crazy zhao

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In the summer, they handled the Jounin in exactly the same way as the others, except that his end was much worse than the previous ones, and all his bones and joints were crushed by the summer.

With spray paint on my body, I am the head of an island ninja dog.

"Director, it's not good."

"What's wrong?" Ye Wanqing asked in confusion.

"There's another one."

"Ninja?" Ye Wanqing asked.

"Well, and it's a Jōnin."

"Junin?" Ye Wanqing ran out directly. The identity of Shangren was different. She had already entered the ranks of super masters. If Shangren was also recruited, then the identity of this Lei Feng would be too mysterious.

Even if Fan Chaifeng was asked to hunt down the name Jounin, it wouldn't necessarily lead to any result.

Ye Wanqing couldn't bear to see that Joinin whose eyes were twitching. This Lei Feng's attack was too ruthless.

"Take it." Ye Wanqing shook her head. She couldn't figure out who this Lei Feng was and what his purpose was. It would be great if such a person could be used by the country.

If you let her know that Lei Feng is Summer, her mouth will probably fall to the ground.

At the same time, in a large house of 200 square meters, the decoration of this house is extremely luxurious, but the owner of the house is full of tears.

"Son, if I had known Mr. Wang long ago, you might be able to save him, but now Dad can only make you suffer less. Dad will give you a ride." Chief Zhao covered his face with tears. Zhao Tianyu's mouth and nose.

Two minutes later, Section Chief Zhao lay on his son's body: "Dad swears to avenge you. Don't you like Bai Yiyi? Daddy asked her to come down with you too."

That night, Section Chief Zhao hugged his son and lay down all night. He held his son in his arms fiercely. He had no regrets. The hatred that night had driven him to a dead end.

In the early morning, after getting up in the summer, I plan to buy breakfast for my cousin and the others.

You are me, my big apple.

"Hey, who is it?"

"I am Zhao Tianyu's father, and my son is dead."

"Dead? You killed? You fool, your son will be fine in a month."

"You don't have to lie to me, I personally sent him on the road."

"I'm not wronging you at all by calling you an idiot. I just want to teach him a lesson. Although he will become a **** in the future, he will gradually improve after a month. I didn't expect you to kill him."

"I'm going to kill you, and Bai Yiyi, I'm going to let her drive off the cliff by herself, you must hurry up."

"If you dare to touch her, I'll make you worse than your son."

Xia Xia called Bai Yiyi after hanging up, but Bai Yiyi's cell phone was turned off.

"Damn, this idiot." Xia Xia threw away the breakfast in his hand and hurriedly ran to the cliff that Section Chief Zhao said.

"Dad, look, it's Superman." Xia Xia ran at such a fast speed for the first time, and the little girl in the car shouted after he passed a private car.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll be at school soon, where is Superman." The little girl's father looked out of the car and saw nothing.

"Wait for me, don't let anything happen." Xia Tian ran his speed to the fastest.

At the same time, a white car was parked on the edge of a cliff on the outskirts of Jianghai City. A woman was sitting in the car. The woman was in a daze. holding the controller.

"Son, when that person comes, I will press the button, the car will rush down the cliff at a fast speed, I will record the desperate expression of that person clearly, and after I kill him, I will send the video to You burn it." Zhao Ke's eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was very crazy.

Bai Yiyi felt dizzy and had no strength: "Where am I? Why do I have no strength at all."

"This is in the car. It looks like a cliff in front of me." Bai Yiyi's eyesight recovered somewhat.

Bai Yiyi's consciousness also recovered a little, but her head was still dizzy and she had no strength at all, but she already remembered what happened, it was Zhao Tianyu's father, he was crazy.

He wanted to let himself be buried with Zhao Tianyu, and he wanted to kill Xia Xia.

"Is it a drug?" Bai Yiyi felt like he couldn't move.

There was a cold corpse beside her. It was Zhao Tianyu. His father knew that he liked Bai Yiyi, so he asked Bai Yiyi to bury him with him.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move.

"Am I really going to die?" Tears welled up in Bai Yiyi's eyes.

"I didn't expect you to come so soon." Section Chief Zhao looked at Xia Xia and said lightly.

"Your end will not be better than your son." Xia Xia said coldly.

"I want you to see Bai Yiyi buried with my son today, and then kill you." Chief Zhao took out a pistol in his right hand.

"You can't do it." Xia Xia looked at Section Chief Zhao with cold eyes.

"I can't do it? As long as I press the button on my hand, the car will automatically drive and rush down the cliff, and Bai Yiyi will bury my son with me." Section Chief Zhao said frantically.

"I said you can't do Xia Tian said lightly.

"I'll let you watch her die first, and then I'll kill you. I know you're amazing. You've learned some martial arts, but no matter how fast you are, you can't beat a bullet." Chief Zhao pressed his left hand after he finished speaking. the button in the .

The car started directly, and then rushed towards the cliff.

"Goodbye, my relatives and friends, goodbye, Summer." Bai Yiyi had already closed his eyes in despair.

boom! !

A strong shot hit the front of the car, and in an instant, the glass was all shot forward due to inertia, and the entire front of the car was dented by this strong shot.

The car stopped.

It was Summer, and at the moment when the car started, Xia Xia rushed directly to the front of the car, used his powerful force to stop the car's progress, and destroyed the starting equipment in the car.

"It's very dangerous. If I didn't just break through, I'm afraid this would kill me." Xia Xia secretly said, although he stopped the car, his current situation is not good at all. into his flesh.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Section Chief Zhao was stunned. He couldn't believe what he saw was true. Is this something that humans can do?

Xia Xia took the dizzy Bai Yiyi out of the car.

"I said you couldn't do it." Xia Xia turned to look at Section Chief Zhao.

"Don't be too arrogant, I have a gun in my hand, and I want you to die today." Section Chief Zhao directly pulled the trigger in his hand. He absolutely did not believe that Xia Xia could dodge bullets.

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