
The responsibility here must be the car in front. Although the car in the back hit the car in front, the responsibility is almost entirely the car in front.

Xia Tian took a look and understood what happened.

The female star Yang Ziqi was driving the car behind, and it was a woman in her 40s in the car in front who called her dead.

Seeing that Yang Ziqi was wearing sunglasses and her face was stern, the other party became even more arrogant, thinking that Yang Ziqi had no face to meet people.

"Let's send the person to the hospital first, okay? I'll take the responsibility." Yang Ziqi persuaded.

"You are responsible because you hit my car. Now my father-in-law is dead. You are murdering." The woman in her forties said viciously.

"It was you who wanted to join the road before I hit your car. Even if the traffic police came over, the responsibility would be yours. I already said to compensate you for the money for repairing the car. Save people first. Why are you so aggressive?" Yang Ziqi had already admitted that she had fallen, and planned to pay for the other party's car repair, but the other party just called her to kill.

In fact, the car crash was not serious, and it didn't cost a lot of money.

"Okay, if you're finished, take my dad to the hospital first." The woman's husband stepped forward to persuade him.

"Don't worry about it, do you think Dad is alright? He must have been frightened by the bump she just hit. We can't leave, we have to wait for the police to come." The woman in her 40s looked at the female star Yang Ziqi. He continued, "Look at her, covering her face so tightly, it must be shameful, maybe she is a fugitive."

"Please pay attention to what you say. The first responsibility for the crash is that you are not me. Second, why do you have to make trouble here unreasonably? Do you want to watch your father-in-law die?" Yang Ziqi's anger also came up, after all, she is also a public The character was actually said to be a fugitive.

The woman seemed to have been told, her eyes were a little panicked, but she responded immediately, "You lied, this is just a rhetoric that you want to evade legal punishment, my father-in-law is already dead, it's up to you to do it all. of."

"Looking at your appearance, it should have been mentioned by me. You have been delayed here for almost 20 minutes. If you have this time, you can send your father-in-law to the hospital. It seems that you are deliberately delaying here. I'm looking forward to his death." Yang Ziqi understood, and she really got it right, the other party must have this goal, and then put the blame on her.

"Stop talking nonsense, get in the car." The woman's husband's expression changed, and he seemed to have discovered the woman's purpose.

"No, I can't just leave like this, otherwise what if she runs away?" The woman refused.

"Do you really want to kill my dad?" The woman's husband looked at the woman angrily.

At this moment, the police, the medical staff and the traffic police arrived at the same time. Because of the traffic jam behind, their people came over, and the car was still in the back.

"What happened here?" a policeman asked.

When the woman saw the police coming, she became even more reckless and shouted directly, "She hit my car and scared my sick father-in-law to death."

"Ambulancemen, go up and see how people are doing," the policeman shouted.

120 people stepped forward to check, "The person is still alive and needs to be sent to the hospital immediately."

"Okay, take the person to the opposite road." The policeman said, the opposite road was not blocked by traffic, it was just the opposite.

"No, you have to figure things out before you leave. She killed my father-in-law, and she must be arrested first." The woman shouted hurriedly when she heard that she was not dead.

"Ma'am, it's important to save people. Now the patient's condition is not good. If there is any delay, it may be life-threatening." The medical staff said.

"If I say no, I can't," the woman shouted loudly.

"Ma'am, if you continue to block, we will sue you for obstructing official business, and if your father-in-law is in any danger, you are also responsible." The police stepped forward and said.

"You scare me, believe it or not, I will lay you off with just one phone call." The woman said wildly.

"What on earth are you trying to do?" the woman's husband stepped forward and scolded.

"What do you think, you dared to call me, right? If it wasn't for my father, what kind of business might have become in your family?

so. "The woman looked at her husband angrily.

Her husband really shut up when she said that.

"Do you need help?" Xia Xia came to the female star Yang Ziqi and asked.

"It's you" Yang Ziqi recognized Xia Tian at a glance.

"Okay, you still dare to ask for help. Let me tell you, my dad works in the city bureau. It's not easy for you to ask anyone." The woman shouted angrily.

Xia Xia did not speak, but walked towards the old man.

"What are you doing?" The woman's husband looked at Xia Xia vigilantly.

"You want your dad to die too" Xia Xia asked rhetorically.

Xia Xia came to the old man's side, put his right hand on the old man's pulse, and smiled, "He's fine."

"Who are you who asked you to touch my father-in-law, get out of the way quickly." The woman looked at Xia Xia vigilantly, as if she was afraid that Xia Xian would ruin her good deeds.

"Sir, please don't approach the patient, otherwise, if there is any problem, you will be held responsible," the police said.

"If you keep this stalemate, he will really die." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he grabbed the old man with his right Quickly stop him, he wants to kill someone. "The woman shouted out such an inexplicable word in a hurry.

Sure enough, those police officers stopped Xia Xia. The woman just said that her father worked at the city bureau, and the small police officers in these places couldn't afford to offend the people at the city bureau, so she still obeyed the woman.

And now the situation is uncertain, and they can't let strangers get close to the old man.

Xia Xia's physical fitness is not comparable to them. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he pulled the old man over, then he carried the old man on his shoulders and started running.

"What is he doing, grab him quickly." the woman shouted loudly.

"Hurry up and put down the old man, or we'll shoot." The police officer actually took out his gun.

cough cough cough

At this moment, the old man coughed, and then a grape was spat out of his mouth.

"Huhuhu" the old man breathed heavily.

Xia Tian put the old man on the ground. The old man stood there breathing greedily. Seeing such a situation, everyone was stunned. The old man was actually healed.

Xia Xian bent down, picked up the grape on the ground and pinched it, "This grape is interesting, it's actually elastic, and it won't break when you squeeze it."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone looked at the grape in Xia Xia's hands. This grape grows exactly like an ordinary grape, but it is not a real grape, but a rubber ball.