rude father and son

Everyone was taken back to the police station, and Xia Xia also went back to assist in the investigation. The little nurse Bai Yiyi took a taxi by herself.

Those five people were unlucky enough, and they had to be brought back to record their statements.

After arriving at the police station, the policemen watched the surveillance video again. It was just over-defense in the summer. After being fined 200 yuan, they were fine.

However, those five people and Zhao Tianyu were miserable.

Those five people were going to kill people with weapons in their hands in broad daylight. This was a serious crime, especially Zhao Tianyu, who was the mastermind. His arrogant face at that time was completely recorded by surveillance.

"Who caught my son." Two people came out of the police station.

"Officer Li."

"Officer Li."

Everyone in the police station saluted.

"Captain Qian, didn't I ask you to release him? Why haven't you released him yet?" Li Bureau looked at Captain Qian and asked.

"Ju Li, Shen Ergou captured the man, and you know his temper." Captain Qian said embarrassedly.

"It's that stunned green again." Li Ju's face was very ugly.

"Brother Li, who is that Shen Ergou? I want to see who is so good." Zhao Tianyu's father said angrily.

"Hey, let's go in and talk." Li Bureau took the lead and walked inside. When he came to the interrogation room, he saw through the glass that Shen Ergou was interrogating Zhao Tianyu, and Xia Xia was sitting on the stool outside with Bai Yiyi. chat.

"Yiyi!!" Zhao Tianyu's father was slightly taken aback when he saw Bai Yiyi, and his face became very ugly when he saw that she and Xia Xia were talking and laughing there. His son was being locked inside, Bai Yi Yi could still laugh.

"Uncle Zhao." Bai Yiyi put away the smile on her face and said hello, but it could be seen from her attitude that she didn't like Zhao Tianyu's father.

"Who is he?" Zhao Tianyu's father asked with a displeased face.

"Of course I'm her husband." Xia Xia said very casually.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Bai Yiyi knew that something bad was going to happen. Zhao Tianyu's domineering was completely inherited from his father. Compared with his father, Zhao Tianyu could only be regarded as a child who had not grown up.

"What kind of thing are you, you dare to rob my Zhao family's daughter-in-law." Zhao Tianyu's father stared at Xia Xia coldly, as if he was looking at a dead man.

"What are you, you dare to say that my wife is your daughter-in-law." Xia Xia was also not to be outdone.

"Who are you? Why are you here." Li Ju looked at Xia Xia up and down.

"Brother Li, what's the use of knowing the name of a dead person." Zhao Tianyu's father said in a cold tone. His meaning was very simple.

"Okay, I'm a dead man." Xia Xia smiled slightly. This father and son are really used to being domineering. One mouth is to kill someone else. Zhao Tianyu was like this before, and now his father is like this.

As if they didn't pay for killing people, the crematorium was opened by his family.

"What's going on here?" A beautiful woman walked over from outside.

"It's Captain Lin." Li Bureau took the initiative to greet Lin Bingbing. He knew that Lin Bingbing's background was unusual, so he never thought of Lin Bingbing's idea. Otherwise, he would have already started because of Lin Bingbing's beauty.

"What's wrong with Bureau Li here?" Lin Bingbing walked over after seeing the crowd.

"Sister Police Flower, I'm here." Xia Xia shouted excitedly when she saw Lin Bingbing.

"Xiamen, why are you here." Lin Bingbing frowned. In her opinion, the only reason Xiaxia appeared here was because he fought again.

"Xia Xia! Your name is Xia Xia?" Li Bureau was slightly taken aback when he heard the name. He was all too familiar with this name. The last time Team Liu happened was related to this summer.

If he hadn't acted quickly, he would have been in danger of falling.

"You know me?" Xia Xia looked at Bureau Li suspiciously.

"I know, I can't forget your name even when I sleep." Li Ju stared at Xia Xia with a grim look, and then said to Zhao Tianyu's father, "Do business first."

"Yes, my son, who arrested my son." Zhao Tianyu shouted angrily.

Open the door of the interrogation room.

"Dad, save me quickly." Zhao Tianyu almost cried when he saw his father.

"Son, what's wrong with you? Who bullied my son?" Zhao Tianyu's father shouted angrily when he saw Zhao Tianyu's appearance.

"It's him, and the one outside." Zhao Tianyu pointed at the policeman Shen Ergou who caught him and Xia Xia outside the interrogation room.

Zhao Tianyu's father walked directly to Shen Ergou.


"What are you? You dare to catch my son." Zhao Tianyu's father slapped Shen Ergou directly.

Domineering, arrogant, openly beating the police in the Public Security Bureau.

Shen Ergou was stunned for a moment. He naturally knew who the person in front of him was: "Senior Zhao, right? You openly attacked the police at the police station just now. I want to arrest you now."

"Er." Hearing Shen Ergou's Zhao Tianyu's father was slightly taken aback, and then slapped Shen Ergou again.

This time, Shen Ergou didn't get hit, but grabbed his arm, took out the handcuffs from his waist with his left hand, and handcuffed him directly.

"You dare to handcuff me, believe it or not, I will let you be laid off now." Zhao Tianyu's father looked at Shen Ergou angrily.

"I don't believe it, I have never done anything wrong, I am worthy of my identity." Shen Ergou said with justice and awe.

"How dare you, a small police officer, talk to me like that." Zhao Tianyu's father was about to start when he saw the handcuffs on his hands and stomped his feet in anger.

"Shen Ergou, open it for me, Section Chief Zhao is here to inspect the work today." Li Bureau said with a frown.

"I have enough reasons to lock him up now." Shen Ergou shook his head.

"You." Li Bureau has nothing to do with this Shen Ergou: "I'll let you go home and rest for a while now."

"Why?" Li Ergou asked very unconvinced.

"Why? I can kill you in minutes." Zhao Tianyu's father said angrily.

"I don't believe it." Shen Ergou responded.

"Okay, you have the seeds, Brother Li, what do you think about this?" Zhao Tianyu's father looked at Bureau Li.

"Er Gou, apologize to Section Chief Zhao soon." Li Bureau said with a frown.

"Ju Li, he doesn't seem to have made a mistake, and he was the one who was beaten." Lin Bingbing walked over from behind.

"Who are you?" Chief Zhao looked at the sign on Lin Bingbing's police uniform: "Isn't it a captain? Do you have the right to speak here? Get out of here."

"I'll give you a chance to apologize to my elder sister, Police Flower." Xia Xia, who had been sitting behind and watching, suddenly said.