mortal battle

In terms of body size, the other party can completely pretend to be summer. If we talk about the viciousness of appearance, then summer is even more incomparable. In the case of similar strength, the other party's explosive muscles have an advantage.

With such explosive power, defense and endurance are superhuman.

The other party glanced at Xia Xia, "Either hand over the broken scroll, or die."

He said very few words, but he stated his purpose. He was not threatening Xia Xia, but told Xia Xia that he had only these two choices. If Xia Xian chose the wrong one, he would shoot directly.

"If you want to kill me, then come." This is Summer's choice.

The brawny man did not hesitate, and rushed directly to Xia Xia. His burly body did not affect his speed. He instantly came to Xia Xia's side and kicked Xia Xia's waist.

"Drink." Xia Xia shouted loudly, pointing to the strong man's calf.


Xia Xia's **** directly touched the strong man's thigh, and then his body disappeared in place, and reappeared one meter away from where he was just now.

An inch step, the method used in the summer just now is an inch step.

The strong man suffered from pain in his legs, took a step back, a look of surprise on his face, "It's interesting."

If it wasn't for Xia Xia's comprehension, he really didn't know how to dodge just now. At this time, he also thanked Bai Yu.

If Bai Yu hadn't appeared, he wouldn't have been able to comprehend an inch so quickly.

"What's more interesting is yet to come." Xia Xian's footsteps were full of clouds, and his fingers quickly pointed towards the strong man.

"Humph." The strong man snorted coldly, kicking his right foot directly towards Xia Xia.

Xia Xia's finger clicked again, and at this moment, the strong man's foot suddenly vanished, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.


He kicked directly on Xia Xia's body, and Xia Xia's entire body was kicked out.

"Grandma's, there is actually such a move." Xia Xian's sudden kick was blinded. He originally wanted to repeat the old trick, but the opponent's move was a second faster than him, although it was only a second. One second, but one second on the battlefield can change the whole battle.

"What's more interesting is yet to come." The strong man said, imitating what Xia Xia had done just now.

Xia Xia didn't speak this time, but rushed directly to the strong man, throwing ten silver needles with both hands and shooting at the strong man together.

A roundabout kick of the strong man's leg directly swept away all the ten silver needles. At this moment, Xia Xia's **** directly hit the strong man's waist, and his left fist hit the strong man's waist.

Immediately following a roundabout kick, it directly kicked the strong man's chest.

The series of attacks seemed to flow like flowing water, and they kept attacking the strong man's chest, but the strong man's defense was very strong. After being hit by Xia Xia's series of attacks, he was able to defend quickly.

Directly defended against Xia's next attack.

"It's so resistant to fighting." Xia Xia frowned, this guy's body was so resistant to fighting, that his series of attacks didn't cause him any damage.

The strong man is like a mobile tank, rushing directly towards the summer.

"I don't believe that you can't break your turtle shell." Xia Xia also kicked the strong man.

The strong man also had the same kick, kicking the two directly together.


Xia Xian followed with another kick, and the strong man kicked in the same way. The two legs collided so fiercely, and a severe pain came, and the moment Xia Xia's right foot landed, the moment he stepped on the ground, he directly launched.

The left foot kicked directly under the strong man's ribs. The strong man's footsteps shifted, but he did not move because his right leg was paralyzed.

This is exactly the purpose of Xia Xian's head-to-head hit just now. With such a strong impact, both he and Xia Xia's right leg were completely paralyzed, so Xia Xia launched his own attack at that moment.

After a successful blow, Xia Xia pointed his fingers with both hands and stabbed the strong man's temple at the same time.

"Hmph." The strong man snorted coldly, kicked Xia Xia directly with his right foot, and kicked Xia Xia out more than ten meters with one kick.

The strong man didn't miss such a good opportunity, he rushed forward, his right leg was numb.

Bi is only a matter of a second. After recovering, he quickly rushed towards Xia Xia and kicked Xia Xia again.

"Damn, I still have too little combat experience." Xia Xia thought to himself when he flew out, but he wouldn't sit still, his body quickly tossed in the air, and his arms blocked forward, blocking the strong man flying. foot.

"Trash, you're a trash like your father." The strong man shouted and kicked Xia Tian out again with one kick.

"You dare to insult my father." Xia Xia slammed his hands to the ground again, his fingers pierced deeply into the ground, his retreating body stopped, and he looked at the strong man angrily.

"What if I insulted you? You are just as embarrassed as your father was back then." Zhuang Han said contemptuously.

"You're dead." Xia Xia's eyes showed murderous intent.

"You don't even have the ability to fight back now, and you dare to talk to me like that. Do you know how embarrassed your father was when he died, what Xiyin and what dragon group instructors are all bullshit." said.

Xia Tian slowly stood up and shook his shoulders.

"Boy, you're very angry, are you coming to kill me?" The strong man said contemptuously.

Xia Xia walked towards the strong man slowly, very calmly. He walked towards the strong man step by step like this.

"Go to hell." A blue dagger appeared in the strong man's right hand. It was the Blue Cloud Dagger, an evolved version of the Blue Cloud Dagger.

A cold light flashed on the blue cloud The blue cloud dagger in the strong man's hand stabbed directly at Xia Xia.


Blood flowed from Xian Xian's shoulder, and the blue cloud dagger was extremely sharp, directly piercing his right shoulder, Xian Xian didn't dodge, but grabbed the strong man's right hand with his right hand and held it tightly.

There was blood on his shoulders, but he didn't say a word of pain.


Xia Xia's left hand had ten silver needles between his fingers and had already pierced into the strong man's temple. The strong man's face was full of incredible writing. He could never have dreamed that Xia Xian would rather attack him without his own arm.

The blood on his right shoulder was still flowing, Xia Xian pulled out the blue cloud dagger on his shoulder, he was betting that the ancient Buddha relic would help him heal, otherwise his right arm would really be abolished.

A heat flow slowly came up from the dantian.

"Finally, the bet is right." Xia Tian smiled slightly.


A gunshot came, and Xia Xia's body fell down, but at the moment when he fell down, he directly lifted the strong man's body and blocked his own body.


Another shot.

This shot pierced through the body of the strong man, and also pierced Xia Xia's left arm.

"d, what kind of bullet is this, the penetrating power is so strong." Xia Xia cursed secretly, but he didn't dare to stay in place any longer, and his body ran fast.