Xia Xia, he realized that he was really wrong. He always thought that he was good at pretending to be B, but when he saw Xia Xia sitting there without saying a word, he pretended to be B.

This is the highest level of pretending to be B.