Try it out

Destroying the command system is the most common task among special teams. Destroying the opponent's command system is the case in modern warfare. All orders are issued from the command place.

"The six command areas are technical matters, and they will solve it. Our task is to defeat two higher-level command areas and one commander-in-chief." The deputy head issued the combat order.

"All teams are divided into three groups for a carpet search. One team and two teams are combined into one group, three teams and four teams are combined into one group, and five teams and six teams are combined into one group." When the deputy leader mentioned which team, the teams were automatically combined.

This is execution.

"What is our slogan?" the deputy chief shouted loudly.

"If you don't be the most handsome, you will be the most ruthless." Everyone shouted together.

"What is our motto?" the deputy head shouted again.

"Low-key." Everyone shouted together.

"Let's go." The deputy chief shouted loudly, and everyone boarded the plane together. This is modern combat, using the plane to throw the special forces into the local camp, and then carry out the task of destroying the command system.

In the command area of ​​the Tiger Special Forces.

"Give me to invade the other's higher-level command system." Binghua Lei Ting said.

On the plane, everyone sat there.

"I heard that you offended the Thunder Team," Wan Wan asked.

"Offend me to tell you, I will never offend women, because women are used to hurt." Xia Xia said.

"The woman you're talking about isn't Thunderhead, right? She's very terrifying." Million asked again.

"As long as a woman sees a handsome man like me, she has to give in obediently. As long as a woman sees a handsome man like me, she can't stand it." Xia Xia said that the whole cabin laughed .

bang bang

The plane made a big turn when they got on and off, although they all had seat belts on their bodies,

"I'll go." Xia Tian stood up directly, the bump just now made everyone turn around, and the body and the chair of the plane collided violently.

"Hahahaha" Everyone laughed.

The other people were obviously prepared just now. They were all Lei Ting's veterans, so they naturally knew Lei Ting's tactics.

Xia Xian sat back and said, "It's really cruel."


At this moment, the plane made three turns directly in the air.

Everyone was dizzy.

When they all sat back, Binghua Lei Ting's voice came from the earphones, "Who else?"

No one dared to laugh this time, they were all holding back.

"Get ready to skydive."

Inside the command area of ​​the Tiger Special Forces.

"Put me an umbrella bag, keep putting it away." Binghua Lei Ting ordered.

Inside the first-level command area.

"Level 1, they issued a skydive command, and we also detected the parachute bag."

"Lei Ting, this girl, play this with me. This is a foreign tactic. It is spread in batches. The earth points are all fake, and there are bombs on them. If our people pass by, they will be bombed." Lei Ting's mind.

"Level 1, it's already the fifth wave."

"Go ahead and let each group be surrounded in batches, narrow the search circle, don't rush to get close, I will wipe them all out." Level 1 said confidently.

"It's a bad one. The computers of the higher-level areas were invaded, the six group-level command areas were bombarded by their own artillery shells, and the six group leaders were eliminated."

"Why, Lei Ting, this girl actually has such a hand. The group-level command system is a temporary system. I didn't expect that this would give her a loophole." The first-level fist slammed on the table. The group was wiped out by their own shells. "Notify the higher-level, let them quickly shrink the team and conduct a carpet search."

On the plane, all the Tiger Special Forces were divided into three groups for parachuting, and they ran in different directions.

In the summer, their team followed the deputy leader.

After the deputy head of "action" finished speaking, everyone hid. Xia Xia quickly occupied a commanding height, where it was easy to hide.


A minute later, a platoon of troops passed by, and they were officially searching for the team.


A soldier stepped on a mine and the battle began.

The other party is also well-trained soldiers. The first thing they do is to spread the information, but they are just about to contact the outside world.


The other party's communication equipment was penetrated.

"Beautiful, who fought." The deputy chief praised.

No one answered, but then the gunshots continued.

bang bang bang

With four shots in his face, he wiped out the remaining few soldiers.

Ten people played against thirty people, and it only took 20 seconds to solve the battle. This is the Tigers.

"Who shot the gun just now?" the deputy asked.

"It was the recruit." Gu Qi replied coldly.

"Well, the marksmanship is good." The deputy nodded to Xia Tian.

The team continued to move forward. The combat characteristic of the Tigers is that they must run away quickly after firing a shot, because they know that the search arranged at the first level must be a carpet search, and the distance between such teams will not be too far, although The news hasn't spread, but other teams will find out what's going on here.

Although the people who were hit were not really dead, according to the rules of the exercise, they could not move and could only lie on the spot.

In the first-level command area, "This little girl played really well with me. How are you preparing?"

"It's all ready."

"Okay, open the psychedelic command ground." Level 1 said.

The commanding place of the Tiger Special Forces.

"Head, the other party has opened the psychedelic command ground."

Lei Ting looked at the big screen, which was the current situation of the three teams. They all have sensors on their bodies, and there are miniature cameras on his arms, so she can clearly see everyone's situation.

Including the shots fired in the summer just now.

"Try me if you can enter the first-level command system." Lei Ting asked.

"Thunderhead, this is impossible."

"Turn on the radio. UU reading" Lei Ting said.

"Thunder team, if you turn on the radio, they will reveal the location, and the location will be found by the first-level land."

"Open." Lei Ting said firmly.

"Everyone listens to the order, fights two, three and two, and the recruits and Zhanhu temporarily form a team." Lei Ting gave the order.

Then the radio turned off directly.

First-class land.

"Level 1, they have found their positions. They are now divided into three teams."

Red dots appeared on the big screen, and these red dots were the signals just checked.

"Close the net." Level 1 said.

Zhanhu is the deputy head. After receiving the order, the teams are reassigned. In summer, they temporarily form a team with Zhanhu. Two-three-two is a classic formation of foreign tactics, like the shape of a pair of scissors. The purpose of scissors is to cut open. The enemy's web.

"Follow me." The deputy head, Zhanhu, waved at Xia Xia, and Xia Xia followed directly.


A series of explosions came, Zhan Hu looked at the sensor in his hand, "Yes, one team is eliminated."

"Success, level one."

"Girl Lei's tactics are almost all foreign and classic tactics in the world, but he didn't expect that we have an outside tactician here." Level 1 smiled and patted the staff officer beside him on the shoulder.