Consonance 1 refers to the second weight

The commander of the third division did not expect Xia Xia to be so powerful. He suppressed Hua Wuliu from the beginning, but he was not worried at all. He thought that Hua Wuliu would never lose because Hua Wuliu had such a secret weapon.

"The secret weapon, it can't be motion light waves, right?" Xia Tian smiled slightly, and the immortal steps under his feet did not stop.

Although he said nothing, but he raised his vigilance.

He knew that Hua Wuliu would not say such things for no reason. Since he said he had a hole card, he must have a hole card.

The speed of Manyun's immortal steps is getting faster and faster, and the whole person is like a fairy descending from the earth.

"Is there something wrong with my eyes? I seem to see a fairy."

"I saw it too. Summer is like a fairy, and Hua Wuliu can't touch him at all."

"Is this still human?"

The people in the audience are all special forces. Even they have never seen such a fast speed. They are all dumbfounded. The angle that Xia takes is very tricky.

Sometimes people think he's going to the left, but he's leaning to the right.

The King of Soldiers Huawuliu's fist is powerful, but not fast. He took a violent route.

And Xia Xia is not afraid of this kind of person. For him, Hua Wuliu is powerful, but he can't hit him at all. His Immortal Steps in the Clouds and Lingxi Finger have completely restrained Hua Wuliu's heavy punch.

Xia Tian was most afraid of Bai Yu's speed. He couldn't keep up with Bai Yu's speed at all. That kind of battle left him clueless.

But people like Hua Wuliu are different, his speed is only a little better than normal people.

"Xiamen, don't be too arrogant." Hua Wuliu didn't expect Xia Tian to be so powerful. Xia Xian's immortal walks left him clueless, and he didn't know where Xia Xia would appear in the next second.

"What about your secret weapon? Is it your secret weapon to pretend to be a b?" Xia Xia looked at Hua Wuliu and said.

If the two continue to fight, Xia Xia is confident that Hua Wuliu will be eliminated within three minutes. Although Hua Wuliu is also a Xuan-level expert, his strength is not even as strong as that of Quicksand's killer.

The average Xuan-level master will master a footwork. Only the Xuan-level master who has the footwork can be regarded as a true Xuan-level master, but Hua Wuliu doesn't know the footwork at all, although his Kaishan fist strength is good , but his speed is simply impossible to compare with any Xuan-level master.

Not to mention it's summer.

"Xia Tian, ​​I admit that you are the strongest opponent I have ever seen, but you can't beat me." Hua Wuliu's hands suddenly touched his waist.

Then their bodies stopped there at the same time.

"What happened, why didn't the two of them move?" the brigade commander of the third brigade asked.

"I don't know, maybe something happened, but there shouldn't be any danger in the summer, he has been taking advantage just now." said the first division's commander.

The teacher of the third division looked at the teacher of the first division with disdain, "Hmph, haven't you understood yet? Summer has already lost."

"How is it possible to lose in the summer." Binghua Lei Ting's face was full of surprise. Could it be that something happened just now?

"That's Hua Wuliu's secret weapon." The third division's commander said with a smile.

As if verifying the words of the third division commander, Hua Wuliu, who had been standing there motionless, moved. He walked towards the summer step by step. His face was full of jokes. At this moment, he was about to vent his anger.

Huawuliu, who had been suppressed by summer just now, is finally about to explode.

Looking at Xia Tian who was standing there motionless, Hua Wuliu said disdainfully, "Aren't you very good, aren't you fast? You run, you keep running."

Xia Tian slowly raised his head, he didn't know what method the other party used, because the other party was shocked even his soul just now, and his body was instantly shot into hundreds of things thinner than silver needles .

His whole body was sealed with silver needles.

"This is your secret weapon." Xia Xia looked at Hua Wuliu and said, only the two of them could hear their voices.

"Xia Tian, ​​your death is not wrong, this is a spiritual tool insinuating, and I bought it back with my life, even Jiang Shao doesn't know.

road. "Bing Wang Hua Wuliu seems to be sharing the joy of having a treasure.

The reason why he shared it with Xia Xia was because Xia Xian was already dead.

It was too depressing to get a baby and didn't dare to share it with others, that's why he told Xia Xia, he thought it was impossible for Xia Xia to spread the news.

"Spiritual tool" Xia Xian heard the word "spiritual tool" for the first time.

"Yes, it is a spiritual weapon, a weapon with a soul, it is the most mysterious weapon in the world, even those sects have few people, but I have one, as long as I kill you, then Jiang Shao will definitely It will reward me with higher martial arts secrets, and then I will become stronger and stronger." Hua Wuliu has already decided that Xia Xia will surely die, so he said it without any cover.

"It's really a good thing." Xia Tian said lightly.

"Of course, the number of spiritual tools can be counted even in the whole of China." Hua Wuliu, the king of soldiers, said very proudly, at this time he had already walked in front of Xia Xia.

"It seems that only one of us can survive today. You even told me such a secret." Xia Xia understood that since Hua Wuliu had already told him this, then Hua Wuliu was ready to ask for it. Kill him. UU reading

Even if he cannot be killed in the military area, as long as he is maimed and his voice is silenced, he will not be able to spread the news.

"It's not the two of us, but I can live, and you must die." Hua Wuliu said.

"You are so confident that you can definitely beat me now" Xia Xia asked, looking at Hua Wuliu.

"Do you still want to use aggressive tactics against me?" Hua Wuliu said.

"Have you heard of Lingxiyizhi?" Xia Tian asked.

"You are talking about the consonance of Xiyin Xialong, Xialong, Xia, you are Xialong's son." Hua Wuliu looked at Xia with a face full of surprise, Xiyin Xialong was to people in Jianghu. The existence of legend.

Xia Xia didn't speak, just smiled slightly, and then pressed her hands on her body, and purple liquid flowed out of Xia Xia's body.

The ancient Buddha relic in the body saved Xia Xia's life again.

If it weren't for the ancient Buddha relic, his body would really not be able to move. The reason why he said so much to Hua Wuliu in the beginning was partly because he had learned more about spiritual tools, and on the other hand because He was delaying time, and the power of the ancient Buddha relic melted all the power that was insinuated.

But the price is not small, Xia Xia obviously felt that the ancient Buddha relic was about to disappear.

"Lingxi refers to the second realm." Xia Tian smiled slightly.