The most awesome gift

"Hahahaha" Wen Zhaohua and others laughed even more crazy, Xia Xia is now empty-handed. Flash Dance Novel Network

Even the people around him were very puzzled. He didn't have anything in his hand, and he actually said to give a gift. Hu Fangye on the stage held a microphone and said loudly, "Let's welcome President Xia and sing a birthday song."

"Birthday song, haha, it really made me laugh."

"It's not popular anymore for children's birthdays. The gift he gave Mrs. Zeng was a birthday song."

"It looks like it's really being nurtured."

The group of people behind Wen Zhaohua shouted sarcastically, and they shouted loudly on purpose.

In this way, Xia Xia has fallen into the custody door again. If he can't come up with anything good, it will prove that he is really being taken care of by Zeng Rou. If he can come up with good things, everyone will praise him as a human being. Low key.

This is the habit of the upper classes.

Xia Xia ignored them, but came to Mrs. Zeng, "Old lady, happy birthday."

"Thank you child." Mrs. Zeng said kindly.

"Old lady, I'm going to give my present next, I believe you will be very happy." Xia Xia squatted down on her body.

"No need, child, those things are a waste to me." Mrs. Zeng is already at this age, jade bracelets, gemstone necklaces, those things are no longer of any use to her. Flash Dance Novel Network

"How can the gift I give be a waste?" Xia Tian smiled slightly, and everyone looked at him, wanting to see where he took the gift from.

What kind of gift will you give?

Even Hu Fangye, Wen Zhaohua and others were quiet, they were waiting to see what was going on in the summer.

Zeng Rou knew that Xia Xia would never do anything unsure, but she still looked forward to Xia Xia very much.

Xia Tian just squatted there, and a minute later, "Old lady, after you go back, take some medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and exercising for a while every day, your legs will be fully recovered."

"You said my leg would recover." Mrs. Zeng looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"Of course, this is my gift to you." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Our President Xia is really humorous. He made Mrs. Zeng's legs walk in just one minute of squatting. Could it be that he was emitting a photosensitive wave just now?" Hu Fangye said loudly on the host stage.

"He didn't have a gift, so he just made up such a lie. He can now say that Mrs. Zeng hasn't moved for a long time, so even if the leg is healed, it will take a while to recover, but after today, who will remember what happened? What." Wen Zhaohua's words completely sealed Xia Xia's retreat.

Xia Xia ignored the two of them, but gently helped Old Madam Zeng, "Old Madam, try it out. Although you can't be completely flexible, you should be able to stand up."

Madam Zeng's face was full of doubts. She tried to stand up. At this moment, she was surprised to find that her legs were beginning to feel. "I can feel my legs, I really feel."

"What?" Hu Fangye, Wen Zhaohua and others looked surprised.

All the other people around looked at Xia Xia in disbelief. This is too amazing. Mrs. Zeng's leg has been disabled for a long time. Even if she is cured, it will take at least a few months to recover.

But she was standing up now.

"Old lady, do you like the birthday present I gave you?" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"I like it, I like it, this is the best gift I've ever received." Mrs. Zeng said excitedly.

There is no gift more important than health. This gift is indeed the most precious tonight. As for the trap that Hu Fangye and Wen Zhaohua spent so much money, they were overwhelmed.

Compared to summer gifts, their gifts really seem to be worthless.

Hu Fangye quietly walked down from the host stage. Today, he really lost his wife and lost his army. He lost money, and he has not embarrassed Xia Xia. If he continues to stay here, he will become the laughing stock of others.

Wen Zhaohua followed Hu Fangye out quietly.

Seeing the excited Mrs. Zeng, the banquet became more lively.

"You really cured my great-grandmother's leg," Zeng Rou asked in confusion.

"As long as he goes back and eats more medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, he should be able to fully recover in half a year." Xia Xia explained.

"You are still the best. Hu Fangye and the others have already fled with their tails between their tails." Zeng Rou said with a smile.

"Brain damage is a lifetime thing." Xia Tian let out a long sigh and sighed.

