The head of the 4 sons of Jianghai

"Are you threatening me?" Xia Tian put away his smile and said with a serious expression. Flash Dance Novel Network

Seeing the changes in Summer, Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue both knew that things were bad, and what Xia Xian hated most was that others threatened him with people around him.

"You can think so, just because you are a poor student, it is impossible for you to enter the Bing family's door." Fang Junnian did not care about Xia Xia's expression.

"Cousin, do you have anything else to do? If you are alright, leave quickly and go back and tell my grandfather that I will not go back." Bing Xin hurried forward when she heard Fang Junnian's words.

"I'm not leaving, I promised Grandpa that I must take you back." Fang Junnian didn't see Bing Xin winking at him.

Xia Xia walked in front of Fang Junnian, grabbed his right hand and pinched it directly on Fang Junnian's neck, seeing Xia Xia's actions, Bing Xin knew something was wrong, Xia Xia was really angry.

Xia Tian lifted Fang Junnian with one hand, "For the sake of your cousin Bingxin, I will spare you, if you dare to say that again, I will kill you, if anything happens to anyone around me, I'll show you what regret is."


If the previous summer was teasing this Fang Junnian, then now he is really angry.

With a flick of his right hand, Fang Junnian was thrown out.

"Summer, he's just joking with you. Flash Dance Novel Network" Ye Qingxue hurriedly stepped forward to explain.

"I don't want any of you to be in danger. If possible, I will eliminate your potential crisis in advance." Xia Xia said lightly.

Seeing Xia Xia's expression, Fang Junnian was stunned, he knew that he had touched the bottom line of the other party.

"Cousin, let's go, and I hope you will reflect on it after you go back. If grandpa heard what you said just now, grandpa will not spare you." Bing Xin reminded that although her grandfather was strong, he would never go Bullying.

Not to allow their descendants to bully others.

"I apologize for what I said just now, but when I go back, I will tell my grandfather the situation here. You can do it yourself." Fang Junnian turned around and left after finishing speaking.

After Fang Junnian left, he also left Jianghai University in the summer.

"Young Master Hu, what happened last time, I was slapped by my father after I went back. If I don't breathe, I won't be reconciled even if I die." Wang Nianlin clenched his fists and said.

"Hmph, I won't let him go." Hu Fangye said viciously, when he remembered what happened last time, he wanted to scold people, but he was actually played by a stinky boy.

It was a shame he had never felt in his life.

"What should we do or find someone to frame him and let him die in prison?" Wang Nianlin is asking for Hu Fangye's consent, because this requires Hu Fangye's help. 35xs

"No, that's too cheap for him. I'll find someone to break his legs first, then send him to prison, and finally let him die in prison." Hu Fangye said viciously.

"Okay, just say whatever you need me to do." Wang Nianlin nodded.

"Dealing with him is a trivial matter, Jiang Shao will be back soon, we need to prepare well." For Hu Fangye, dealing with summer is a trivial matter, but going to see Jiang Shao is a big deal.

"We have to kill this kid before Jiang Shao comes back. If we let Jiang Shao know that the three of us suffer in the hands of this kid, the three of us will be finished." Wang Nianlin felt a little nervous when he mentioned Jiang Shao.

Jiang Hai has always been headed by Jiang Shao, because the other three were elected by Jiang Shao.

That is to say, the reason why the three of them became the Fourth Young Master of Jianghai was because they were recognized by Young Master Jiang, and it was precisely because they became the Fourth Young Master of Jianghai that they could obtain that kind of status in the family.

Once they are deprived of the reputation of Jianghai Fourth Young Master by Jiang Shao, then their status in the family will immediately become lower, and even Hu Fangye's status in the family will be deprived. Status can also be taken by others.

The meaning of existence of the fourth son of Jianghai is to rule, the leader of all the sons of Jianghai City.

If they don't have that ability, then they'll be replaced.

Jiang Tianshu will choose three other people to replace them. There are many people in Jianghai City who are staring at their three positions, and even people in their own family are paying attention to them.

So they must maintain their dignity and status.

"You must not let Young Master Jiang know about this matter." Hu Fangye knew very well that the reason why he became the candidate of the Hu family was because of Jiang Tianshu's support. If Jiang Tianshu no longer supported him, then his status would definitely not be guaranteed. .

