Take measure

Ding Hu looked at the opponent in surprise. He is a trained person. When he was in the team, few people were his opponents, but when he fought just now, he felt the opponent's strength.

That is not weaker than his own strength.

In the first round, the power competition was evenly matched.

In fact, Shen Dalong was no less surprised than him. After entering Shenlong Martial Arts School, the reason why he was able to enter the second grade as a transfer student was because he was strong enough.

And as soon as he entered the second grade, he obtained the status of the second-year champion.

Now he has no opponents in the entire second grade of Shenlong Martial Arts School.

"You're not bad." Shen Dalong said coldly.

"You're not too bad." Ding Hu clenched his fists.

"Brother-in-law, come on." Yuan Li shouted loudly.

"Okay, little four, you didn't see how worried the eldest sister is." Ma Lan said when she saw Yuan Li's heartless look.

"Oh." Yuan Li nodded, "Brother-in-law be careful."

Ding Hu's right hand condensed his fist and charged directly at Shen Dalong. Not to be outdone, Shen Dalong charged directly at Ding Hu. This time he didn't resist hard, it was just a test. He easily avoided his fist, and then right Punch to Ding Hu's lower abdomen.

"Don't think about it." Ding Hu's left fist hit from below.

Shen Dalong hurriedly retracted his right fist, his body was short to avoid Ding Hu's punch, and then his right foot kicked under Ding Hu's left rib.

Ding Hu's body leaned two steps to the right.

Sun Wenwen looked at Ding Hu worriedly, but she did not dare to speak out, for fear of distracting Ding Hu.

After Ding Hu stabilized his body, he rushed forward again. His punches and legs were very decisive and resolute. His explosive power and body flexibility were very strong, and now he really started to explode.

Compared to Ding Hu's bravery, Shen Dalong kept dodging.

Ding Hu had the upper hand.

Seeing that Ding Hu had the upper hand, Sun Wenwen's face finally became less worried, while Yuan Li kept watching the competition between the two excitedly.

"J-body boxing, it's really powerful." Shen Dalong avoided Ding Hu's punch and praised.

"Everyone who has joined the team has learned j-body boxing, it's just that what everyone has learned and understood is different." Ding Hu said.

"Then let me have a good experience of the power of j-body boxing." Shen Dalong's face was full of excitement, Xia Xian saw his gaze, it was bloodthirsty.

After Shen Dalong finished speaking, he rushed directly to Ding Hu, and Ding Hu also continued to use his j-body boxing.

The j-style boxing is the most commonly used boxing method in the team. The training content of each person is the basic of j-style boxing, but everyone has a different understanding of j-style boxing. There are many soldiers who do not know that they are practicing j-style boxing. Treat those workouts as missions, so they don't have a chance to get into real j-boxing at all.

Ding Hu trained every day when he was in the team. He pursued this path, so he realized the essence of j-style boxing from it. Later, he joined the special team and began to learn j-style boxing in the true sense.

The characteristics of j body boxing are fast speed and strong explosiveness.

Shen Dalong's skill is not bad, and his movements are very flexible. Although his explosive power is not as strong as Ding Hu's, he can avoid Ding Hu's boxing technique and then attack.

"This is the j-body boxing." Xia Xia frowned when he looked at the j-body boxing. He found that the j-body boxing contained a lot of things, but Ding Hu may have been training all year round. Integrated into the body, one move is a j-body boxing, so he did not realize the true essence of this set of j-body boxing.

Xia Xia kept practicing j-body boxing in his mind, and he completely integrated his conjecture into it.

At this moment, the two sides of the battle had a big reversal. Shen Dalong actually started to fight back. Ding Hu's j-body fist was suppressed little by little, and his strength was completely suppressed. fight back.

"It's not over yet." Shen Dalong became more and more courageous. He made decisive moves and attacked sharply, but his speed and explosiveness were actually comparable to Ding Hu's. The reason why he was able to stop Ding Hu was because of his attacking angle.

He seems to know Ding Hu's weakness very well, no matter how Ding Hu attacks, he will

Being able to attack Ding Hu's weakness makes Ding Hu have nowhere to go.

"Damn." Ding Hu felt that the more he fought, the more suffocated he became. He knew that if he continued to fight like this, he would definitely lose, so he gave up his defense and took a punch from the opponent.

"Looking for death." Shen Dalong said contemptuously, the attack succeeded, and the attack behind Shen Dalong also followed.

"It's not certain who is courting death." Ding Hu punched out, directly fighting with all of Shen Dalong's.

Shen Dalong's body quickly retreated, and Ding Hu followed, punching punch after punch, and he forcefully moved the situation back again.

"Success." Xia Tian's face suddenly lit up with joy. Just now, he tried the improved j-body boxing in his mind, and the result was really successful.

On the battlefield, Ding Hu had already taken full advantage, and Shen Dalong kept retreating.


Ding Hu punched Shen Dalong in the chest.

"You lost." Ding Hu said coldly.

Shen Dalong knelt down on one knee and looked at Ding Hu with resentment on his face. He didn't expect that he would lose, which was a great shame for him.

Ding Hu turned around and walked towards Sun Wenwen.

"Be careful~www.mtlnovel.com~ Several people shouted at the same time.

Ding Hu hurriedly turned around, he felt a crisis, and hurriedly stretched out his left arm to resist.

It was Shen Dalong. He saw Ding Hu turn back just now, grabbed the iron rod in the hands of the man behind him, and rushed towards Ding Hu. There was a sharp pain in Ding Hu's left arm. When he saw Ding Hu's left arm put down, Shen Dalong again A stick hit Ding Hu's head.

"Go to hell." Shen Dalong said frantically.

"Be careful." Several women shouted at the same time.

If this stick hit Ding Hu's head, Ding Hu would be disabled if he didn't die, but now Ding Hu has no time to defend, Yuan Li and the others have closed their eyes and dare not look at it.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Ding Hu. His left arm directly blocked Shen Dalong's right arm, and the iron rod in Shen Dalong's hand could no longer go down any further.

When they saw this scene, everyone was stunned.

Shen Dalong has been increasing his strength, but he found that no matter how much he increased his strength, his right arm could not descend.

"Don't take an inch." Xia Xia looked at Shen Dalong and said, and then he shook his left arm and sent Shen Dalong's body flying out. Yes, it was flying, because Shen Dalong's feet had already left the ground.

Seeing Xia's might, several people looked at him in surprise.

Yuan Li's face was full of incredulity, and Sun Wenwen was also full of surprise. Ma Lan finally understood why Li Ying asked about Xia Xia just now, while Li Ying looked at Xia Xia admiringly.