like a baby

Peeking at the situation outside, Xia Xia soon discovered that this group of people seemed to want to get two things. The first thing had already been obtained, and now they were going to get the second thing.

The two of them are going out now for that kind of thing.

"It seems that there are some good things. From what they look like, they should be going to the museum. Follow them to see the excitement." Xia Tian quickly put on his clothes and walked out the door. He was not sitting on the elevator, but on the stairs. If he took the elevator, the two would be lost.

So he chose to take the stairs.

When Xia Xian walked downstairs, the two people happened to walk to the door. All this was in Xia Xia's calculation. If he came down too early, it would attract the attention of the two people.

After the two walked out of the hotel, they got into a silver-colored van, the Light of Wuling, the cheapest and most common van.

"Driving this kind of van and staying in such a high-end hotel, the car is stolen when you see it." Xia Xia's body disappeared in place, and then he lay directly under the car and hid under the car.

After the two got into the van, they slowly started the car.

In the summer, he hid under the car all the time, and followed the car to the distance.

The car stopped after driving for half an hour, and then the two got out of the car, but after the two of them got out of the car, their outfits changed drastically, just like two snitches.

"It looks like they are going in to steal something." Xia Xia looked at the museum in front of him.

This is the general museum of Jianghai City. There are a lot of security guards here. Xia Xia was very curious about how they were going to steal things out of it. It is dark now, the museum has been closed, and all the alarms have been turned on.

Xia Xia kept watching the movements of those two people, but he didn't get too close. There were so few people in the vicinity of Dashuitian, as long as you weren't an idiot, you would be able to spot him.

"You dare to steal anything in the museum. It seems that it must be something good." Xia Xia secretly thought, the two did not directly break into the museum to shout robbery, but bypassed the building behind the museum.

Soon, the two people came to the roof of the building, and then saw high-tech products in the summer.

Snitch, what is a snitch, a thief who can fly.

Those two guys were actually flying in mid-air. They had a kind of pulley tied to their backs and used the pulley to slide on the rope. In summer, their eyesight was very good. Although they were far away, they could still see clearly in summer. He was fully armed and covered with all kinds of high-tech equipment.

After seeing the two pass by, Xia Xia's toes were on the rope a little, and they passed through the rope with ease. The two actually started from the roof of the museum.

It is impossible for ordinary people to go up to the roof of the museum, but they used this method to reach the roof of the museum.

"Damn it, it seems that they stepped on it before, and actually found the thinnest layer of the roof. There should be a vent below here, so it's so easy to get through." Xia Xia has been watching their actions from behind.

The originally well-guarded museum actually allowed them to invade so easily.

There are laser alarms in the museum, but the two people were prepared and put on a pair of glasses, which can see the position of the laser, and their bodies are very flexible, not only avoiding the laser, but also avoiding the laser. monitor.

"What exactly are they trying to steal?" Xia Xia looked at the two people suspiciously, and the two people kept walking inside. These two people are not thieves of Jiangyang, they came here to steal and sell money, because they have passed a lot of good things. , but they never made a move.

The speed of the two became faster and faster, and they kept running inside. Finally, the two stopped when they ran to a separate showcase inside. Inside the showcase was a bronze wine cup.

Xia Tian glanced at the introduction, and it said that the bronze wares of the Qin Dynasty were written on it.

This is a treasure among treasures, bronze ware, and it is a bronze ware from the Qin Dynasty. "No, although bronze ware is precious, it is not the most precious thing here."

The two did not directly take the bronze utensils, but took out a fake one from their bags and put them back.

there are electrons

Induction, if the thing disappears directly, the alarm will sound the same, but even so, the fake will be detected by the scanner within five minutes.

So the two of them only have five minutes to escape.

The two didn't waste time. Seeing that the two of them were leaving, Xia Xia took the lead to leave. Now is not the time to do something to the two of them. After these two people took something, they should reconcile with the other group.

And a bronze wine cup is not very useful for summer.

What he wanted to see was what purpose these people had, and what was the purpose of stealing this wine cup, what was another thing, and what was the relationship with this wine cup.

The two people quickly came to the van. When they escaped, their speed was faster than when they went. They did not use the rope to go back, but directly used the new equipment to fall directly from the rope.

As soon as the two of them got into the van, the alarm sounded in the museum. The alarm in the museum was connected to the police station.

The van drove very fast, but they started changing cars as soon as they drove four streets.

Along the they changed a total of six cars, all of them were silver and white vans. Finally, an hour later, they came to a dilapidated community.

This area is a demolition area.

There are no residents in it now, but this place has also become a hiding place for the outlaws like them.

The two people parked their car four blocks away, and then walked here. The two of them walked very carefully along the way, always paying attention to whether they were being followed, and the two of them also deliberately avoided all possible photos. to their cameras.

"Hey, you two are too slow." Dissatisfied voices came from the community.

"Do you think our task is as simple as yours? We are going to the museum to steal things. Of course, we have to wait until it gets dark before starting." The two people who went later said.

"Do you think that we are simple? That woman named Thief is very troublesome. If it wasn't for her master's face, I really wanted to kill her." The person inside said angrily.

"It looks like you have suffered a lot from her. You won't really do anything to her, right? Her master is not someone to mess with."

"Hmph, I tied her up, under the river bridge, someone should find her tomorrow morning."

"Show us that thing. I have only heard of the name of that thing before, and I have never seen it before." The two people who went later took out the bronze cups, and what they wanted to see the most was the previous ones. Something that an individual got from a thief.