While exercising at home in the summer, I received a call from Bai Yiyi.

Bai Yiyi told him that Zhao had gone insane, and that he killed his son with his own hands, which had constituted a crime, and now he has been severely quarantined.

Zhao's incident sounded alarm bells for some people.

For example, Deputy Head Li, he originally wanted Zhao to deal with Xia Xia, but he didn't expect Zhao to be abolished, so he had to start doubting Xia Xia's identity.

It was Liu at the beginning, and now it is Zhao.

You are me, my big apple.

"Auntie, why do you have time to call me?"

"Do you want to join the special team?"

"In no mood."

"So crisp"


"I'm still thinking that after you join the special team, you will be assigned to a group with Lin Bingbing, and the two of you can go on missions together in the future. Since you're not interested, then forget it."

"Whoever said I don't want to, I know that my aunt is the best for me."

"Then roll over for me now."

"I'll be right there."

Xia Tian cleaned up and went straight to Ye Wanqing.

The place Ye Wanqing and Xia Xia made an appointment was a cafe.

"Auntie, how can I join the special team?" Xia Xia said straight to the point.

"You are now." Ye Wanqing said.

"Well, it's so fast, don't you want to find out the identity, and do you have any internship tasks?" Xia Xia looked at Ye Wanqing with a puzzled face, but he had heard how difficult it was to enter the special operations department, and Lin Bingbing was still in the special team before joining the special team. There is a task, and if it hadn't been for Summer's help, Lin Bingbing would not have been able to complete it at all.

"Is there anyone who knows you better than me?" Ye Wanqing asked rhetorically.

Indeed, Ye Wanqing knew herself better than Xia Xia herself.

She grew up watching Xia Xia, and she knows all the background and information about Xia Xia, so she doesn't need to investigate anything at all, let alone Xia Xia's ability.

She absolutely believes that Summer has the ability to become a first-class member of the special team.

The special team can be divided into seven classes of members in total. Those who have just entered the special team are the intern team members, then the first class, the second class, and the highest is seventh class.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Chapter 145: The First of the Four Young Masters of Jianghai Chapter 6

"Are you threatening me?" Xia Tian put away his smile and said with a serious expression. Flash Dance Novel Network

Seeing the changes in Summer, Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue both knew that things were bad, and what Xia Xian hated most was that others threatened him with people around him.

"You can think so, just because you are a poor student, it is impossible for you to enter the Bing family's door." Fang Junnian did not care about Xia Xia's expression.

"Cousin, do you have anything else to do? If you are alright, leave quickly and go back and tell my grandfather that I will not go back." Bing Xin hurried forward when she heard Fang Junnian's words.

"I'm not leaving, I promised Grandpa that I must take you back." Fang Junnian didn't see Bing Xin winking at him.

Xia Xia walked in front of Fang Junnian, grabbed his right hand and pinched it directly on Fang Junnian's neck, seeing Xia Xia's actions, Bing Xin knew something was wrong, Xia Xia was really angry.

Xia Tian lifted Fang Junnian with one hand, "For the sake of your cousin Bingxin, I will spare you, if you dare to say that again, I will kill you, if anything happens to anyone around me, I'll show you what regret is."


If the previous summer was teasing this Fang Junnian, then now he is really angry.

With a flick of his right hand, Fang Junnian was thrown out.

"Summer, he's just joking with you. Flash Dance Novel Network" Ye Qingxue hurriedly stepped forward to explain.

"I don't want any of you to be in danger. If possible, I will eliminate your potential crisis in advance." Xia Xia said lightly.

Seeing Xia Xia's expression, Fang Junnian was stunned, he knew that he had touched the bottom line of the other party.

"Cousin, let's go, and I hope you will reflect on it after you go back. If grandpa heard what you said just now, grandpa will not spare you." Bing Xin reminded that although her grandfather was strong, he would never go Bullying.

Not to allow their descendants to bully others.

"I apologize for what I said just now, but when I go back, I will tell my grandfather the situation here. You can do it yourself." Fang Junnian turned around and left after finishing speaking.

After Fang Junnian left, he also left Jianghai University in the summer.

