Islanders' revenge

The shirtless man was about to smash the summer with the stool.

"Mr. Underworld, your tattoo has faded." Xia Xia looked at the shirtless man and said.

The shirtless man was stunned for a moment, and then touched his chest. When he touched it, the fake tattoo that had faded from the beginning turned into a black one.

"It turns out that the tattoos are all faded now." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"Stinky boy, wait for me." The shirtless man ran away when he heard the jeers around him.

Zeng Rou smiled slightly. It was the first time she heard that tattoos were drawn.

"Sister Rou, you are so beautiful when you smile. You should smile more usually." Xia Xia said, Zeng Rou is always cold and gives people the attitude of a superior. This may be the way she uses to protect herself. .

"I just want to laugh and show you alone." Zeng Rou is a strong woman in front of others, but a weak woman in front of Xia Xia.

"Hoho, an uninvited guest." Xia Tian saw four people in his eyes.

"Is that the person just now?" Zeng Rou looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"No, it's a few island dogs. Their news is really well-informed, and they can be found." Xia Xia shook his head. There are so many people in this food stall, and they can find themselves, so they have to admire them. Detective ability.

Summer gulps up.

"You still have the heart to eat." Zeng Rou looked around nervously.

"Sister Rou, don't be nervous, your man is very strong." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"You're still joking, where is the person?" Zeng Rou looked around.

"They will arrive in two minutes." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Two minutes later? How do you know?" Zeng Rou asked puzzled.

"They passed by here just now. It's a few ninjas. Now they're going to change their clothes. They'll be here soon." Xia Xia explained.

"Change clothes? Why do you want to change clothes?" Zeng Rou asked again.

"People from the Special Operations Department are hunting ninjas everywhere. If they just show up in public, they will be hunted in less than two hours," Xia Xia explained.

"I've heard of the Special Operations Department, but I haven't seen it before. Is it the kind of person who is very powerful, like an agent like 007?" Zeng Rou asked curiously.

"Almost, but there are several grades in the Special Operations Office. It would be nice to take you there if you have the chance," Xia Xia said.

"Okay, then can you teach me the kind of kung fu you know?" Zeng Rou asked Xia Xia.

"The kung fu I know is the most masculine and firm, and it is not suitable for you. I will teach you when I help you find the suitable one for you." Xianxian's Manyun Xianbu and Lingxi Yizhi both require years of basic learning to cultivate. And those are all masculine martial arts, not suitable for Zeng Rou.

At this moment, four men in black came to Xia Xia's side: "Come with us."

"You asked me to go with you, and I'll go with you, so I'm not very embarrassed." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Don't resist. If you can kill Hashimoto, your strength should be at the mid-to-late Huang level. The four of us are Chunin, and our strength is similar to yours. You have no chance of winning with one enemy and four." The most admired is their Chinese language, which is very good, not inferior to the Chinese.

"Big brother, it's him." Not far from Xia Xia came five shirtless big men, all of them with tattoos.

"Boy, I heard that you are very good, even my brother dares to bully." The man in the lead came directly to Xia Xia's side and stepped on the stool.

"Let me tell you, I'm a socialist too. Did you see that these guys in suits are my younger brothers." Xia Xia pointed to the four ninjas, and when they heard Xia Xia's words, the four ninjas frowned.

Their purpose is to bring back summer without any surprises.

"The four of you are his younger brothers. Let me tell you, Brother Biao, I've been here for so long and I haven't been afraid of anyone. If you're acquainted, get out of here." Brother Biao looked at the four ninjas viciously. The little brothers behind him also all walked up.

Xia Xia smiled at Zeng Rou, and Zeng Rou nodded silently.

"Hit." Xia Xia threw everything on the table at the two gangs, then pulled Zeng Rou up and ran outside.

"md, you still dare to do it." Brother Biao rushed up directly, and the little brothers behind him also rushed up to the ninjas.

Seeing Xia Xia escape, those ninjas were very anxious, but they were entangled by these little gangsters.

"Hurry up and catch up." The ninja cut his right hand directly on Brother Leopard's neck.

Xia Xia led Zeng Rou to a very remote cul-de-sac.

"Why did you come here?" Zeng Rou asked anxiously when she saw that there was a dead end in front of her.

"It's easy to do it here." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Hey, Brother Xu, I'm Xia, I'm in xxx, come over here, drive a van, ask for a deck, bring some masks, etc." Xia hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"What are you doing?" Zeng Rou asked in confusion.

"Do you want to be a hero again?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically.

" Zeng Rou nodded.

"Tonight we'll be heroes once again." Xia Xia smiled slightly, just as the four ninjas chased after him. Seeing Xia Xia entered a dead end, a few of them walked over and completely blocked the alley.

Blocked all escape routes in the summer.

"That person outside, you are surrounded by me alone, hurry up and surrender." Xia Xia shouted to the four ninjas.

"I don't know whether to live or die." The leader Zhongren said coldly.

"It's too late." Xia Xia smiled slightly, dragged Zeng Rou and walked towards the four ninjas.

"Well? What's the matter, why can't I move?"

"I can't move either."

"What exactly is going on."

The four ninjas suddenly found themselves unable to move, and their faces were full of panic.

"Sister Rou, they are all ninjas. They came to Huaxia to do a lot of bad things. You can do whatever you want with this stick." Xia Xia picked up a stick from the ground and handed it to Zeng Rou.

Zeng Rou looked at the stick in her hand and gritted her teeth. If it was before, she would never have done such a childish thing, but she found that after being with Xia Xia, she became younger and her life was full of vitality again. .

People should be crazy when they are alive.

A stick hit.

"#¥%&" Island people spit out a bunch of swearing island language.

"Dare to scold people." In the summer, a few silver needles flew out again, directly holding their mouths, and then tore off the poison on their collars.

These ninjas have to bring this kind of thing when they come out. Once the mission fails, they will commit suicide by taking poison and not giving the other party a chance to ask questions.

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