King's return

King, what is a king is an overlord.

If you ask who was the overlord of Jianghai City in the past, everyone will answer, Jiang Tianshu, Jiang Tianshu is the overlord of Jianghai City.

But if someone asks who is the overlord of Jianghai City, everyone will say Jiang Tianshu and Xia Xia.

The image of Jiang Tianshu's invincibility has been shattered. In the summer, he publicly wanted to kill Jiang Tianshu on a luxury cruise ship, but in the end Jiang Tianshu had nothing to do with it. Although Jiang Tianshu later dealt with Brother Xiaoma and Mr. Huo, he was still completely defeated.

Therefore, in the battle between Xia Xia and Jiang Tianshu, Xia Xia has always had the upper hand, including the fourth son of Jianghai who has never suffered Xia Xia's losses, and even won the gambling Xia Xia.

Everyone is more willing to believe that Jianghai City is now the world of summer.

Although the Xia Group has only opened for two months, it has quickly become the largest enterprise in Jianghai City.

"The Tigers." Xia Xia said.

"Tiger Special Forces, then do you know someone named Gu Qilen?" Mo Li asked suddenly.

"I know, my team captain." Xia Xia looked at Mo Li and said, he was very puzzled, did the other party want to assassinate Gu Qi Leng, so he looked at Mo Li vigilantly, "What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill him, he's my brother." Mo Li said very casually, her words were simple, but Qihuan looked at her like an idiot.

Mo Li also saw Qi Huan's eyes, and said very dissatisfiedly, "Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Believe it or not, I'll kill you."

"Idiot, go outside and say that Gu Qilen from the Tigers is your younger brother. Let's see how many people will kill him." Qihuan said that the killer's most taboo is to reveal his true identity. Especially like their sss-level killers, there are people they know all over the world, and their enemies are everywhere.

"Your younger brother," Xia Xia said embarrassedly, Gu Qileng was actually the younger brother of this super expert.

The strength gap between the two of them is also too great.

Mo Li was too lazy to pay attention to Qihuan, and nodded to Xia Tian, ​​"Is he also handsome?"

"But no matter how I look at it, he is older than you." Xia Xia was speechless for a while, the girl looked seventeen or eighteen at most, but Gu Qilen looked like she was in her twenties.

"He's very old, he's only seventeen today." Mo Li explained.

"How is Seventeen Seventeen a soldier?" Xia Xia asked very puzzled.

"His mother-in-law arranged for him." Mo Li explained.

"You mean Feng Ziyin" Xia Tian asked again.

"It's her, you've seen her too" Mo Li asked.

"I haven't seen it, but I have heard of it. I heard that your brother is very afraid of his fiancee." Xia Xia said.

"Well, girl Feng does tend to be violent." Mo Li nodded.

"Weird, you are all weirdos." Xia Xia said depressedly.

Moli is a person with a lot of topics. The more she talks to Xia Xia, the more topics she talks about. Through chatting with her, Xia Xia is finally relieved, because Xia Xia is sure that Moli is not here to kill him, and it will not hurt him.

After all, she is still Gu Qilen's older sister.

However, the Seven Magicians never spoke. What Xia Xia was most worried about was that he would take action against him, because he had killed the three Xuan-level masters of their killer organization.

The plane was very calm along the way, and he never encountered a hijacking incident again. If he encountered another hijacking time, he would probably go crazy in the summer. He encountered a hijacking incident on his first flight.

Summer is back, and there is no sensation, not even the person connecting the phone.

Xia Xia took Fan Jin to the special operations office, but this time Mo Li and Qi Huan didn't follow.

"I'm back." Ye Wanqing was very calm when she saw the summer.

"Auntie, don't you need to be so calm, don't you miss me?" Xia Tian was speechless for a while.

"I miss you, I miss you to death, why did you come back?" Ye Wanqing said in an extremely exaggerated manner.

"Okay, Auntie, that's enough for you." Xia Xia was completely speechless, and Auntie's acting ability was really lacking.

"Just come back, just in time for the regional game.

It's about to start," Ye Wanqing said.

"No, I'm going to start school." Xia Xia refused directly.

"It won't delay your start of school, you won't play until a week after school starts." Ye Wanqing said.

"Is it any good?" Xia Tian asked.

"No." Ye Wanqing replied.

"Then don't go," Xia Xia said.

"You've been a soldier for a few days and your wings are hard, right? If you don't want to go, you have to go." Ye Wanqing's anger rose, and she immediately began to order.

"Then I'll go." Summer is like this, able to bend and stretch.

"These are your things, pack them up." Ye Wanqing gave Xia Tian's things.

Xia Xia's first thing was to turn on the phone, but he regretted it immediately. When he turned on the phone, the text message on it almost exploded his phone, and a series of sounds blinded him.

The voice of the text message rang for almost ten minutes before it stopped. Originally, it was still fully charged, but suddenly it was reduced by ten percent.

Xia Xia looked around and almost everyone he knew sent him messages. Most of them asked when he would come back. Brother Xiao Ma also sent him a message, telling him to set up a new company called the Xia Group.

You are me, my big apple.

Xia Xia's mobile phone rang, and the moment Xia Xian was turned on, the other party's mobile phone showed that the message was successfully sent, so naturally someone knew that he was turned on.

"Summer, you finally turned on the machine, have you returned to Jianghai?"

"Brother I'm back."

"Where are you, I'll pick you up, I'll pick up all the others, you are the boss of the Xia Group."

"I just came."

"I'll pick you up right now."

After Xia Xia told Xiao Ma's address, his cell phone rang again, call after call, Zeng Rou, Ye Qingxue, Tang Yan, Li Ying, Ma Lan, etc. They all called one after another.

I want to meet Xia Xia, but Xia Xia said that there is something serious tonight, so I pushed it out.

"Boss, your charm is too great. Those phone calls just now were made by girls." Fan Jin said enviously. He heard the voice over the phone just now. Although he couldn't hear what was being said, He could hear a woman's voice.

"Hey, how should this be arranged?" Xia Xia was extremely depressed, and it was impossible to arrange anyone behind. Fortunately, Zeng Rou would be able to see it in a while.

The news of Summer's return quickly spread to the ears of those celebrities.

Brother Xiao Ma called and said that they wanted to hold a banquet for Xia Xia, but Xia Xian refused. Xia Xian didn't want to be Jiang Tianshu, so he had to make such a big show. Besides, he didn't know those people either.

"Xiamen, get in the car." Brother Xiao Ma parked the car beside Xia Tian.


At this moment, a car rammed directly into Brother Ma's car.