watch out for your eyes

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Hearing this voice, you don't have to turn your head to know who it is in the summer, it's that Wang Nianlin.

Just now Wang Nianlin was chatting with a friend, and someone happened to be talking about Zeng Rou, so he turned his head and glanced at Xia Xia.

Seeing that this poor boy in Xia Tian dared to come here, he naturally wanted to come up and ridicule him.

"Poor boy, how did you get in here? The security guard didn't care about you. You're not small. You even got a suit that looked like a dog." Glancing around.

"I'm a human model, you're a dog." Xia Xia responded.

"Hmph, you don't know how to live or die, how dare you talk to me like this, believe it or not, I'll let the security throw you out." Wang Nianlin looked at Xia Xia viciously.

"Are you from the Wang family?" Zeng Rou looked at Wang Nianlin and asked.

"Yes, I belong to the Wang family." Wang Nianlin said very proudly.

"Your Wang family does have a lot of prestige in Jianghai City, but this can't be your rampant capital." Zeng Rou said mercilessly, she couldn't see anyone insulting Xia Xia.

"Mr. Zeng, I think you have misunderstood. I have no intention of targeting your Zeng Group." Although Wang Nianlin is a child of the Wang family, he is only a child of the Wang family, not the head of the Wang family. With the head of the Wang family standing opposite, Zeng Rou can still give some face, but Zeng Rou doesn't pay attention to the second-generation ancestor of the younger generation.

"Misunderstanding? I don't think so, isn't it insulting to our Zeng Group when you talk to President Xia of our Zeng Group?" Zeng Rou said coldly.

"Mr. Xia!!" Wang Nianlin frowned, this was different from what he had learned. Xia Xia should be a poor boy.

But Zeng Rou actually called him President Xia.

"Oh, why did Wang Shao start greeting Zeng Dabei as soon as he came." A man and a woman walked in the distance. The man looked handsome, and the woman was pretty.

"Young Master Hu, you are here." Wang Nianlin saw Hu Fangye coming, and his face was filled with a smile, but when he saw the woman beside Hu Fangye, he was stunned. He didn't understand how Hu Fangye liked this and sold it. .

"Mr. Zeng, it's really been a long time." Hu Fangye came to Zeng Rou with a slight smile, glanced around Zeng Rou's body, and stretched out his right hand at the same time.

"Young Master Hu is so interested, to actually come to participate in the charity auction, this is not in line with your style." Zeng Rou sneered, but did not extend her hand.

"Haha, it's just to join in the fun, but President Zeng's figure is really getting better and better." Hu Fangye kept staring at Zeng Rou, as if he couldn't see enough.

"I can guarantee that if you look again, your eyes will hurt." Xia Xia warned Hu Fangye's naked eyes.

"What are you, didn't you see that I was talking to President Zeng?" Hu Fangye's expression turned cold, and he looked at Xia Xia fiercely. Although he and Wang Nianlin were also the fourth sons of Jianghai, there was a big gap between their status. of.

There are many descendants of the Wang family, and many of them are outstanding. Wang Nianlin can only be regarded as a second-generation ancestor.

But Hu Fangye is different. His position in the family has basically been fixed, and he will be the successor of the Hu family in the future.

"Young Master Hu, he is Summer." Wen Ya next to Hu Fangye whispered.

"Wang Nianlin, ah Wang Nianlin, you are getting more and more useless. You can't even handle such a stinky boy." Hu Fangye shook his head when Wenya said that the person in front of him was Summer.

"Wenya, you really can follow anyone. You followed one Xu Shaocong before, but now you have another one." Xia Xia said lightly.

"What's wrong with me? It's better than you being a little white face." Wenya saw that what Xia Tian wore was by no means cheap. She absolutely didn't believe that Xia Xian would have so much money. The woman next to him must have bought it for him.

"Have you been with Xu Shaocong?" Hu Fangye glanced at Wenya.

"Well..." Wen Ya nodded slightly.


Hu Fangye slapped him.

"Get out of here, go as far as you want." Hu Fangye felt very disgusted. He didn't care that Wenya was sold, but if he had been with Xu Shaocong, he couldn't stand it at all. People outside would gossip, and those people would think that He Hu Fangye picked up what was left by Xu Shaocong.

Wen Ya covered her face and ran out.

Hu Fangye's eyes returned to Zeng Rou again, staring nakedly at Zeng Rou.

"I seem to have said that your eyes will hurt." Xia Xia said lightly.

"How dare you talk to me like that with a little white face." Hu Fangye looked at Xia Xia fiercely.


"Why does my eye suddenly hurt so much?" Hu Fangye blinked his left eye forcefully. He felt his left eye suddenly hurt, as if something had entered.

"Hey, I tell you not to look around, that's what happens if you don't obey Xia Xia sighed and said.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Zeng Rou smiled slightly, she knew it must be Xia Xia's ghost.

"Hu Shao, don't move, I'll take a look." Wang Nianlin opened Hu Shao's left eye and found that the whole eye was red: "This seems to be inflamed after infection."

"Damn, what the **** is going on?" Hu Fangye closed his left eye directly to relieve the pain.

"Remember, don't look around in the future, it's easy to be blind." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Shut up for me, you are not qualified to talk to me." Hu Fangye glanced at Xia Xia with contempt, and the sight of his left eye hurt even more.

"It's really lively." At this moment, another person came from a distance, and this person was none other than Wen Zhaohua.

The fourth son of Jianghai came three together.

"Xiao Rou Rou, did you miss me if you haven't seen me for a few days?" Wen Zhaohua looked at Zeng Rou with a smile.

"Then did you miss me?" Xia Xia stood in front of Zeng Rou and smiled at Wen Zhaohua.

"Oh my god, it scared me to death." Suddenly seeing Xia Xia's face, Wen Zhaohua was startled, his body kept retreating, and he almost didn't fall.

"Wen Zhaohua, you are a big man. It's really worthless to see a little white face so frightened." Hu Fangye said contemptuously, his eyes no longer hurt.

Hearing Hu Fangye's words, Wen Zhaohua realized that he had lost his temper, and hurriedly explained, "I didn't pay attention, that's why I was scared."

"I can guarantee, if you are still called Sister Rou, I will throw you out now." Xia Xia showed his iconic devil smile again. Seeing Xia Xia's devil smile, Wen Zhaohua's heart froze. .

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, I can't stand it anymore, I saw that the fourth son of Jianghai was going to change blood." Hu Fangye said with a big laugh.