Difficult Witch

The two women refused to give in to each other, and the two of them had conflicts before.

One is a witch and the other is a soldier. Both are the most famous women in the Southeast Military Region, but neither of them agrees with the other, so the contradiction between the two has always been not small.

The current witch Yu Lily made it clear that she wanted to teach Xia Tian a lesson.

If Xia Xia hadn't been injured, Lei Ting would not have been worried about Xia Xia at all, but now Xia Xia's injury is just a little bit better, if he was asked to fight Yu Lili, he wouldn't know when the injury would heal.

"Come on." The witch Yu Lily shouted.

"Come as soon as you come." Lei Ting, a soldier, is not capable, otherwise, how could she become an instructor of the Tiger Special Forces.

The two said that the fight really started.

"Stop it, stop it all for me." The brigade commander of the Third Brigade heard that the witch Yu Lili was in a fight with someone and hurried over, "Why are you two fighting again?"

Listening to the meaning of his words, you can tell that this is not the first time these two women have fought.

When they saw the brigade commander of the third brigade coming, the two of them stopped.

"Hmph." The witch Yu Lily snorted coldly.

"Captain Lei, what the **** is going on?" the brigade commander of the third brigade asked.

"She bullied Xia Xia, of course I can't watch it." Binghua Lei Ting said, Xia Xia was her soldier, how could she watch her soldier being bullied by others.

"Lily, how can you bully Xia Xia, he just returned from an injury on the battlefield." The brigade commander of the Third Brigade looked at the witch Yu Lili seriously.

"You are injured, where are you injured?" Meng Xiaojie looked at Xia Xia nervously.

"I'm fine, I'm getting better soon." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"I didn't know he was injured." The witch Yu Lili said aggrieved.

"Xia Xia chased more than 20 international mercenaries alone for a day and a night. As soon as he was discharged from the hospital today, you bullied him. If I told your grandfather, your grandfather would definitely put you in confinement." The brigade commander of the third brigade threatened.

"One person, chasing more than 20 international mercenaries." The witch Yu Lili looked at Xia Xia in confusion for a moment, "But I don't think he is very good."

When the witch Yu Lili fought Xia Xia just now, she thought Xia Xia was not very good at all, so she couldn't even fight back.

"You also said that there are dozens of wounds on his body now, and you are proud to fight with a wounded." The brigade commander of the third brigade taught a lesson.

"Well, I was wrong." The witch Yu Lili looked at Xia Xia and continued, "But you always give up, you must give me an explanation."

The brigade commander of the Third Brigade looked at Xia Xia in confusion, "You two."

"What are you thinking, I don't know her at all." Xia Xia said hurriedly.

"It's not me, it's my good friend Xiaojie. He was always in chaos and abandoned, but he actually abandoned our family's Xiaojie." The witch Yu Lili pulled Meng Xiaojie over.

"Hey, aren't you that flight attendant?" The brigade commander of the third brigade was slightly taken aback when he saw Meng Xiaojie.

At that time, when Xia Xia rescued Meng Xiaojie, Meng Xiaojie offered a kiss and said that as long as Xia Xia could survive, he would marry Xia Xia. He remembered this very clearly.

"Yes." Meng Xiaojie also remembered the brigade commander.

"I think there might be some misunderstanding here." The brigade commander of the Third Brigade gave a general overview of what happened.

"So that's the case." Binghua Lei Ting nodded.

"That doesn't work either. It's a blessing for our Xiaojie to like him. Why would he reject our Xiaojie?

"Don't make trouble, he didn't refuse him in Xia Xia, but he is indeed a soldier now, and he is a special soldier of the Tiger Special Forces, so he doesn't have time to make a girlfriend at all." The brigade commander of the third brigade explained.

"You talk, don't hide behind the woman." Yu Lili, the witch, looked at Xia Xia and said.

"You are too small, I won't talk to you." Xia Xia looked at the witch Yu Lili with contempt.

His words shocked everyone present, and the witch Yu Lili's face became more and more ugly.

"As the old saying goes, a man's upper body is flat, and a woman's upper body is bulging. If both are flat, An Neng can tell whether I am male or female." Xia Xia continued.


When hearing this, Binghua Lei Ting cast an admiring look.

"I'm going to kill you." The witch Yu Lili rushed towards Xia Tian.

"Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses." Xia Xia ran without looking back. The speed stunned everyone in the hall.

"Damn it, she ran so fast." Even the witch Yu Lili was stunned. Just as she was about to chase, she found that Xia Xia ran was gone.

"Okay, okay, this matter is just a misunderstanding, don't make trouble." The brigade commander of the Third Brigade looked at the witch Yu Lili and said.

"I won't just let it go. When he recovers, I will definitely beat him again." The witch Yu Lili took Meng Xiaojie's hand and walked outside.

The brigade commander of the Third Brigade saw that the witch Yu Lili was gone, and shook his head helplessly, "An Neng can tell whether I am male or female, this kid is quite talented."

Hearing the brigade commander's words, Binghua Lei Ting smiled slightly, she really admired Xia Xia, it can be said.

After running out in the summer, he came to the dormitory of the Tiger Special Forces. The Tiger Special Forces did not live in the forest all year round, and the environment there was impossible for people to live in for a long time.

When he walked into the dormitory, everyone looked at him.

One by one, their faces were expressionless, and then they all stood up.

"What are you doing?" Xia Xia looked around~www.mtlnovel.com~ There was no soap on the ground, but he hurriedly blocked his chrysanthemum with his hands.

It is said that one cannot bend over to pick up soap in the army.

The members of the Tigers came to Xia's side, "Go on"

Everyone rushed towards Xia Xia together and pressed Xia Xia directly to the ground, and then everyone's laughter came from the dormitory, "Our hero is back."

Everyone kept cheering.

After the battle in the jungle, everyone was impressed by Xia Xia. Although Xia Xia was still a recruit, he has already been recognized by everyone.

In the current Tiger Special Forces team, except for the vice-captain Zhan Hu and several other people who were shot, all the others who were slightly injured have returned to the team.

"I knew you were going to be fine." The Million Army gave Xia Xia a big hug.

After everyone asked for warmth for a while, they all sat up around Summer.

"Xiamen, I heard the second brother Shenma say that you rescued the brigade commander. Tell us what happened." Li Wanwan asked. Everyone looked at Xia Xia curiously. They liked to listen to the fun the most.

"Low-key, low-key, I know you all admire me, but I just want to be a beautiful man quietly." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"Che" everyone raised their **** to Xia.

"Who is Summer?" At this moment, a female soldier appeared at the door.