I am a poor man

When Lei Ting heard Xia Xia's words, she stepped on Xia Xia's foot fiercely. Although she had just met Xia Xia not long ago, Xia Xia's ability to disobey on the battlefield is really not small. Lei Ting knew that Xia Xia could really do anything.

Xia Tian smiled slightly. Although his feet hurt, he finally symbolically conquered Lei Ting for the first time.

After entering the mall, Xia Xian glanced around. Most of the first floor of the mall sells watches and cosmetics. When it comes to watches, Xia Tian thinks of the piece that Zeng Rou bought for himself. Wear, I just put it on when I changed clothes.

After looking around, there are many brands here, but I don't know them in summer.

"Go to that one." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he ran directly to a watch store, and he saw that the logo on his watch was exactly the same as the logo of this store.

The business of this store is not good at all, there is not a single customer during the day, and no one pays attention to him when he walks into the store in the summer. The price of the block table.

He still doesn't know how much Zeng Rou gave him this watch.

"Summer, why did you enter this store?" Binghua Lei Ting followed.

"Oh. You help me find this watch. This watch was given to me by my friend. I want to see how much it costs, so I have an idea." Xia Xia explained.

Binghua Lei Ting glanced at Xia Xia's watch, and sure enough, it was the same brand as here, but he remembered that this store's watch was very expensive, and the cheapest one cost tens of thousands of dollars.

What kind of friend can give such a precious gift.

Lei Ting also saw that the salesperson here didn't like to pay attention to the two of them, and she could understand it. After all, the watches here cost tens of thousands of dollars, but the clothes she and Xia wore were cheap.

I'm afraid she's the only one wearing sportswear here, but in summer it's even more exaggerated, and the clothes don't fit well.

It can be said that the two of them are very strange here.

"Brother Ming, people also want a watch from the Earl." A coquettish voice came from the door.

This squeaking sound made the bones so crisp in the summer, and when Xia Xia saw Lei Ting, the soldier, also shivered. The two of them looked at the door at the same time, only to see a big brother wearing sunglasses hugging a man who looked like four A woman in her teens, the woman was dressed in black silk and painted a heavy smoky makeup.

Seeing that this woman was almost forty years old, Xia Xian almost spit it out. The voice of a girl who sounded only eighteen years old just now came out of her mouth.

"Okay, okay, let's take a look first." The elder brother wearing sunglasses said very aggressively.

Seeing customers coming in, all the clerks came out to greet them proactively, and immediately surrounded by seven or eight people.

Xia Xia and the others have been in for a long time, but no one has paid attention to him until now, but as soon as they came in, seven or eight people gathered around. This is the reality, but Xia Xia didn't say much, he was still looking for the watch.

"Let's see if it's this one." Binghua Lei Ting beckoned to Xia Tian.

Xia Xia came over and compared it, it seemed that it was really the same, but it was just a model, and there was no price on it.

"Get out of the way." A thick voice came from behind Xia Xia.

"What are you still doing, whether you buy it or not, let it go." A shopping guide said impatiently.

This eldest brother looks like a rich man. He naturally wants to please this eldest brother. Looking at summer, he looks like a poor boy, wearing a big-toed military leather shoes, and the clothes on his body do not fit well, so he cannot find it in this mall The second such person.

The shopping guide felt that when he talked to Xia Xia, he lost his price.

Xia Xia frowned slightly. He was about to ask how much the watch cost, but the other party actually asked him to let it go.

Binghua Lei Ting was also a little unhappy. Although they were just looking at it, they were also customers. The other party was obviously too snobbish.

"What are you looking at? Do you know what brand of watch it is? It's the Earl's. If you can't afford it, don't stand in the way." The woman in her forties gave Xia Xia and Lei Ting a disdainful look, her voice was still the same.

The big guy with sunglasses

Brother, raised his head, with his nostrils pointing upwards, he was not looking at the summer at all.

"Hurry up and let it go. If you want to see it, go to the side." A shopping guide likes this situation the most. They give face to the big brother of the sunglasses. Even if the big brother of the sunglasses is for face, he is too embarrassed not to buy it.

That's how they are here, generally they don't bill, but once they do, it's a big one.

"Oh, hey, you still look at the most expensive Earl, can you afford it? Let's save some money and buy some clothes." The woman's eyes were full of contempt.

When Xia Xia heard the woman's words, she probably understood that the watch Zeng Rou gave him was the most expensive.

Binghua Lei Ting felt very embarrassed, neither walking nor standing there.

Xia Xia came to Binghua Lei Ting and then rolled up the sleeves of her clothes, revealing the watch on her left wrist, "Hey, I don't know if mine is real or fake."

Seeing the watch in Xia's hand, everyone was stunned, especially the shopping guides in the store.

They look at the Earl's watch every day. No one knows the watch in Xia's hands better than them. That watch is the model in the glass cabinet in front of Xia's, the Earl's Supreme Watch.

The price is 1 million~www.mtlnovel.com~ It only sells for ten yuan every year in the whole country. If you want to buy it, you must make an appointment.

There is no need to test the authenticity of the watch, because it can be seen at a glance. When they trained, they learned all the properties and materials of this watch, and they also learned for three days, including the origin of the watch, etc.

They knew at a glance that the piece on Xia's wrist was the real deal.

The woman glanced at the watch in Xia Xian's hand, and then looked at the model in the front cabinet. She was also slightly taken aback, but after thinking about it carefully, she still didn't believe that Xia Xian was wearing the real thing, and said sarcastically. "A goods, not B goods or C goods."

"It's really possible, I don't know what it is." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You're so embarrassed to come to the real store wearing fakes." The woman looked at Binghua Lei Ting after she finished speaking, "Isn't she bringing her girlfriend to brag? That's right, girls these days are In this way, if someone takes out a fake one, they can be tricked into going to bed."

The woman's voice was still so loud, which made people uncomfortable. Lei Ting was about to get angry when she heard her words, but Xia Xia still held her back.

"Why don't you do this? Help me to see what my watch is and how much it's worth." Xia Xia turned to look at the shopping guides.

"Sir, yours is real, and the price is one million." The shopping guide said embarrassedly, he remembered their attitude towards summer just now.

"Hey, I'm a poor man, I can only wear this kind of stuff." Xia Xia said with a sigh.