Jiang Tianshu's cousin

"So domineering." Xia Tian said while eating.

"Well, are you convinced by my aura? I know you must admire me very much now and want to hang out with me, but you offended me just now, so you don't have that chance anymore." Domineering local tyrant clothes A smug look.

"That's right, just like you, you're not worthy to hang out with Brother Lin at all."

The person who was initially mad at Xia finally had a chance to speak, and when he came up, he began to ridicule Xia. In his eyes, it was a very cool thing to be able to follow the domineering local tyrant.

In the eyes of the domineering local tyrant, he now seems to be the peak of loneliness.

The loneliness of others is the first in the world of martial arts.

On the other hand, he was completely convinced by the imposing manner he pretended to be. This is the highest state of pretending to be a b. He has already reached the state of selflessness. In this state, he already thinks that he is the richest man in the world.

Ding Min and the long-legged beauties on the side were already dumbfounded. The two of them often see rich people. In Ding Min's eyes, people like Wen Zhaohua can be regarded as rich people, no matter how they dress or live. The taste is like a high-class person, but he doesn't like people like Wen Zhaohua.

The person in front of her gave her the feeling of a nouveau riche. This nouveau riche is not the kind of ordinary rich person, but the kind of place that lives in a remote mountainous area and takes seven trains to go to the city. A man, he won the lottery jackpot all at once, and then he can become the person in front of him now.

"The local tyrant, look at who else is dressed like you except you tonight. The real rich people wear famous watches, not gold chains. They wear clothes specially designed by designers. It's not your kind of clothes that are just expensive but don't match at all." The long-legged beauty couldn't help but said.

"Old girl, do you know how much money I have? Do you know who my father is?" The local tyrant surnamed Lin looked at the long-legged beauty and said.

"Didn't he just say that your father is Li Gang." The long-legged beauty said very casually.

"Who is Li Gang? My father is not Li Gang." The local tyrant surnamed Lin said angrily.

Only then did a few people react. It turned out that he had never heard of Li Gang's deeds.

This made Ding Min and others more convinced that he was a local tyrant who came out of the remote mountainous area.

"My father is Lin Shangye, the chairman of Haixian Construction Company." The local tyrant surnamed Lin said triumphantly. When he said this, he raised his chest, as if the name he just said was Bill Gates.

"I tell you, don't talk about you third-rate stars and models, even the second-rate star Brother Lin doesn't know how much he has slept. Brother Lin's cousin is Jiang Shao. 35xs"

When he heard Jiang Shao, Xia Tian put the last thing in front of him into his mouth, and then hiccupped.

The long-legged beauty and Ding Min didn't have much reaction, because there should be many young masters surnamed Jiang here today.

"You are a complete foodie." The long-legged beauty looked at the table in disbelief. Now everything on it was gone, and it was all eaten by summer.

"That local tyrant over there, dare to gamble with me." Xia Xia was very careless and wiped all the oil on the tablecloth. Seeing his actions, the long-legged beauty wanted to kick him to death.

"There is paper here, you go to the bathroom to wash." Ding Min handed Xia Xia tissue.

"Okay, I'll go wash first, local tyrant, don't go first." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

A minute later, Xia Xia came out of the bathroom, and the local tyrant surnamed Lin did not leave.

"Let's talk about it, but the premise is that you don't gamble, because I'm not short of money at all." The local tyrant surnamed Lin glanced at the long-legged beauty and Ding Min, meaning that if the two of them were taken as I'd be more than willing to bet.

"Long-legged girl, how about we two bet first?" Xia Xia turned to look at the long-legged beauty.

"What to bet?" the long-legged beauty asked.

"If I win against you, you will make my bet with him. If you win against me, I will grant you a request." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You are a rogue." The long-legged beauty looked at Xia Xia angrily and shouted.

"If you don't agree, I don't agree, and I curse people." Xia Xia said aggrieved.

"I'll be your bet." Ding Min said suddenly.

"Sister Min, you're crazy." The long-legged beauty frowned.

"I believe him." Ding Min smiled slightly.

"Okay, I'll take it." The local tyrant surnamed Lin shouted excitedly, "But we have to sign a contract, and how much money do you want me to put up as a bet?"

"I don't want money. The bet I want is very simple. If you lose, you will run three laps in the casino outside, calling Wen Zhaohua SB as you run, and you won't dare to eat poker if you lose the bet." Lin's local tyrant was slightly taken aback.

