King of Vengeance

Summer rushes forward quickly.

"Summer, you must avenge the brothers." Binghua Lei Ting exhorted.

"Don't worry, I don't die so easily. I can shed every drop of blood for women and the country, of course, including you." Xia Xia quickly shuttled through the jungle.

In the headquarters of the Tiger Special Forces, everyone heard his words, because it was posted here, and when they heard his words, everyone in the headquarters was stunned, and then shook their heads helplessly.

Only the staff officer's face was not very good, he came to Lei Ting's side, "Boy, my name is Long Tiansheng, Lei Ting is a childhood sweetheart who grew up with me, if you want to fight with me, come back alive. Bar."

Binghua Leiting glared at him.

After the conversation just now, the atmosphere in the headquarters was not as heavy as before.

"You young people." Even the teacher shook his head helplessly.

"Let's come back alive first." Binghua Lei Ting didn't mean to refuse, nor did she scold Xia Xia.

If these words came from someone else's mouth, she would have cleaned up the other person long ago, but at this time she didn't do that.

"I found one." Xia Xia's body jumped, and her body flexibly jumped onto the branch.

Everyone is watching the situation on Xia's side. Xia's screen has been enlarged, and they all look at Xia's side in surprise, because the speed at which he climbed the tree just now was too fast.


A shot was fired.

Just when everyone saw the figure of a person from the miniature camera on Xia Xia's head, Xia Xia was already shot.

I saw that man's body fell down.

"The first one, there are twenty left." Xia Xia's body tossed in the air, landed smoothly, and then continued to run forward.

"This kid, his body is as flexible as a monkey." The brigade commander of the third brigade praised.

"Monkeys don't have such good marksmanship." The teacher said that the man was at least 700 meters away from Xia Xia, but Xia Xia climbed up the tree quickly, then shot directly and hit him with one shot.

Everyone seemed to see hope, and they began to look forward to it, hoping that Xia Xia could really kill each other with the power of one person.

The current battlefield situation is slightly favorable to Xia, because there is only one sniper in the opponent's eleven-man squad, and that sniper has been killed by Xia, so Xia doesn't have to worry about being attacked by the opponent.

When Xia Xia came to the man he had just killed, he picked up the grenade on his waist and threw it forward.

bang bang

A series of explosions sounded.

There is actually a chain of mines ahead, but now the chain of mines has been completely broken by Xia Xia.

"This kid, where did he serve as a soldier in the past, his observation and alertness are really too strong." The division commander praised.

After Xia Xia broke the opponent's thunder formation, he continued to charge forward. He believed that he would be able to catch up with those people at his own speed. As long as he was careful, it would not be a problem to kill those people.

bang bang bang

A series of gunshots came, Xia Xia's body jumped, dodging the bullets, but the other party didn't stop shooting at all.

"D." Xia Tian didn't dare to look up, he kept running forward, and the way he ran was S-shaped.

In the headquarters, everyone held their breaths. What was in front of him was more exciting than watching a blockbuster. As long as Xia Xia slowed down a little bit, he would be beaten into a hornet's nest by bullets.

"It's now." The moment Xia Xia heard the sound of the gunfire disappearing, he squatted down and took aim quickly.


A shot directly pierced the opponent's head.

He knows that such an international mercenary master can change bullets in less than a second, so he only has one second. If the X-ray eyes have not locked the opponent's position, it is impossible for Xia Tian to be so happy. solve each other.

"Pretty" teacher patted on the table excitedly.

"It's amazing, this soldier is the best soldier I've ever seen." said the brigade commander of the first brigade.

"It's not an exaggeration to call him the King of Soldiers." The brigade commander of the Second Brigade praised.

This summer shot made the crowd

People are all incomparable admiration, because no one of them dares to say that they can do what he does.

"Take the video of him escaping and shooting just now and use it as a teaching video." The teacher said that this video is too classic. He does not ask all soldiers to have the same shooting speed as the summer, but at least Not every opponent is as strong as an international mercenary.

And the part of running away is also very classic.

This way of escaping can indeed put pressure on the opponent's heart. The opponent always believed that the sweep would definitely hit, so he managed to escape in the summer.

"Chief, you haven't eaten for a day." The adjutant behind him said.

"What to eat, we will have a feast when our hero returns." The teacher said.

"Nineteen more." Xia Xia said lightly.

After solving this problem, Xia Xia took out the compressed biscuits in his pocket. He was really tired and hungry.

"Commander, when I go back, what will you treat me to eat? Don't be like our brigade commander. If you invite me to drink, you can fool me with some peanuts." Xia Xia said while eating compressed biscuits.

"When you come back, I will invite you to eat meat." The teacher said very generously.

After Xia Xian ate the compressed biscuits in his hand, he continued to set off. This time it was a pursuit battle. Xia Xian showed everyone what he was capable of. It only took Xia three hours to solve five problems.

"There are fourteen more Xia said.

"In summer, is your physical strength still enough? You haven't rested at all." Binghua Lei Ting asked.

"Li Goudan and the others have already helped me rest." Xia Xia said, he would definitely help Li Goudan and the others to avenge them. When he was in the cave, Li Goudan showed Xia Xia's picture of his girlfriend. It was really beautiful. The two of them were very beautiful. One said that he would get married when Li Goudan retired.

He told Xia Xia a lot about his relationship with his girlfriend, but now he can't see his girlfriend anymore.

Xia Xia found two more people, but they were very alert. Xia Xia had just entered the shooting range, and the two people hid. Now the scene is deadlocked, and Xia Xia blocked the two of them in a jungle.

"Jick, the two of us are the only ones left. The others were killed by that sniper."

"I know, I didn't expect him to be so powerful. It seems that I really underestimate Huaxia's special forces." Jike had to admit that Xia Xia was so powerful. It was the first time he was forced into such a situation.

"What do we do now, go out and kill him"

"You go out and try to see if he hits your head." Jike said depressedly.

"Are we just staying here?"

"Of course not, wait for the stupid monkeys, I have informed the stupid monkeys and they will come to support us in an hour." Jike said lightly, how could he have waited without a plan.