"Come to my place tonight, I miss you every day." Zeng Rou said in a low voice, her voice full of temptation.

The banquet was held until very late. Today, Mrs. Zeng celebrated her most unforgettable 90th birthday. She originally thought she had stepped into the coffin with one leg, but now she has renewed hope for life.

Zeng Rou's driver sent Zeng Rou to Zeng Rou's house in the summer.

When she came to Zeng Rou's house, Wang Ma was playing there with Xiaotian, and when Xiaotian saw the summer, she ran over "big brother."

Xiao Tiantian's voice is milky and milky, very nice.

Xia Tian directly hugged Tian Tian, ​​"Tian Tian has grown taller again."

Xiao Tiantian is very close to Xia Xia, which may have something to do with Xia Xia's rescue whenever she is in danger.

Although the child is ignorant, she can remember the image of the hero in her heart.

"Wang Ma, go down and rest." Zeng Rou said.

Wang Ma nodded and left directly.

Xiaotian has been relying on Xia Xia, no matter what Zeng Rou said, she would not come down, until at night Xiaotian asked to sleep together again.

That night, Zeng Rou Xia slept in embrace, while Xiao Tian was squeezed between the two, with a small head hugged outside.

Early the next morning.

You are me, my big apple.


"Master, I am Fire Pepper."

"I'm not your master."

"My grandpa wants to see you."

"No time to."

"Then when do you have time?"

"talk later."

Xia Xia hung up the phone directly, Huo Chili looked at the phone and was very depressed. She wanted to make an excuse to lie to her grandfather. If her grandfather knew that Xia Xia had this attitude, then her grandfather would not live to kill Xia Xia.

Jiang Tianshu is back, this is the first big news in Jianghai City today.

Wang Nianlin, one of the four young masters of Jianghai, withdrew, and now there is a vacant position. All the young talents in Jianghai City have begun to prepare gifts to welcome Young Master Jiang. This position is a big fat shortage.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Prev Chapter Catalog Next Chapter 178 The most awesome gift of B

"Hahahaha" Wen Zhaohua and others laughed even more crazy, Xia Xia is now empty-handed. Flash Dance Novel Network

Even the people around him were very puzzled. He didn't have anything in his hand, and he actually said to give a gift. Hu Fangye on the stage held a microphone and said loudly, "Let's welcome President Xia and sing a birthday song."

"Birthday song, haha, it really made me laugh."

"It's not popular anymore for children's birthdays. The gift he gave Mrs. Zeng was a birthday song."

"It looks like it's really being nurtured."

The group of people behind Wen Zhaohua shouted sarcastically, and they shouted loudly on purpose.

In this way, Xia Xia has fallen into the custody door again. If he can't come up with anything good, it will prove that he is really being taken care of by Zeng Rou. If he can come up with good things, everyone will praise him as a human being. Low key.

This is the habit of the upper classes.

Xia Xia ignored them, but came to Mrs. Zeng, "Old lady, happy birthday."

"Thank you child." Mrs. Zeng said kindly.

"Old lady, I'm going to give my present next, I believe you will be very happy." Xia Xia squatted down on her body.

"No need, child, those things are a waste to me." Mrs. Zeng is already at this age, jade bracelets, gemstone necklaces, those things are no longer of any use to her. Flash Dance Novel Network

"How can the gift I give be a waste?" Xia Tian smiled slightly, and everyone looked at him, wanting to see where he took the gift from.

What kind of gift will you give?

Even Hu Fangye, Wen Zhaohua and others were quiet, they were waiting to see what was going on in the summer.

Zeng Rou knew that Xia Xia would never do anything unsure, but she still looked forward to Xia Xia very much.

Xia Tian just squatted there, and a minute later, "Old lady, after you go back, take some medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and exercising for a while every day, your legs will be fully recovered."

"You said my leg would recover." Mrs. Zeng looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"Of course, this is my gift to you." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Our President Xia is really humorous. He made Mrs. Zeng's legs walk in just one minute of squatting. Could it be that he was emitting a photosensitive wave just now?" Hu Fangye said loudly on the host stage.