Ding Min shook her head helplessly, she remembered that Wen Zhaohua did say at the beginning, if you can win, I will eat the poker. This sentence.

The long-legged model was slightly taken aback when she heard Xia Xia's words. She knew best who Wen Zhaohua was, and she was her employer today.

One of the four young masters of Jianghai, this unremarkable person in front of him dared to say such a thing.

"No, you'd better tell me the number." The local tyrant surnamed Lin refused. He knew Wen Zhaohua.

"I thought it was the kind of local tyrant who is not afraid of the sky and the earth. It turned out to be all fake." Xia Tian pretended to be disappointed, and kept shaking his head.

Seeing Xia Xia's appearance, the local tyrant surnamed Lin glanced at the long-legged beauty and Ding Min, "Okay, who is afraid of who."

"Then it's a matter of words, let's make a statement first." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"No problem, I, Lin Zihao, have always said nothing. As long as it's what I promised, there's nothing I can't do." Lin Zihao patted his chest and said, Xia Xia knew that this person was a second person, and he was Jiang Tianshu's cousin, so he would do it. Absolutely dare to shout.

"Well, you have the final say on what to bet." Xia Xia looked at Lin Zihao and said casually.

"Hey, Sister Min is a bet, you are too casual." The long-legged beauty said dissatisfied.

"Okay." Lin Zihao was afraid of Xia Xia's repentance, and hurriedly shouted, hearing Xia Xia's proposal, he was extremely excited, "Let's bet something simple."

"What to bet?" Xia Tian asked.

"Just guess what color my **** are, as long as you guess right, you win." Lin Zihao said with a smile, but he wanted to see how Xia Tian guessed. He was wearing trousers, and there was nothing from the outside. Can't see it.

"Let your kid talk big, and I'll have the final say on what to bet. Now let's see how you die." Lin Zihao laughed inwardly.

Hearing Lin Zihao's proposal, the long-legged beauty looked at Xia Xia angrily, "What did you say you were wearing, how do you guess now."

"You're not wearing it." Xia Xia said very casually.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Chapter 194 Jiang Tianshu's Cousin

The domineering local tyrant stood there arrogantly, with the words "rich" written all over his face. 35xs

"So domineering." Xia Tian said while eating.

"Well, are you convinced by my aura? I know you must admire me very much now and want to hang out with me, but you offended me just now, so you don't have that chance anymore." Domineering local tyrant clothes A smug look.

"That's right, just like you, you're not worthy to hang out with Brother Lin at all."

The person who was initially mad at Xia finally had a chance to speak, and when he came up, he began to ridicule Xia. In his eyes, it was a very cool thing to be able to follow the domineering local tyrant.

In the eyes of the domineering local tyrant, he now seems to be the peak of loneliness.

The loneliness of others is the first in the world of martial arts.

On the other hand, he was completely convinced by the imposing manner he pretended to be. This is the highest state of pretending to be a b. He has already reached the state of selflessness. In this state, he already thinks that he is the richest man in the world.

Ding Min and the long-legged beauties on the side were already dumbfounded. The two of them often see rich people. In Ding Min's eyes, people like Wen Zhaohua can be regarded as rich people, no matter how they dress or live. The taste is like a high-class person, but he doesn't like people like Wen Zhaohua.

The person in front of her gave her the feeling of a nouveau riche. This nouveau riche is not the kind of ordinary rich person, but the kind of place that lives in a remote mountainous area and takes seven trains to go to the city. A man, he won the lottery jackpot all at once, and then he can become the person in front of him now.

"The local tyrant, look at who else is dressed like you except you tonight. The real rich people wear famous watches, not gold chains. They wear clothes specially designed by designers. It's not your kind of clothes that are just expensive but don't match at all." The long-legged beauty couldn't help but said.

"Old girl, do you know how much money I have? Do you know who my father is?" The local tyrant surnamed Lin looked at the long-legged beauty and said.

"Didn't he just say that your father is Li Gang." The long-legged beauty said very casually.

"Who is Li Gang? My father is not Li Gang." The local tyrant surnamed Lin said angrily.

Only then did a few people react. It turned out that he had never heard of Li Gang's deeds.

This made Ding Min and others more convinced that he was a local tyrant who came out of the remote mountainous area.

