Boss of the Martial Arts Department

"Oh? Come on, who would dare to let my brother hold his breath." Hu Fangye was stunned for a moment. Wang Nianlin was also one of the four young masters of Jianghai. Someone could actually make him shriveled. Could it be Wen Zhaohua and the others?

"He's a stinky boy who didn't even grow all his hair." Wang Nianlin became angry when he thought of summer, and just as somewhere under his body had finished relaxing, he grabbed the hair of the woman below and threw it out: "Go away."

The woman hurried out of the box.

"What's his background?" Hu Fangye asked again.

"I don't know either, all I know is that his name is Xia Xia." Wang Nianlin said with a frown, he wanted to check Xia Xia, but there was nowhere to check.

When he heard the name Xia Xia, Wen Ya in Hu Fangye's arms was slightly taken aback.

"Summer? Jianghai City has never heard of this character." Hu Fangye frowned. He really couldn't think of a famous person in Jianghai City whose surname was Xia.

"Young Master Hu, I know some of this person's origins." Wenya, who was hiding in Hu Fangye's arms, said suddenly.

"You know? Let's hear it." Hu Fangye looked at Wen Ya in his arms with great interest, and reached for her lower body with his right hand.

"Young Master Hu, you are really bad." Wen Ya said coquettishly.

"Come on, what's the background of that summer?" Wang Nianlin didn't expect this woman to know Xia Tian.

"He is a student of Jianghai High School and my classmate. Before, his life was very simple. He was a good student. After school, he went to work to make money. About a month ago, his whole person changed. In the same way, even the Xu family was forced to leave Jianghai City." Wenya did not say that Xia Xia was her boyfriend before, she could see that Wang Nianlin and Xia Xia must have a grudge, and she was going to marry into the Xu family. Well, it's all the good things that broke her this summer. She wants to take revenge on Xia, but she doesn't have that ability, so she plans to use this Wang Nianlin to deal with Xia.

"The Xu family? Is that the lame Asan's Xu family?" Hu Fangye frowned.

"It's the Xu family, but I also heard that the reason why the Xu family left Jianghai City had nothing to do with that summer. It was because their former great enemy returned to Jianghai, so they went out to avoid the limelight." Wen Ya did not To be honest, she clearly understood that the Xu family left Jianghai City because of the summer.

"Well, there is a possibility. The Xu family is still a little bit skilled in Jianghai. If they could be kicked out of Jianghai by a high school student, their Xu family would have long since disappeared." Hu Fangye nodded.

"Yes, it must be like this. No wonder he wore so shabby clothes when he went to Ye Qingxue's birthday party. As for those gifts, Ye Qingxue must have prepared them." Wang Nianlin seemed to have figured it out. If you have money, how can you dress so shabby, especially when he finds out that the summer car is not his own, and he actually takes Ye Qingxue to eat on the roadside barbecue.

"Such a small person can make you shriveled, you are really the title of the fourth son of Jianghai." Hu Fangye gave Wang Nianlin a disdainful look.

"The reason why I suffered in the past was because I didn't know his details. Now that I know it, I naturally have to teach him a good lesson." Wang Nianlin's eyes showed ruthlessness.

This matter has made him suffer for too long.

Early the next morning, Xia Xia went to Jianghai University with Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin.

This competition has been arranged. As long as Jianghai University's Taekwondo and Wushu clubs can defeat Takeshita Taro, then the matter is over. If they lose, then Jianghai University's Taekwondo and Wushu must be disbanded, and the reputation of Jianghai University will also be damaged.

As for the summer, the school arranged for him to play in the final competition. If Takeshita Taro lost to the martial arts club, then naturally he would not have to play in the summer.

Although the Taekwondo Club will also participate, but the Taekwondo Club only sent one person. Their strongest man, Gao Fushuai, was injured in the competition yesterday, so it is useless to send more people today.

But the martial arts club is different, they don't think they will lose.

"What kind of thing was that summer, he actually appeared like a key player in the end."

"That is, with our martial arts department, he wouldn't be able to play at all."

"I watched his game yesterday, and he won only by sneak attack. This kind of person is not worthy of being compared with our martial arts department."

The people in the Wushu department were very dissatisfied with the school's arrangement. In their opinion, it was useless to arrange that summer. With their Wushu department, it would naturally save the school's face.

And even if it is arranged, Xia Xia should be arranged first, and after he loses, the manpower of the martial arts department will turn the tide.

"Okay, since it's the school's arrangement, you just listen." A burly-looking man walked out from behind.

"Brother Li."

"Brother Li."

Seeing his arrival, everyone greeted him.

"Well," Brother Li nodded, "the boss has decided that I will represent the martial arts club. If I lose, the boss will go to battle in person."

"How could Brother Li possibly lose?"

"That's right, UUkanshu Brother Li is undefeated at all. No one can defeat Brother Li except the boss."

"Brother Lili will definitely win back face for our Jianghai University."

Everyone praised together, Brother Li was not polite, he thought he had that ability.

After they came to Jianghai University in the summer, they went directly to Huo-kissed girl. This time the match was run by Huo-kissed female referee. When they came to the conference room, there were already a few people sitting in the room, including the coach from the taekwondo department yesterday, and A member of the Taekwondo club.

"Let me introduce you to him, he is Summer." The fire kiss girl said to everyone.

"This is Coach Tan from the Taekwondo club. Next to him is today's contestant Ye Xu. Here is the boss of the martial arts club, Qi Shuai."

They said they were introducing each other, but in fact, apart from Xia Xia, everyone else knew each other.

"You are summer?" Qi Shuai asked lazily while sitting there.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"Today's game, you can just sit inside and watch the play. You should keep your sneak attack." Qi Shuai said disdainfully. He has full confidence in today's game. He believes that the Wushu Department will definitely win today's game. Contest.

Summer didn't answer.

"Qi Shuai, don't be careless, this is related to the existence of the martial arts department and the Taekwondo department, and it is also related to the reputation of our Jianghai University." Huo Kiss Nu reminded.

"Don't worry, if Ali loses, I will play in person." Qi Shuai said very casually, and then looked at Xia Xia again: "I remember that you are very good at giving nicknames to others, or you can give me a nickname too. A louder one."

"Qi Delong's words are not elegant enough, and Qi Dongqiang's words are not imposing. I think you should just call him Qi Delong Dongqiang." Xia Xia said lightly.