dare to bet

Wang Dao had just finished bragging, saying that he knew Wen Zhaohua and had dinner with Wen Zhaohua.

When I blew it just now, that smug look made people, and it was a stark contrast to now. Just now, I used Wen Zhaohua's name to scare Xia Xia, as if he was familiar with Wen Zhaohua.

But now that Wen Zhaohua came, he completely ignored him.

As if he didn't see him at all, Director Wang felt that his face was completely disgraced.

Even Yu Wenli didn't know what to say. She always thought that Director Wang was very familiar with Young Master Wen, but now Young Master Wen is ignoring him directly.

"Hmph." The beautiful woman next to her snorted softly, expressing her contempt for the two of them.

"Xia Xia, tell me, what do you want?" Wen Zhaohua said to Xia Xia. Seeing Shao Wen talking to Xia Xia, Director Wang and Yu Wenli were stunned. This unremarkable guy in front of him actually knew Shao Wen.

The two of them never thought that they would offend such a person.

When Director Wang thought about how good he was and how good he was with Wen Shao just now in front of Xia Tian, ​​his face became very hot.

He can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"Director Wang and Lili." The female model behind Wen Zhaohua glanced at Director Wang and said the two of them.

"You..." Yu Wenli glanced at the other party. She knew this model and had seen it before. Seeing her following behind Wen Zhaohua, Yu Wenli's face was full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"You two also know Young Master Wen." The female model smiled slightly, showing the attitude of a superior.

Seeing her attitude, Yu Wenli and Director Wang did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction.

The other party knew Shao Wen. Even if they looked down on this female model before, they must respect her from now on, because she already knew Shao Wen.

"Who are you?" Wen Shao looked back at Director Wang and asked.

"Young Master Wen, you are really a noble person. I have eaten with you." Director Wang said with a smile. Although Young Master Wen did not give him face, he still looked cheap.

"Oh." Wen Shao looked back at Summer.

"I want to see you eat poker." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Impossible, I was just talking casually." Wen Zhaohua said.

Director Wang looked at Xia Xia with a face of surprise. This person whom he despised just now knew Shao Wen, and he actually dared to talk to Shao Wen like that.

Only then did he realize how many two 13 he had just now.

This is equivalent to bragging about knowing five-tier stars in front of movie stars.

The momentum of the summer has the concept of a movie king, and Wen Zhaohua is that five-line star.

You and the other party are not at the same level at all.

Director Wang now wants to have a hole to dig into.

This bull made him blow up.

Yu Wenli also had an embarrassed look on her face. Just now, she said that Xia Xia was the little white face that Ding Min was looking for, but now this little white face is someone who dares to talk to Young Master Wen like this.

The beautiful woman next to her was also at a loss. This guy who seemed to be very annoying to her dared to talk to Wen Zhaohua like that, and even let Wen Zhaohua eat poker, and Wen Zhaohua was a little too calm.

"Oh, then I'll tell someone to run around the casino later and keep shouting." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You." Wen Zhaohua looked at Xia Xia fiercely, he knew that Xia Xia could do it when he said it, "what do you want?"

"Why don't we take a gamble." Xia Xia looked at Wen Zhaohua with a smile.

"I bet I'm not short of money." Wen Zhaohua said.

"If you don't gamble, if you lose, just stand on the table and eat a pair of poker." Xia Xia said lightly.

"What if you lose?" Wen Zhaohua asked.

"I can't lose, if you want, you can say my bet." Xia Xia said very casually.

"You really think of yourself as a **** of gamblers," Wen Zhaohua said disdainfully, "Okay, if you lose, you take off your clothes one by one, and then yell at me to admit defeat and walk out of this cruise ship. "

Wen Zhaohua's request is a good one. If he really wins, then he can

He has done a great job. Xia Xia is a big worry for Jiang Shao now. If he can deal with Xia Xia, then Jiang Shao will definitely look at him with admiration.

"You have the final say on what to bet." Xia Xia said very casually.

Seeing Xia Xia's casual appearance, the beauty next to her was unhappy again. She was very upset as long as she saw Xia Xia's light-hearted appearance. She felt that Xia Xia was pretending to be 13, as if she was doing everything with confidence.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask someone to bet with you." Wen Zhaohua said to the man behind him.

"Stinky boy, you dare to offend even Young Master Wen. After watching how Young Master Wen abuses you, you are like a little trash in Young Master Wen's eyes. You can clean up how you want to clean up." Director Wang saw Xia Xia and Wen Zhaohua There was a contradiction, so he stepped forward and sneered that he wanted to win the favor of Wen Zhaohua.

"That's right, just because you are so thin, Young Master Wen can beat you to the ground with one hand." Yu Wenli followed suit, she thought that she would get Wen Zhaohua's favor by saying this, and she was praising Wen Zhaohua's bravery.


A crisp applause.

"Fuck me." Wen Zhaohua slapped the slap just now. Yu Wenli's words reminded her of the scene of being beaten by Xia Xia. Xia Xia beat him with one hand and he didn't even know him anymore.

Yu Wenli and Director Wang were taken aback by Wen Zhaohua's loud shout~www.mtlnovel.com~ What are they still doing, Young Master Wen told you to get out. "One of Wen Zhaohua's men shouted.

"Young Master Wen, the two of them are my friends. They didn't mean to offend you." The model behind Wen Zhaohua hurriedly said that she also wanted to make friends with people like Director Wang. After all, it would not hurt to know two more people in their circle. .

So she wanted Wen Zhaohua to sell her face, so that Director Wang and the others would have to be respectful and grateful when they saw him in the future.

She saw that Wen Zhaohua kept giving her money and let her follow him wherever she went. She mistakenly thought that Wen Zhaohua had a crush on her, so she overestimated her charm, thinking that she would save face for Wen Zhaohua if she said a word.

"You're going to **** me too." Wen Zhaohua glanced at the model and shouted.

The model was stunned by Wen Zhaohua's shout. Her face instantly turned red. She didn't expect Wen Zhaohua to be so disrespectful. In fact, Wen Zhaohua has always been like this, but she overestimated herself.

"Shit" Ding Min said at the same time with a beautiful woman next to her.

Hearing Ding Min's words, the model became even more angry. She felt that Ding Min looked like a villain.

"Throw them away to me." Wen Zhaohua said to the men behind him.

Xia Xia sat there and didn't say a word, that Director Wang pretended to be b-b from the very beginning, boasting how familiar he was with Wen Zhaohua, but in the end he was thrown out by Wen Zhaohua's orders.