"My father is Lin Shangye, the chairman of Haixian Construction Company." The local tyrant surnamed Lin said triumphantly. When he said this, he raised his chest, as if the name he just said was Bill Gates.

"I tell you, don't talk about you third-rate stars and models, even the second-rate star Brother Lin doesn't know how much he has slept. Brother Lin's cousin is Jiang Shao. 35xs"

When he heard Jiang Shao, Xia Tian put the last thing in front of him into his mouth, and then hiccupped.

The long-legged beauty and Ding Min didn't have much reaction, because there should be many young masters surnamed Jiang here today.

"You are a complete foodie." The long-legged beauty looked at the table in disbelief. Now everything on it was gone, and it was all eaten by summer.

"That local tyrant over there, dare to gamble with me." Xia Xia was very careless and wiped all the oil on the tablecloth. Seeing his actions, the long-legged beauty wanted to kick him to death.

"There is paper here, you go to the bathroom to wash." Ding Min handed Xia Xia tissue.

"Okay, I'll go wash first, local tyrant, don't go first." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

A minute later, Xia Xia came out of the bathroom, and the local tyrant surnamed Lin did not leave.

"Let's talk about it, but the premise is that you don't gamble, because I'm not short of money at all." The local tyrant surnamed Lin glanced at the long-legged beauty and Ding Min, meaning that if the two of them were taken as I'd be more than willing to bet.

"Long-legged girl, how about we two bet first?" Xia Xia turned to look at the long-legged beauty.

"What to bet?" the long-legged beauty asked.

"If I win against you, you will make my bet with him. If you win against me, I will grant you a request." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You are a rogue." The long-legged beauty looked at Xia Xia angrily and shouted.

"If you don't agree, I don't agree, and I curse people." Xia Xia said aggrieved.

"I'll be your bet." Ding Min said suddenly.

"Sister Min, you're crazy." The long-legged beauty frowned.

"I believe him." Ding Min smiled slightly.

"Okay, I'll take it." The local tyrant surnamed Lin shouted excitedly, "But we have to sign a contract, and how much money do you want me to put up as a bet?"

"I don't want money. The bet I want is very simple. If you lose, you will run three laps in the casino outside, calling Wen Zhaohua SB as you run, and you won't dare to eat poker if you lose the bet." Lin's local tyrant was slightly taken aback.

Ding Min shook her head helplessly, she remembered that Wen Zhaohua did say at the beginning, if you can win, I will eat the poker. This sentence.

The long-legged model was slightly taken aback when she heard Xia Xia's words~www.mtlnovel.com~ She knows best who Wen Zhaohua is, and she is her employer today.

One of the four young masters of Jianghai, this unremarkable person in front of him dared to say such a thing.

"No, you'd better tell me the number." The local tyrant surnamed Lin refused. He knew Wen Zhaohua.

"I thought it was the kind of local tyrant who is not afraid of the sky and the earth. It turned out to be all fake." Xia Tian pretended to be disappointed, and kept shaking his head.

Seeing Xia Xia's appearance, the local tyrant surnamed Lin glanced at the long-legged beauty and Ding Min, "Okay, who is afraid of who."

"Then it's a matter of words, let's make a statement first." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"No problem, I, Lin Zihao, have always said nothing. As long as it's what I promised, there's nothing I can't do." Lin Zihao patted his chest and said, Xia Xia knew that this person was a second person, and he was Jiang Tianshu's cousin, so he would do it. Absolutely dare to shout.

"Well, you have the final say on what to bet." Xia Xia looked at Lin Zihao and said casually.

"Hey, Sister Min is a bet, you are too casual." The long-legged beauty said dissatisfied.

"Okay." Lin Zihao was afraid of Xia Xia's repentance, and hurriedly shouted, hearing Xia Xia's proposal, he was extremely excited, "Let's bet something simple."

"What to bet?" Xia Tian asked.

"Just guess what color my **** are, as long as you guess right, you win." Lin Zihao said with a smile, but he wanted to see how Xia Tian guessed. He was wearing trousers, and there was nothing from the outside. Can't see it.

"Let your kid talk big, and I'll have the final say on what to bet. Now let's see how you die." Lin Zihao laughed inwardly.

Hearing Lin Zihao's proposal, the long-legged beauty looked at Xia Xia angrily, "What did you say you were wearing, how do you guess now."

"You're not wearing it." Xia Xia said very casually.