you 205

Seeing such a crazy scene, even Gongsun Ping was stunned. She didn't expect that this priceless medicinal pill was actually bought for 100,000 yuan. This is simply better than winning the lottery.

Those rich people kept shaking their heads one by one, too bad.

The hearts of all rich people are the same, that is, they can't see others taking advantage. They are naturally upset when they pick up such a big advantage in the summer.

However, the most unpleasant among them were Wen Zhaohua and the others.

"First of all, we congratulate the gentleman of 200 units, and secondly, what I want to say is that this auction is not over yet." Gongsun Ping shouted.

"What else is going on, the good things are gone, everyone is watching the fun."

"That is, the best things have been taken away, do you want us to spend money on silver necklaces?"

"My family is not short of millions of diamond rings."

The rich people shouted in dissatisfaction one by one.

Wen Zhaohua and Wang Nianlin's faces turned green when they heard the silver necklace and diamond ring. Isn't it the two of them that those people were talking about.

"I can only say that there are good things." Gongsun Ping smiled slightly, she didn't explain too much, once she explained too much, it would cause everyone's suspicion.

"Let's auction the fourth item." The two women in cheongsam lifted the fourth item up.

"I'll pay 100,000." After what happened just now, some people have already started to get angry. If they also paid 100,000 just now, then maybe Master Ma Yuanyi's medicinal pill is theirs.

"I'll give you 150,000." The atmosphere of the auction was ignited by the moment in the summer.

"You've made a fortune this time." Zeng Rou smiled slightly.

"My money belongs to Sister Rou." Xia Xia said.

"Just know how to make me happy." Zeng Rou only showed the appearance of a little woman in front of Xia Xia.

"What I said is true, the medicinal pill is handed over to Sister Rou, and Sister Rou can handle it as she sees it." Xia Xia had already handed over the money, and he still had more than 800,000 in his card, and the medicinal pill was also given by the cheongsam woman. come over.

"Okay, I'll sell it for you, and then I'll give you the money, you little bastard." Zeng Rou nodded Xia Tian's head.

"Sister Rou, I'll make me stupid if you do this." Xia Xia said.

"I just want to fool you, you little devil." Zeng Rou smiled slightly.

"That's not good. If I'm stupid, I won't want anyone else." Xia Tian pretended to be terrified.

"No one wants me to." Zeng Rou said very seriously.

"Then you still want me now." Xia Xia smiled.

"I just want to be stupid." Zeng Rou said lightly.

Blind shooting was still a pit, and finally no one started in the sixth round, because the two had already pitted them again.

"One hundred thousand." Xia Tian held a sign.

Seeing Xia Xia holding the sign again, Hu Fangye was stunned, but he still didn't make a move, he was waiting for the opportunity.

"One hundred thousand yuan once."

"One hundred thousand yuan twice."

"One hundred thousand yuan three times."

"Deal, congratulations to our No. 200 station for winning the sixth item in the blind auction." Gongsun Ping said.

"Is it a loss? Or is it a gain?" Gongsun Ping smiled slightly and brought up everyone's curiosity again. This time period is the most exciting time for everyone.

Hu Fangye snorted disdainfully, he was waiting to see Xia Xia being trapped.

In his opinion, Xia Xia is the kind of person who gets carried away as soon as he tastes the sweetness. This kind of person is the most common in casinos. After winning a big one, he feels like a **** of gamblers. This kind of person loses miserably in the end.

"Let's take a look together." Gongsun Ping opened the box.

A crystal necklace lays flat inside the sealed glass.

When she saw this crystal necklace, Gongsun Ping was stunned. If she remembered correctly, the pill that Master Ma Yuanyi had just now was taken away by No. 200. It was the first treasure that was blindly photographed. , and this necklace is the second treasure in this field.

Both treasures were taken away by one person at a price of 100,000 yuan.

"Wouldn't that be a blue crystal necklace?" Someone on the stage who knew the necklace shouted in confusion.

It was only then that everyone realized that yes, this is the blue crystal necklace. The price of this necklace is more than 1.8 million.

"Damn, can this still be played?"

"No reason, number 200 is your own."

"There must be an inside story."

The people around shouted in dissatisfaction.

Two consecutive treasures were bought by the 200th person for 100,000 yuan, which is simply unreasonable.

Hu Fangye's face was already blue. He was still pretending to be smart just now, but every time he thought that this item was actually a blue crystal necklace.

"We congratulate the people on Channel 200." Gongsun Ping was also a little curious, who was sitting on Channel 200, and he was so lucky.

Zeng Rou was completely speechless.

In the summer, I spent another 100,000 yuan to buy a necklace worth about 2 million yuan.

"Mr. Xia, your luck is so good that you don't have any friends." Yang Yun said with emotion.

"Don't Xia always have any secrets, please pass them on to us," said the owner of the mall.

The cheongsam woman sent the necklace to Xia Xia.

"Don't move, I'll put it on for you." Xia Tian picked up the blue crystal necklace and said to Zeng Rou.

"Uh, UU reading this is too precious." Zeng Rou's face flushed instantly, she never dreamed that such a thing would happen to her, and a sense of happiness that she had never experienced came to her face. .

She never dreamed that summer would give her such a precious thing.

"As long as you like it, even if it is a star in the sky, I will find a way to get it for you." Xia Tian put the blue crystal necklace on Zeng Rou's neck. .

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Zeng Rou's heart was melted again.

She knew she would never feel wrong, and that was the feeling of happiness.

"Let's auction the seventh item." Gongsun Ping said.

"800,000." This summer, he said 800,000 directly.

Hearing Xia Xia's opening, Hu Fangye couldn't sit still any longer.

"900,000." Hu Fangye raised the sign in his hand.

"1 million." Others also started to hold signs. Summer's luck was so good, so they also started to follow in summer's footsteps.

"Sister Rou, do you have money in your card. Lend me something to use it. I won't spend it. My card is not enough." Xia Xia said to Zeng Rou.

"Well, mine is yours." Zeng Rou hadn't come out of her happiness yet.

Here, if you don't have enough money in your card to bid, you can't bid.

"2 million." Xia Xia suddenly raised the price of the item to 2 million, which suddenly scared off many rich people who wanted to get involved.

"Hmph, I have more money than me." Hu Fangye snorted coldly, "2.5 million."

"You are 250, you won." Xia Tian smiled slightly and did not continue to bid.

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