Turn the tide

The smoke bombs were thrown forward.

"Continue to throw while advancing." The stupid monkey ordered.

Their strength is limited, and it is impossible to throw them directly into the summer, so they need to hide themselves in the smoke.

"Smoke bomb, it's not good. The other party hides himself in the smoke, which completely covers Xia Xia's sight. This time even if you use a mirror, it is impossible to see the other party." The brigade commander of the third brigade was anxious. said.

"Hey, those people blocked his escape route. Now even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't escape." Staff officer Long Tiansheng shook his head helplessly.


A gunshot came.

"There are eleven left." Xia Tian said lightly.


"There are ten left." Xia Xia said again.

bang bang bang bang

"Five left." Xia Xia said.

This time, the entire headquarters was completely stunned. It was hard for them to believe that Xia Xia actually hit it.

Stupid monkey also discovered it. At first, when he heard the gunshot, he thought that the other party was shooting blindly, but then the screams kept coming from around him, and he understood that the other party actually hit it.

"Hidden, all hidden." Sweat dripped from the stupid monkey's forehead. "Is this still a human?"

Jike never dared to move. Xia Xia was the most terrifying sniper he had ever seen, so he didn't move. He was waiting. It turned out that what he did was right. Although he didn't go out, he basically understood the situation outside." a few died"

"Seven, now including you, there are still five people. We can't fight anymore. If we continue to fight, none of us will be able to leave alive." Zha Hu was a little scared. He is the leader of a terrorist organization, and it can be said that he killed Get up without blinking at all.

But now he is really scared. He has never seen such a terrifying sniper before. He managed to escape. He didn't want to die in China.

"But Master Kun wants this person to die." The stupid monkey said hesitantly.

"There are many ways to let him die. You don't have to fight hard here. What you have to do now is to send the ashes of my brother and me to China." Zha Hu said firmly.

"But what if we go like this, Jike," said the stupid monkey, frowning.

"Don't worry about me, listen to Zhahu, I have a way." Jike said lightly.

Xia Xia looked at the hiding places of those people ahead.

"These people seem to be escaping," Xia Xia said.

"Five people, there are really only five people left. It's amazing." The teacher kept praising him. To be honest, he never thought that Xia Tian could do this, and even he had already prepared the heart of Xia Xia's sacrifice. Prepare.

But now it is completely different.

Scorpion's twenty-two mercenaries and the leader of a terrorist organization, Zhahu, were killed one by one except for the one who died together with the leader of the first team.

There are only five people left alive.

"There are four more bullets left. It looks like it's going to be tough." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he climbed straight up to the tree. Everyone looked at the screen in confusion, not knowing what he was going to do.

Soon, summer climbed to the top of the tree.

bang bang

There were two more gunshots, and then two more mercenaries fell to the ground.

"Damn, run away." The stupid monkey was completely stunned. He didn't dare to look back this time. He had never seen such a powerful sniper. They didn't even understand what was going on. got wiped out.

There are only three people left alive now.

Jike, Clumsy Monkey and Zhahu.

"There are three left." Xia Xia jumped from the tree, and then quickly chased after the stupid monkeys.

He will not let these people escape.

Although Ji Ke is still hiding there, he can't pass, and Ji Ke can't come out. If the two of them drag on like this, stupid monkey and Zhahu will escape from China.

"Success." Everyone in the headquarters showed joy on their faces. Although there were still three people left, in their opinion, Xia

Days have succeeded.

After the few shots in the summer just now, he had completely wiped out the opponent's fighting spirit.

If it was said that the mercenaries had a fighting strength of 120 because they were excited to enter China, now I am afraid they have no more than 50. All they have left is to flee for their lives and escape from this terrifying place.

Today they finally understand why China is called a forbidden place for mercenaries.

Stupid monkey and Zhahu had already thrown away all the equipment on their bodies. Stupid monkey hugged Lord Kun's brother's ashes, and the two quickly fled forward.

Xia Xian raised the gun, then shook his head. At this distance, he can completely kill the opponent, but he can only kill one. Now he has only two bullets left. If one shot is one, there must be one in the end. Individuals will escape.

"Why didn't he shoot?" the teacher asked inexplicably.

"He only has two bullets left, and the other party has three left. He wants to hit two with one shot." Binghua Leiting explained.

"How is this possible with one shot and two?" Staff officer Long Tiansheng shook his head and said dissatisfiedly.

"Ten hours ago, did you think it was possible to kill more than twenty members of the scorpion mercenary army with his own power?" Binghua Lei Ting asked rhetorically.

"Uh." Staff officer Long Tiansheng nodded. Indeed, Xia Xia has created a miracle.

Xia Xia kept chasing after him, but he kept himself well hidden all the time and did not reveal it. For a normal person, the unknown is always the most terrifying thing~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xia Xia has to do is to let the other party I can't figure out the details of myself, and I don't even let the other party see my appearance.

In this way, the other party's heart will become more and more afraid of himself.

Once fear overcomes confidence, the person has no ability to resist.

Just like Xie Xiaofeng back then, he was clearly a master at the Xuan level. If he really fought with Xia Xia, the final result would be really hard to say, but he was defeated by his own fear.

That's why Xia Xia can use the silver needle to sneak attack successfully and defeat him.

Now the stupid monkey and Zhahu have completely lost their fighting spirit. They only know how to escape, and they don't even dare to look back.

They wanted to flee to the frontier, where they were supported.

Gek, who was hiding there, didn't move the whole time. He was waiting. There were two reasons why he didn't move. First, he didn't know if Xia Xia had left. Second, he wanted those two to run farther away.

Once the stupid monkey and the others escaped, Xia Xia would definitely go after those two people, and then he would have a way to escape.

As long as he can leave Huaxia alive, Lord Kun will not only not blame him, but will look at him with admiration. He will also become a legend among international mercenaries. No mercenary has ever been able to break into Huaxia and leave alive. If he left alive, he would be the first to break the legend.

"It's almost time." Jike began to crawl in the grass. At this moment, he didn't dare to be sloppy.