water meter

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When she heard the word summer, Sister Hong was slightly taken aback, and then put down the wine glass in her hand.

Xia Xia on the side was also stunned. When did he become so famous, even foreign friends knew him, and he had to check his details to see if he liked him.

Sister Hong put her right hand on the card, and then pushed the card back: "Sorry, I won't accept this."

Seeing Sister Hong's actions, the **** little leopard girl was very puzzled.

"Do you think you don't have enough money?" The **** little leopard girl looked at Sister Hong and asked.

"No, go find someone else, I won't sell his information." Sister Hong shook her head.

Seeing Sister Hong's attitude, the **** little leopard girl took back her card, turned around and left after paying for the drink.

"Why didn't you pick it up?" Xia Xia looked at Sister Hong and asked.

"Why don't you catch up and tell her that you are Xia Tian." Sister Hong looked at Xia Xia and smiled.

It was Xia Xia who found out that Sister Hong already knew her detailed information. The reason why she didn't sell it just now was because of her friendship in the past few days.

"Forget it." Summer smiled awkwardly.

"There are a lot of people who have come to buy your news recently. She is already the eighth wave of people I rejected." Sister Hong looked at Xia Xia and continued, "I have made a lot of less money."

"Sister Hong, our relationship is so good, it's vulgar to raise money." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"It's better for you to be careful recently. A few days ago, the brothers and sisters from the island nation and the thief also asked about you, and there are people from other provinces." Sister Hong reminded.

"When did I become so famous." Xia Xia said inexplicably, he didn't do anything big, why did he seem to be known to everyone, and why did those people inquire about him?

Although he has had a lot of enemies recently, he didn't provoke people from abroad. Those islanders should be doing it for Takeshita Taro, and because he robbed Tongtian Fragment later, they inquired about him.

As for the brother and sister of the thief, they cooperated with the people of the island country, so it is normal to help them find out.

But the fate of the unfortunate pair is probably not much better now. Neither the quicksand nor the special operations department will let them off easily, and since those island ninjas are dead, their money must be gone. Can't get it.

"I don't know. I didn't continue to check after I found out that you are Xia Xia." Sister Hong is very careful in doing things. She is very interested in Xia Xia, so she wants to learn about Xia Xia through contact, not just a moment. Son dug up everything about him.

"Thank you, Sister Hong, then." Xia Xia drank the wine and walked outside.

"Be careful, that woman just now is not an ordinary person." Sister Hong reminded that she knew that when Xia Xia left now, she must have followed the **** little leopard girl.

"Don't worry, Sister Hong." Xia Xia walked out of the bar.

in Jianghai University.

"Senior sister, we didn't get anything, what should we do now?" Ling'er looked at Yun Miao and asked.

"I didn't expect it to become like this." Yun Miao frowned and said. She originally thought that with her and Ling'er's strength, she would be able to easily grab the Tongtian Fragment, but in the end, there were so many masters.

Moreover, the people of the island nation took the lead in taking away the Scroll of Tongtian after careful design.

"Why don't I go grab the basketball god?" Linger asked.

"Xia Xialong is kind to Master, how can we rob his son's things." Yun Miao shook her head, although she didn't know if Xia Xialong's Scroll of Heaven was there, but she didn't plan to go there whether it was there or not. Shoot for summer.

"But if we don't bring the things back, the head will definitely let you marry that hateful guy." Ling'er said angrily.

"Let's think of a way." Yun Miao frowned.

Inside a hotel in Jianghai City.

"Girl, how's it going?" the **** leopard print woman asked, looking at the little girl holding a notebook on the bed. The little girl looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

"If you hack in, you can only find out his father's information. His mother's is extra-advanced encryption. Only a few people in the whole of China have permission." The little girl said.

"The origin of this kid is not simple." The **** leopard print girl sighed after hearing the little girl's words.

"His father is Xia Xia Long, and his title in Hua Xia is Xiyin, and he is also an instructor of the Hua Xia Dragon Group. He fell into the abyss during a defense battle." The little girl read out the cracked information.

"What a scary background." The **** leopard print woman said with emotion.

"His father is a legend in Huaxia. It is said that he became famous when he was eighteen years old. Later, he defeated many big figures who were already famous at the time, and finally became a dragon group instructor." The little girl explained.

"There are a group of perverts in the dragon group. He can act as a group of perverted instructors. It seems that he was really powerful back then." The **** leopard print girl nodded.

"I think the most mysterious thing is his mother. Even I can't get in. The encryption level is too high." The little girl shook her head and continued: "How's your side?"

"I've already found someone to check his current news." The **** leopard girl nodded.

"It doesn't seem to be going well from your appearance." The little girl looked at the Leopard Girl suspiciously. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Well, Sister Hong, the biggest information trader in Jianghai City, refused to help me check Xia Xia." The **** leopard print woman frowned.

"It's really troublesome, just kill him directly," said the little girl.

"Kill him, where do we go to find that thing, even quicksand people don't do that, then there are only two possibilities, one is that he doesn't have that thing at all, and the other is that he hides that thing It's very secret, no one knows where it is." said the **** leopard girl.

dong dong dong!

Hearing the knock on the door, the two women were stunned at the same time.

The **** leopard girl frowned and touched her right hand to her waist, then walked to the door and asked, "Who?"

"Check the water meter."

Hearing these four words, the two women were stunned. Although the **** leopard girl is not from China, she knows the Chinese language very well, and the little girl inside is even a native of China.

"Check your sister's water meter, this is a hotel." The little girl shouted loudly.

"Oh, then you can treat me as a special male service."

Hearing this sentence, the two women really couldn't laugh or cry, where did this treasure come from.

"We don't need your special male service, you can go quickly." The **** leopard print woman said cautiously, not knowing the origin of the other party.

"Or even if I repair TVs, I can always get in."

"What is this idiot thinking?" The little girl felt that she had really seen the best, and these things still count, and this is a hotel, not an ordinary family.

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