"Young Master Hu, what happened last time, I was slapped by my father after I went back. If I don't breathe, I won't be reconciled even if I die." Wang Nianlin clenched his fists and said.

"Hmph, I won't let him go." Hu Fangye said viciously, when he remembered what happened last time, he wanted to scold people, but he was actually played by a stinky boy.

It was a shame he had never felt in his life.

"What should we do or find someone to frame him and let him die in prison?" Wang Nianlin is asking for Hu Fangye's consent, because this requires Hu Fangye's help. 35xs

"No, that's too cheap for him. I'll find someone to break his legs first, then send him to prison, and finally let him die in prison." Hu Fangye said viciously.

"Okay, just say whatever you need me to do." Wang Nianlin nodded.

"Dealing with him is a trivial matter, Jiang Shao will be back soon, we need to prepare well." For Hu Fangye, dealing with summer is a trivial matter, but going to see Jiang Shao is a big deal.

"We have to kill this kid before Jiang Shao comes back. If we let Jiang Shao know that the three of us suffer in the hands of this kid, the three of us will be finished." Wang Nianlin felt a little nervous when he mentioned Jiang Shao.

Jiang Hai has always been headed by Jiang Shao, because the other three were elected by Jiang Shao.

That is to say, the reason why the three of them became the Fourth Young Master of Jianghai was because they were recognized by Young Master Jiang, and it was precisely because they became the Fourth Young Master of Jianghai that they could obtain that kind of status in the family.

Once they are deprived of the reputation of Jianghai Fourth Young Master by Jiang Shao, then their status in the family will immediately become lower, and even Hu Fangye's status in the family will be deprived. Status can also be taken by others.

The meaning of existence of the fourth son of Jianghai is to rule, the leader of all the sons of Jianghai City.

If they don't have that ability, then they'll be replaced.

Jiang Tianshu will choose three other people to replace them. There are many people in Jianghai City who are staring at their three positions, and even people in their own family are paying attention to them.

So they must maintain their dignity and status.

"You must not let Young Master Jiang know about this matter." Hu Fangye knew very well that the reason why he became the candidate of the Hu family was because of Jiang Tianshu's support. If Jiang Tianshu no longer supported him, then his status would definitely not be guaranteed. .

While exercising at home in the summer, I received a call from Bai Yiyi.

Bai Yiyi told him that Zhao had gone insane, and that he killed his son with his own hands, which had constituted a crime, and now he has been severely quarantined.

Zhao's incident sounded alarm bells for some people.

For example, deputy head Li, he originally wanted Zhao to deal with Xia Xia, but he didn't expect Zhao to be abolished, so he had to start to doubt Xia Xia's It was Liu Mou at the beginning, It's Zhao now.

You are me, my big apple.

"Auntie, why do you have time to call me?"

"Do you want to join the special team?"

"In no mood."

"So crisp"


"I'm still thinking that after you join the special team, you will be assigned to a group with Lin Bingbing, and the two of you can go on missions together in the future. Since you're not interested, then forget it."

"Whoever said I don't want to, I know that my aunt is the best for me."

"Then roll over for me now."

"I'll be right there."

Xia Tian cleaned up and went straight to Ye Wanqing.

The place Ye Wanqing and Xia Xia made an appointment was a cafe.

"Auntie, how can I join the special team?" Xia Xia said straight to the point.

"You are now." Ye Wanqing said.

"Well, it's so fast, don't you want to find out the identity, and do you have any internship tasks?" Xia Xia looked at Ye Wanqing with a puzzled face, but he had heard how difficult it was to enter the special operations department, and Lin Bingbing was still in the special team before joining the special team. There is a task, and if it hadn't been for Summer's help, Lin Bingbing would not have been able to complete it at all.

"Is there anyone who knows you better than me?" Ye Wanqing asked rhetorically.

Indeed, Ye Wanqing knew herself better than Xia Xia herself.

She grew up watching Xia Xia, and she knows all the background and information about Xia Xia, so she doesn't need to investigate anything at all, let alone Xia Xia's ability.

She absolutely believes that Summer has the ability to become a first-class member of the special team.

The special team can be divided into seven classes of members in total. Those who have just entered the special team are the intern team members, then the first class, the second class, and the highest is seventh class.