looking for books

The sea of ​​books in front of him made Xia Xia completely confused. If so many books were to be read one by one, when would they have to be turned over? Although there were administrators here, it was impossible for the administrators to find him from so many books. I want it.

There are many people in the library, but few people speak. Quietness is the biggest advantage of the library.

Xia Xia walked to the bookshelf, and after approaching, Xia Xia discovered that each row had labels with history, literature, novels, etc. written on it.

With these labels, it is convenient to find books in summer. It took about half an hour to walk. In summer, I found a row of labels marked with mathematics. There are many books on it. Huaxia's mathematics has been the strongest since ancient times. .

There are many famous books on this shelf.

Xia Xia took three books from the shelf, then found a seat and sat down.

Although his grades in the college entrance examination are good, what he has learned is only in books. Those things are indeed useful for ordinary people for life, but for the current summer, they are not enough. He needs to learn New arithmetic methods.

After opening the book, Xia Tian began to flip through it.

"The things in the university are really different." Xia Xia secretly thought, and then continued to read, these things are completely different from the things in the textbook, not the same level.

Algorithms including arithmetic.

After Xia Tian glanced at those basic things, he began to turn back.

He flips through books very fast, but he has completely memorized those things. Xia's memory is very good now. As long as he understands the calculation methods, he will quickly memorize them and become his own.

An hour later, he closed the first book and opened the second book. The first book was probably the most basic things and was easy to remember, so it only took him an hour to read it in the summer.

Although these basic things are simple, it is necessary to look at them. A high-rise building can't be built without a foundation.

The three books I picked up in the summer are all basic knowledge.

Two hours later, Xia Xian closed the book, then returned the book to the shelf and took three more books.

Summer has been completely immersed in the sea of ​​books. The books he read today seem to have opened a door for him. In the past, the methods he used to calculate were those he learned in school.

By the time I finished reading it in Summer, it was already dark. I didn't expect time to pass so quickly in Summer, and there were not many people left in the library.

The next day, summer came again.

He continued to read books. He was completely attracted by the books in the library these days.

Until the afternoon, summer finally saw some more difficult questions.

"The speed of brain calculation really can't keep up." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly. These math problems in the library are more difficult than those learned in college, and these intense calculation methods make Xia Xia's head a little dizzy. .

Xia Tian put down the book and rubbed his head. After all, although his head was far beyond ordinary people, he was not superhuman.

Ordinary people's brain development is about three, Einstein's brain development is nine, and Xia's current brain development is ten.

After rubbing his head, Xia Tian slowly raised his head. At this moment, he found a woman opposite him curiously looking at him. The woman's appearance was very pure, her skin was very good, fair and tender.

The big eyes stared at Xia Tian like that.

Seeing Xia Xia looking at her, the woman hurriedly lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong, her fair little face instantly turned red, and she was sitting about four meters across from Xia Xia. This kind of self-study table is like this.

Xia Tian could clearly see her expression. The woman lowered her head and pretended to be reading, but her eyes were rolling around.

Xia Xia stood up, walked to the woman and whispered, "Classmate, can you lend me your pen and paper?"

His voice was so soft that no one could hear him except him and the woman.

"Yes." The woman nodded lightly, and then pushed the pen and notebook to Xia Xia.

"Thank you." Xia Tian smiled slightly, took the pen and notebook and sat back to the position just now. After he sat down, he started to run the pen like flying.

Calculate quickly.

The woman saw that Xia Xia had become what it was before, so she raised her head again and looked at Xia Xia curiously. She thought Xia Xia was very strange. She saw Xia Xia yesterday. Turning the book page by page is not like reading a book at all.

That's why she felt strange. She never believed that Xia Xian could read so many books so quickly, but she couldn't find any other reason, because Xia Xia did nothing but read books.

I have never even read a mobile phone. Now is the information age, and everyone can't do without a mobile phone. Although there are many people reading books here, the frequency of their mobile phone is also very high.

The woman herself looked at her phone once an hour. Even if she didn't have any information, she wanted to take a look.

It was because she was curious about Xia Xia, so she came again today, but she really saw Xia Xia, so she started to look at Xia Xia again, but she still couldn't see anything, because Xia Xia took it too seriously.

It's like really reading a book.

Just now Xia Xian raised her head and startled her, but now the woman is even more curious~www.mtlnovel.com~ She saw that Xia Xian read the books, all of them math books, and now Xia Xian borrowed a pen and paper from her, "Did he Really reading, he wants pen and paper for calculations"

She soon confirmed that Xia Xia was indeed reading, because Xia Xia was calculating, and Xia Xia calculated very fast. After only ten minutes, Xia Xia used eight sheets of paper, which were densely written, all of which were all kinds of calculation problems. .

Xia Tian frowned, and sometimes pondered for a moment.

"How on earth did he do it?" The woman looked at Xia Xia in surprise. With so many numbers, even if she was asked to copy it, she couldn't finish it in an hour, but Xia Xia was actually calculating.

Xia Xia didn't notice the woman's attention. He was completely addicted to these numbers. The more he counted, the more he admired the founder of Manyun Xianbu. He was sure that the founder of Manyun Xianbu was definitely a mathematician.

However, he immediately discovered another problem, that is, the paper ran out immediately, and then he remembered that his paper was borrowed.

Xia Xia looked up at the woman in embarrassment, and the woman was looking at Xia Xia with a face full of surprise.

"I'm sorry, I ran out of your book. I'll buy you a new one tomorrow." Xia Xia wrote these words on the last piece of paper.

"No, can you show me the paper you calculated?" The woman wrote a few words and pushed the paper to the summer.

Xia Xia directly pushed the paper and pen he calculated to the woman, then Xia Xia returned the book to the bookshelf and left the library.