"He didn't have a gift, so he just made up such a lie. He can now say that Mrs. Zeng hasn't moved for a long time, so even if the leg is healed, it will take a while to recover, but after today, who will remember what happened? What." Wen Zhaohua's words completely sealed Xia Xia's retreat.

Xia Xia ignored the two of them, but gently helped Old Madam Zeng, "Old Madam, try it out. Although you can't be completely flexible, you should be able to stand up."

Madam Zeng's face was full of doubts. She tried to stand up. At this moment, she was surprised to find that her legs were beginning to feel. "I can feel my legs, I really feel."

"What?" Hu Fangye, Wen Zhaohua and others looked surprised.

All the other people around looked at Xia Xia in disbelief. This is too amazing. Mrs. Zeng's leg has been disabled for a long time. Even if she is cured, it will take at least a few months to recover.

But she was standing up now.

"Old lady, do you like the birthday present I gave you?" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"I like it, I like it, this is the best gift I've ever received." Mrs. Zeng said excitedly.

There is no gift more important than health. This gift is indeed the most precious tonight. As for the trap that Hu Fangye and Wen Zhaohua spent so much money, they were overwhelmed.

Compared to summer gifts, their gifts really seem to be worthless.

Hu Fangye quietly walked down from the host stage. Today, he really lost his wife and lost his army. He lost money, and he has not embarrassed Xia Xia. If he continues to stay here, he will become the laughing stock of others.

Wen Zhaohua followed Hu Fangye out quietly.

Seeing the excited Mrs. Zeng, the banquet became more lively.

"You really cured my great-grandmother's leg," Zeng Rou asked in confusion.

"As long as he goes back and eats more medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, he should be able to fully recover in half a year." Xia Xia explained.

"You are still the best. Hu Fangye and the others have already fled with their tails between their tails." Zeng Rou said with a smile.

"Brain damage is a lifetime thing." Xia Tian let out a long sigh and sighed.

"Come to my place tonight, I miss you every day." Zeng Rou said in a low voice, her voice full of temptation.

The banquet was held until very late. Today, Mrs. Zeng celebrated her most unforgettable 90th birthday. She originally thought she had stepped into the coffin with one But now she has renewed hope for life .

Zeng Rou's driver sent Zeng Rou to Zeng Rou's house in the summer.

When she came to Zeng Rou's house, Wang Ma was playing there with Xiaotian, and when Xiaotian saw the summer, she ran over "big brother."

Xiao Tiantian's voice is milky and milky, very nice.

Xia Tian directly hugged Tian Tian, ​​"Tian Tian has grown taller again."

Xiao Tiantian is very close to Xia Xia, which may have something to do with Xia Xia's rescue whenever she is in danger.

Although the child is ignorant, she can remember the image of the hero in her heart.

"Wang Ma, go down and rest." Zeng Rou said.

Wang Ma nodded and left directly.

Xiaotian has been relying on Xia Xia, no matter what Zeng Rou said, she would not come down, until at night Xiaotian asked to sleep together again.

That night, Zeng Rou Xia slept in embrace, while Xiao Tian was squeezed between the two, with a small head hugged outside.

Early the next morning.

You are me, my big apple.


"Master, I am Fire Pepper."

"I'm not your master."

"My grandpa wants to see you."

"No time to."

"Then when do you have time?"

"talk later."

Xia Xia hung up the phone directly, Huo Chili looked at the phone and was very depressed. She wanted to make an excuse to lie to her grandfather. If her grandfather knew that Xia Xia had this attitude, then her grandfather would not live to kill Xia Xia.

Jiang Tianshu is back, this is the first big news in Jianghai City today.

Wang Nianlin, one of the four young masters of Jianghai, withdrew, and now there is a vacant position. All the young talents in Jianghai City have begun to prepare gifts to welcome Young Master Jiang. This position is a big fat shortage.