
The flight attendant was speechless when she looked at the two b, but the flight attendant's attitude was still very good, "I'm sorry, this is really not true."

"Then what do you have?" the thin man asked.

"There is water," the stewardess said.

"Then give me a bottle of 82-year-old mineral water," said the thin man.


Fatty gave her another slap, "sb, is the mineral water still drinkable in 1982?"

When Xia Xia was watching the fun, the person in the seat next to him came up. It was a woman, but she was wearing a hat, glasses, and a silk scarf around her face.

She hid her entire face.

Xia Xia looked at the woman with great interest, and looked at the woman with a perspective eye. This was incredible. This woman was actually a big star. Xia Xia didn't know many stars, but he knew this woman. One of the popular female stars.

She is an idol and a representative of the powerful faction. There are advertisements and promotions for her everywhere on the street. It is impossible not to know her in the summer.

But Xia Xia is very strange. Why doesn't a big star like her go out in first class, and there is not even an assistant or security guard by her side.

The woman felt Xia Xia's gaze, and turned her head to look at Xia Xia with dissatisfaction, but she covered her face completely, so her expression could not be conveyed to Xia Xia.

"Brother, I don't think my hairstyle looks good today," said the thin man.


The fat man slapped him again.

"Sb, your ugliness has nothing to do with your hairstyle." The fat man scolded.

"What you said seems to make sense, but I'm speechless." The thin man nodded.

Xia Xia looked at the big star beside him and smiled, "Big star, why don't you sit inside?"

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the female star was stunned for a moment. She looked at Xia Xia vigilantly. What she was most afraid of was revealing her identity, and she might be photographed secretly or kidnapped by others. Now Xia Xia actually recognized her.

"What to see, don't pull it down." Xia Xia said.

"Change." The female star really felt uncomfortable sitting outside, and she always had to worry about the situation around her. If she sat inside, she only needed to be alert to Xia Xia alone.

Xia Xia switched places with the female star.

"Why don't you fly first class, and your assistant and bodyguard?" Xia Xia asked suspiciously.

The "You Know Me" actress finally asked the question in her heart.

"It's weird if you don't know each other. The streets are full of products you endorse, and there are also promotions for your new movie posted everywhere." Xia Xia said.

"I've hidden it so deeply, you can still tell." the actress asked.

"It's written on your ticket." Xia Xia pointed to the half of the ticket that was exposed in the woman's trouser pocket, which had Yang Ziqi written on it.

"Rogue." The actress glared at Xia Xia, because her ticket was kicked in her **** pocket.

"I didn't do anything to you, so why am I a hooligan." Xia Xia said.

"Big brother, is there any cake on the plane? I want to eat a big cake with green onions." The skinny man spoke again.


The fat man slapped him again, "You sb, you are a well."

"Brother, what do you mean?" the thin man asked.


He slapped again, "You sb, you are a two in both vertical and horizontal directions."

"You are also a well." Actress Yang Ziqi glanced at Xia Xia and said.

Xia Xia was speechless for a while, and he was also shot while lying down.

"Everyone, the plane is about to take off, please fasten your seat belts."

"Brother, the plane asked you to fasten your seat belt," said the thin man.


The fat man went up and gave him a slap, "sb, look at this seat belt, can I wear it? It's not long enough for me to half waist."

Because the fat man is too fat, the seat belt is not long enough before the end.

"Brother, this one of mine is long, or I'll give you half of mine." said the thin man.


The fat man slapped him again

Go to "You sb, just ask the flight attendant to get a section."

The thin man took out his cell phone.

"Brother, I joined a group of doctors just now. They are discussing a problem now. They talk about gravity. If a drop of water falls from a high altitude, calculating the acceleration of gravity, it can penetrate the steel. I feel that they are very knowledgeable. I'm almost overwhelmed by their level of education." Thin said.


"You sb, ask them if they have been exposed to the rain." Fatty said.

"Hey, yes, when it's raining, isn't it, big brother, you're still smart," said the thin man.


The fat man slapped again.

"You sb, if I wasn't smarter than you, would I still be your big brother?" Fatty said proudly.

"Brother, they tugged me." said the thin man.


Fatty is very skilled in this slap.

"You sb, the plane is about to take off, you are still playing with your phone, turn it off quickly." Fatty said.

The flight attendant took another piece of seat belt and handed it to Fatty. Although this situation is not common, there are still measures on the plane.

The plane took off soon.

The thin man was shaking all over.


"Why are you shaking?" The fat man slapped the thin man again.

"Brother, I haven't flown before, I'm afraid of falling," said the thin man.


"What are you afraid of? I'm not by your side." Fatty said.

"Yes, big brother, you are by my side, then I won't be afraid." Thin said excitedly.

The people near them all looked at the two of them as if they were looking at two b~www.mtlnovel.com~ The plane finally took off.

"Wow, this is what it feels like to fly." Xia Xia said with emotion.

It was very quiet inside the plane. Everyone heard Xia Xia's words, and all looked at him with contempt. The female star Yang Ziqi next to Xia Xia turned her head, as if to tell others that I didn't know him.

"Brother, it's the first time he's been on a plane," said the thin man.


The fat man slapped him.

"You sb, I heard it." Fatty said.

Xia Xia really admired that skinny man. He has been slapped more than a dozen times since he got on the plane, and his face is still full of smiles. Besides, the fat man's slap is not light at all, but he has nothing to do with him.

The plane flew for more than 20 minutes.

"Hello fellow passengers, now I tell you a bad thing, you have been kidnapped." A man's voice came from the radio.

Then five men came out from the front, each of them holding a submachine gun.

A man came out from behind, holding two pistols in his hands, which seemed to be their heads.

"I only need two things, a box and a piece of jade. As long as you hand over these two things, then I can guarantee your safety, otherwise, you will all die." The leader said coldly.