
"I, I'm Spider-Man. Originally, I was saving the world. Later, when the spider silk broke, I fell like this." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"Che" the other two patients all looked at Xia Xia with contempt.

"Okay, I'll be honest, there was a pretty girl who wanted to chase me. I didn't agree, so I was beaten like this." Xia Xia said.

Both of those two patients raised their middle fingers to Xia Xia.

"You guys don't believe me, I look so handsome, does it seem like I can deceive people?" Xia Xia looked at the two of them angrily.

"Like," said the two patients at the same time.

"Summer" just at this moment a beautiful woman appeared at the door of the ward. The woman was very beautiful. When they saw her for the first time, everyone could think of a word, cold and beautiful.

That's right, it was Leng Yan police flower Lin Bingbing who came in.

The two patients next to Xia Xia were completely stupid. They were still despising Xia Xia just now, but a beautiful beauty really appeared so quickly.

"You are Xia Xia" Lin Bingbing came to Xia Xia's side, looking at the mummy in front of her in surprise.

"Of course it's me." Xia Xia said aggrievedly.

"How did you become like this?" Lin Bingbing asked inexplicably. It was really hard for her to imagine how summer would become like this.

"I was beaten," Xia Xia said depressedly.

"Someone dares to hit you." Lin Bingbing put on an expression of disbelief.

"On the road just now, a beautiful woman said she liked me and wanted me to be her boyfriend. If I didn't agree, she beat me." Xia Xia said very aggrieved.

Lin Bingbing slapped Xia Xia's head directly, "It's still a mouthful."

"Oh my God, it hurts to death." Xia Xia shouted exaggeratedly.

"Uh, I'm sorry." Lin Bingbing also felt that she might have started too hard.

"It hurts me to death. I'm so pitiful. No one cares or loves me. Now I'm sick and no one takes care of me. I have to be beaten."

When he said this, Lin Bingbing's heart softened all of a sudden. Lin Bingbing remembered herself, and also remembered that she took care of her in the summer when she was sick.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Lin Bingbing hugged Xia Xia in her arms and comforted.

Xia Xia smiled and put his face in Lin Bingbing's arms. This position was very comfortable. He was sitting on the bed, while Lin Bingbing was standing. At this height, Xia Xia's face was right on Lin Bingbing's upper body. .

Seeing Xia Xia's posture, the other two patients all looked at him with envy.

At this time, the two patients were simply envious and jealous.

Xia Xia's face moved on Lin Bingbing's upper body on purpose, it felt beautiful.

"Oh, I'll go." The security guard couldn't bear it any longer. "Doctor, I want to change the ward."

"I want to change too." Another patient shouted loudly.

The two of them can't stand it anymore, and they don't want to be a light bulb anymore.

Xia Xia cast a look at the patient in front of him, meaning you, boy, have progressed.

Lin Bingbing wanted to let go of Xia Xia, but now she was hugged by Xia Xia, and she couldn't let go at all. "Hey, have you had enough hugs?"

"No." Xia Xia shook his head, and while shaking his head, he rubbed against Lin Bingbing's upper body.

The two patients really couldn't bear it any longer this time. They both walked out of the ward and gave up this warm environment to Xia Xia.

"Let me go, or I'll get angry." Lin Bingbing also felt the strangeness from his upper body.

"Oh." Xia Tian could only let go of his hand.

at the same time.

"You said the black tiger is dead"

"That's right, that summer was also a Xuan-level master, and Heihu was killed by him."

"You couldn't kill him either"

"I fired five shots, hit two, and his right arm was also stabbed by Heihu's Blue Cloud Dagger."

"You leave Jianghai City first. Heihu's death must have attracted the attention of the Special Operations Department."

The sniper hung up the phone and walked away with a bag on his back.

Special Operations Division.

/> "I just received news that the Xuan-level expert sent by Quicksand is Heihu, but he is dead now."

"Dead, how did you die?" Ye Wanqing asked inexplicably.

"It was killed by Instructor Xia, but escaped a sniper."

"How about summer?" Ye Wanqing frowned.

"I was stabbed in the arm and shot twice, but it's not life-threatening."

"Check, check it out for me, you can't let that sniper escape. A sniper who can partner with Heihu is definitely not an ordinary sniper." Ye Wanqing knows the rules of quicksand, and those masters usually have a sniper. And the marksmanship of those snipers is very accurate.

The reaction speed of Xuan-level masters is far beyond that of ordinary people. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to hit Xuan-level masters when a pistol is fired at a distance of 20 meters.

But sniper rifles are different, fast.

There are also many types of sniper rifles. Some super sniper rifles are fast and have a long range.

Xia Xia grabbed Lin Bingbing's hand, "You rub my shoulders, my shoulders hurt."

At this time, the blood on Xian Xian's shoulder had turned the gauze red. It really hurts there. It's no wonder that such a big wound doesn't hurt.

Holding Lin Bingbing's hand feels very good, Lin Bingbing's hand is very soft.

You are me, my big apple.

The phone rang, and Xia Tian could only reluctantly let go of Lin Bingbing's hand.

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

"I just care about you, why is your temper so hot?"

"You didn't call early~www.mtlnovel.com~ You didn't call late, but it happened at this time."

"What are you doing isn't doing bad things, right? You are hurt like that, and you still have the mind to do bad things."

"Ignore you."

Summer hung up the phone.

Lin Bingbing sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her shoulders for Xia Xia. Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing like this. Lin Bingbing's beauty is cold and glamorous, while Yun Miao's beauty is fairy beauty, Zeng Rou's beauty is mature beauty.

Each of them is different.

"Why have you been looking at me?" Lin Bingbing asked.

"Because you look good." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"How long have you been watching?" Lin Bingbing said.

"I can't watch it for a long time. Sister Jinghua, you smile, you look very beautiful." Xia Xia kept staring at Lin Bingbing like this.

Lin Bingbing was a little embarrassed by Xia Xia's reading, "Don't look at it, I can't laugh."

"Yiyi, the two patients in Ward 302 asked for a bed change, please arrange it," a nurse said.

"Okay, I'll take a look." Bai Yiyi glanced at the patient list in Ward 302. There were three names on it, but she only saw one. When she saw that name, she ran out of the duty room. .

"Yiyi, what are you doing?" When the nurse followed him out, she found that Bai Yiyi had disappeared.